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  • Sky Sapiens
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Postat 06 November 2018 - 11:36 AM

Am descoperit clasa asta recent, prin intersectarea unor cautari de solutii tehnice automatizare F3F, despre care s-a discutat in topicul "dealul Sasului", si o notificare de la FAI, de modificare a regulamentului acestei clase, al carui text il gasiti citat la sfarsitul mesajului.

Pe scurt, este o cursa pe un traseu inchis, efectuata cu aeromodele alimentate din celule solare, cu sau fara acumulator buffer.
Limitari tehnice asupra modelului nu prea sunt, cea principala fiind suprafata "...between 21 dm2 and 43 dm2".
Din text nu pare foarte clar daca e vorba de suprafata modelului sau a celulelor... in regulamentul vechi era clar specificat "max area of solar generator 25 dm2" ceeace ducea la un model relativ mic, pana in 2m.

...pare cea mai din zilele noastre tehnologic (si environmental politic) proba... :) energia este solara, iar detectarea trecerii prin dreptul jaloanelor se face cu GPS.
ESC-ul este si el custom, controlat ca sa reduca turatia/curentul, daca conditiile atmosferice duc la scaderea iluminarii. Aceasta ultima conditie nu este musai, doar o consecinta fireasca a conditiei din regulament "The flight shall begin and conclude with a measured state of battery energy. A penalty shall be applied for finishing with less than the starting battery energy" si de asemenea este impusa de modul de functionare al celulelor solare, la care daca tragi in exces, pot intra intr-o stare de blocaj, reducere drastica a tensiunii, din care nu mai ies fara deconectare.

Topicul rcgroups, din care puteti vedea stadiul tehnologic al probei, relativ recenta, de anul trecut, il gasiti aici.
Puteti vedea acolo ca exista si puristi care militeaza pentru o forma si mai drastica a competitiei, fara baterie buffer, bazata pe alimentare solara 100%, ceeace pune problema alimentarii receptorului cu mai mare acuitate decat la RC-ul bazat pe baterii... Un BEC este totusi permis :) un supercapacitor insa nu, care sa tina tensiune pe receptor in scurtele momente cand de exemplu un viraj te poate duce in situatia ca intreaga aripa sa nu mai fie iluminata, sa ajunga paralelel cu razele solare = cadere de tensiune aproape totala...

Daca exista interes, as putea echipa un model pentru o asemenea proba, si face o demonstratie la una din etapele de campionat din primavara... :unsure:
Am deja experienta in echiparea unui model cu celule solare, dar pentru anduranta, nu pentru viteza, ca in cazul acestei probe.
De fapt, provocarea tehnologica este tocmai sa obtii viteza cu un asemenea model subpropulsat, pentru cine nu este la curent cu energia solara, 25 dm2 iti asigura maxim 40W :D Deci trebuie o propulsie optimizata la sange, si o aerodinamica la fel de zvelta... si mult soare :D


a) This is a closed-course energy accumulation, total distance, and landing event for radio- controlled electric-powered model aircraft using a combination of silicon solar cells and batteries. The flight shall begin and conclude with a measured state of battery energy. A penalty shall be applied for finishing with less than the starting battery energy. In this manner, the battery shall serve primarily as a buffer for solar energy.
B) Model Aircraft Specifications
General Specifications: See paragraph
Solar Array: The solar array must be composed solely of silicon solar cells on the top surface of the model having area between 21 dm2 and 43 dm2.
Propulsion/Receiver Power Source: See paragraph a) Maximum 42 volts.
The model’s RC control system will use the same power source as is used for propulsion. No separate battery is allowed for the control system.
Either the battery’s balance port or an extension of the battery’s balance port must be accessible to a 2.54 mm spaced male header connector with model inverted. Alternatively an approved telemetry based system maybe used to determine the battery voltage.
c) Model Aircraft Telemetry and Electronics
Model aircraft must be equipped with either GPS telemetry to demonstrate the model’s position relative to Base A and Base B planes to contest officials, or contest organizers may provide Base judges to document bases made, communicating this to the contestant’s helper via flags or “walkie-talkie” radios or other suitable signaling devices.
All other forms of telemetry are specifically allowed. Course Layout and Organization
a) The course shall be (2) parallel planes 150 meters apart per except that there is no Safety Plane and contestants may fly on one or both sides of the sighting devices if the field boundaries permit it. Contestants shall be spaced 3 or more meters apart having the sun azimuth to their backs (if possible). At least 1 set of landing circles shall be provided at a comfortable walking distance from the distance course.

B) Each round will start with model aircraft in the flight group placed inverted at the launch locations. The energy state of each model will be ascertained by measuring and recording the open circuit voltage at the battery balance port. The contest director will announce launch times at 5 to 15 second intervals. A timer shall be used to mark the launch time for each pilot. The helper shall upright and launch the contestant’s model to begin a 400 second thermal loiter and energy accumulation task. The model may be flown anywhere within the boundaries of the field within visual line of sight of the pilot/helper. The model may not be flown beyond visual line-of-sight at any time.
c) After the thermal loiter, a distance task is automatically started. The task starts at the Base closest to the pilot and concludes 600 seconds after launch. When the model crosses the first base after 400 seconds elapses in the direction of the other Base, counting of legs begins. The model aircraft must complete as many legs as possible from the starting Base to the other Base and return. There is no restriction on use of motor during this task.
d) After the distance task, a 60-second precision landing task will automatically start. The objective of the task is come to rest within the 10-meter circle precisely 660 seconds after launch. Once the model comes to rest, it must be inverted by the helper within 10 seconds to end solar accumulation. The battery balance port should be measured in place or the model removed to a safe location shielding the solar array from additional energy accumulation. If the model comes to rest in a position/location such that it cannot be inverted within 10 seconds, the flight is scored 0. Alternatively an approved telemetry based system maybe used to determine the battery voltage at the end of the flight. Scoring
a) Every completed Distance leg will be awarded 10 points.
B) Precision duration points shall be awarded at the rate of one point/second after 630 seconds. Precision duration points shall be subtracted from 30 at the rate of one point/second after 660 with no precision points awarded if the total flight time is greater than 690 seconds.
c) An additional 30/20/10 points for landing shall we awarded if the model comes to rest in within 30-20-10 meter diameter circles as defined by a tape.
d) Points shall be subtracted from the score if system energy at the conclusion of the flight is less than at the beginning of the flight at a rate of 1 point per net 3 watt-minutes consumed according to the formula: (net open circuit voltage loss)*(battery pack nameplate capacity in Ah)*20

e) The pilot with the most points in each flight group will be awarded 1000 points. The other pilots will be awarded points according to the formula: (Individual Score/Winning Flight Group Score)*1000.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de renatoa: 06 November 2018 - 11:39 AM

... cu picioarele pe pamant ...

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