Felipe Vadillo Designed Dynamo Planor de sandou
Postat 20 May 2016 - 10:18 AM
Nu mi-a sarit in ochi la RR ... :unsure:
Atunci chiar ca ar merita incercata pastrarea profilului si doar inmultite nervurile.
Proportiile nu sunt ciudate, si la BD mijlocul pare chinuit intre cele doua extreme.
Postat 21 May 2016 - 10:05 AM
Am inceput cu fuselajul inspirindu-ma dupa articolul din Soaring digest.Piesele se imbina bine nu sunt probleme,putina atentie la asamblarea celor doua laterale ale fuselajului in rest constructie simpla ,clasica, fara probleme.
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Postat 21 May 2016 - 10:07 AM
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Postat 21 May 2016 - 02:44 PM
Piesele taiate arata foarte bine, se vede ca LaserCut e expert - nici nu a fost scump. Placile de balsa sunt din comertul socialist, nu cele mai grozave.
Fuselajul a iesit excelent si e diferit fata de cel de la hobbyking, e mai suplu si mult mai usor, hobbyking a pus placaj, in proiectul original e balsa.
Planurile sunt complete dar fara explicatii, trebuie sa te uiti de mai multe ori pana le intelegi. Lonjeronul trebuie placat fie cu bageta de pin (ieftin si se gaseste) fie cu platbanda de carbon (1x5mm) - nu am gasit la furnizorii uzuali.
Evident ca vreau si eu un kit taiat.
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 21 May 2016 - 03:01 PM
"Norocul astepta tacut stiind viitorul"
Postat 21 May 2016 - 06:09 PM
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Postat 21 May 2016 - 07:33 PM
Fuselajele vor fi similare/identice (cu ceva imbunatari pentru usurare / scadere cost de taiere / marire rezistenta / posibilitate montat motor electric gen 2830) pina la 2 m anvergura, va fi un fuselaj XL pentru anverguri 2.2-2.5 m, exista deja aripa de 2 m cu acelasi set de nervuri ca la Dynamo (am ajuns deja la V2, dupa ce am taiat primul set si am montat aseara fara adeziv am facut niste modificari), am in lucru un set de nervuri cu acelasi profil dar folosind carbon la lonjeroane, BA si BF (nervurile sunt gata, trebuie doar sa le optimizez amplasarea pe placa de balsa), am gata programul pentru desenare nervuri pentru alte profile pe care le doriti samd samd.
Asta e rugamintea mea: ce e legat de Dynamo "pur" (anvergura 1.5 m varianta Felipe sau cea HobbyKing) aici ...alte proiecte derivate sau cereri de configuratii pe topicul de Endler.
Postat 21 May 2016 - 07:43 PM
tot Felipe Vadillo
Aceasta postare a fost editata de stiganas: 21 May 2016 - 07:43 PM
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 21 May 2016 - 08:50 PM
Pina ma voi hotari nu voi placa partea de sus a fuselajului.
Am incercat si pull-spring dar ampenajele fiind facute din balsa de 2mm se torsioneaza urit de tot in mommentul actionarii.E adevarat ca am incercat cu sirma de 0.4.
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Postat 21 May 2016 - 08:55 PM
Focke, la 21 May 2016 - 08:50 PM, a spus:
Pina ma voi hotari nu voi placa partea de sus a fuselajului.
Am incercat si pull-spring dar ampenajele fiind facute din balsa de 2mm se torsioneaza urit de tot in mommentul actionarii.E adevarat ca am incercat cu sirma de 0.4.
Tare frumos iti iese!!!
Postat 21 May 2016 - 09:10 PM
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elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 22 May 2016 - 06:34 PM
Planurile vin in fisiere cdr, dxf si dwg. Dintr-un motiv necunoscut aripa light nu se vede in planurile dwg si dxf. Ceva suspect. Mi-am luat inima in dinti si am instalat demo-ul de CorelDraw si pot raporta cu mandrie ca si planurile aripii light sunt prezente in totalitate in fisierul cdr.
Evident ca vreau si o aripa light, cine nu ar vrea :)
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 23 May 2016 - 10:13 PM
Aici totul clar,ordinea ar fi asta:se aseaza pe plan foaia de balsa de 1mm pt bordul de atac, se lipeste strip de carbon de 1x5mm sau pin 1x5mm(eu am pus carbon 1x4mm,nu am gasit altceva),se lipeste lonjeronul peste strip(de preferat epoxi 5min.)apoi se lipesc profilele de lonjeron,bordul de fuga si bord atac(am folosit ciano mediu).Urmeaza stripul de carbon peste lonjeron (epoxi)si la final se placheaza cu balsa de 1mm extrdosul bordului de atac.
Urmatoarele segmente ale aripii au un unghi diedru de 30mm unul fata de celalalt.Ce nu e prevazut in acest plan e unghiul profilului astfel incit atunci cind se monteaza segmentele intre ele acestea sa aiba diedrul corespunzator.
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Postat 23 May 2016 - 10:14 PM
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Postat 23 May 2016 - 10:15 PM
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Postat 23 May 2016 - 10:25 PM
Focke, la 23 May 2016 - 10:13 PM, a spus:
Aici totul clar,ordinea ar fi asta:se aseaza pe plan foaia de balsa de 1mm pt bordul de atac, se lipeste strip de carbon de 1x5mm sau pin 1x5mm(eu am pus carbon 1x4mm,nu am gasit altceva),se lipeste lonjeronul peste strip(de preferat epoxi 5min.)apoi se lipesc profilele de lonjeron,bordul de fuga si bord atac(am folosit ciano mediu).Urmeaza stripul de carbon peste lonjeron (epoxi)si la final se placheaza cu balsa de 1mm extrdosul bordului de atac.
Urmatoarele segmente ale aripii au un unghi diedru de 30mm unul fata de celalalt.Ce nu e prevazut in acest plan e unghiul profilului astfel incit atunci cind se monteaza segmentele intre ele acestea sa aiba diedrul corespunzator.
Uita-te mai bine pe plan.. e un mare V vertical la fiecare sectiune si scrie mare si foarte clar "diedro 3cm"
Deci daca nu ai template de unghi diedru ridici segmentul si il sprijini pe o carte de 3 cm :). Chestia asta de 3 cm se pastreaza la toate cele 3 segmente.
Iar planurile sunt 1:1, ai lungimea fiecarui segment. Gasesti si un calculator stiintific sa faci un arcsin (30/lungime segment) ..si de aici pina la unghiul sub care trebuie montata nervura nu mai e decat un pas. Trigonometrie de scoala generala. Sau in QCad in meniul de Info ai o optiune de calculat unghi intre doua segmente.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de ender67: 23 May 2016 - 10:29 PM
Postat 23 May 2016 - 10:34 PM
Cum bine zicea Traian /F2b ...inainte de a monta o aripa cea mai buna strategie e sa faci o "vizualizare virtuala" a tot procesului de montare ca sa fii scutit de surprize pe parcurs.
Postat 23 May 2016 - 11:05 PM
Postat 23 May 2016 - 11:12 PM
Focke, la 23 May 2016 - 11:05 PM, a spus:
Nu vreau sa intru in detalii...dar am oaresice motive ...si asta nu pentru cele doua intalniri si telefoanele pe care le-am schimbat saptaminile trecute (alea erau normale)...ci pentru dialogul care ar fi trebuit sa aiba loc recent si nu a avut loc. Daca nu stii la ce ma refer poti sa iti dau detalii pe PM...
Postat 23 May 2016 - 11:23 PM
Postat 23 May 2016 - 11:50 PM
Deci, ca sa ramana topicul curat, am cumparat Dynamo de la HobbyKing, am cumparat planurile de la Felipe (singur), Focke construieste unul, eu o sa construiesc unul, TravelAir o sa faca si el unul (ii trimit lemnele taiate) si poate o sa fim mai multi.
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 24 May 2016 - 02:42 AM
- Stefan si cu mine am cumparat 2 panoare Dynamo de la HK
- stiam de planurile de vanzare din 2014 (august , pictorialul din RCSD) si Stefan a aflat si pretul
- EU am cumparat planurile pe data de 6 mai, pot sa fac dovada platii prin Paypal si coresponenta cu Felipe
- Stefan a vrut sa afle continutul kitului si s-a oferit sa acopere jumatate din costuri
- fiind in deplasare in strainatate nu am avut acces la desktop si i-am facut fwd la mailul cu planurile primite si in care se putea vedea in raspunsul lui Felipe "the value of the files for personal use is 40 dollars" ...planurile au fost trimise pe data de 9 mai
- cand am fost vinerea trecuta pe 20 mai sa tai un kit am avut surpriza sa aflu ca mai taiase cineva un kit inaintea mea (si nu era vorba de Stefan) si ca urmau sa se mai taie si altele.
Ca sa fie clar: nu ma intereseaza sa imi recuperez "investitia" si nici nu vreau sa am monopol pe aceste planuri (dimpotriva). Vreau doar sa le utilizez (si sa le utilizam) in conditii conforme cu conditiile in care mi-au fost date.
Vad ca azi mi-au intrat in cont de la Stefan jumatate din costul platit de mine ...nu e o solutie cat timp kitul a ajuns si la altii fara stirea mea si fara sa fiu macar anuntat.
Stefan zice ca l-a platit azi si ca OK ca l-a taiat Dragos ...din punctul meu de vedere ii transfer inapoi in cont banii ajunsi la mine si eu sunt cu constiinta impacata si n-ar trebui sa ma mai intereseze mai departe ca n-am in calcat eu conditiile.
Poate fi si asta o solutie mai morala...dar nu e o solutie pentru noi toti.
Intentia mea este sa ii dau lui Felipe proiectele derivate din proiectul lui (precum si alte programe dezvoltate de mine si care s-ar putea sa il ajute) si sa ii cer acceptul ca sa putem folosi aceste proiecte derivate intr-un mod care sa nu ii lezeze interesele (necompetitiv ...adica nu ne apucam sa producem pe scara larga proiectul lui de Dynamo) si sa colaboram in viitor si la alte proiecte gen Dynamo Evo.
Asta pornind de la premiza ca sunteti interesati sa putem produce un planor performant, ieftin, usor de construit .. si sa avem si un respect minim pentru cei care si-au pierdut timpul proiectand asa ceva.
Postat 24 May 2016 - 02:49 AM
ender67, la 24 May 2016 - 02:42 AM, a spus:
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 24 May 2016 - 02:55 AM
stiganas, la 20 April 2016 - 09:44 PM, a spus:
stefan hello,
good morning,
thanks for the interest in the model, for the moment I'm just outside marketed laser cutting files. via digital, payment is by pay pal and costs 40 dollars, so you can cut your porpio kit, Cluan version also includes lightweight wing.
files .dwg .dxf format are .cdr
the unit of measurement is metric.
if you are interested in the armed model, you can purchase a king hobby, right now the HK version ready to fly this offer !!!
thank you for visiting, I hope contact
greetings felipe
Daca planorul de la HobbyKing e misto merita cumparate fisierele si taiat/asamblat dupa gustul fiecaruia. ARF de la HobbyKing pleaca de la 350g in sus in timp ce construit dupa plan pleaca de la 210g (variana de la hobbyking e diferita putin fata de plan, e adaptata pentru productia de masa si motor)
Ceea ce am si facut :)
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 25 May 2016 - 01:40 AM
- pentru un proiect "comunitar" avem permisiunea lui deplina. ... a mentionat chiar ceva notiunea de "kit national"
- fara conditii speciale, doar ca ar vrea sa aiba si el acces la planuri
- putem colabora , putem folosi denumirea de Dynamo XL, putem spune ca e un proiect comun daca asta ajuta la marketing, publicitate si vanzari
Concluzia: liber la taiat kituri, si putem dezvolta proiecte comerciale comune...asta inseaman ca vom avea acces si sau participa la dezvoltarea proiectelor viitoare.
Mail trimis ieri:
Hi Felipe,
Inspired by your Dynamo plans I've created some derivative work ...for the moment for personal use.
In Germany there is a very strong comeback of 2 m balsa RES gliders and I wanted to create something similar to Dynamo but on a larger scale. Also our colleagues in Romanian RC model forum are interested in some high performance, low price, easy to build, local made glider..and they were very impressed with the performance of the Dynamo from HK (I bought one of them before I asked you for the plans...just wanted to be able to cut some spare parts in case I needed them).
Usually I build with balsa with composites (fuselage, D-box, carbon strips and so on .... home-made Pulsar technology) but I wanted to try also a low budget all balsa project.
Attached you can find the results of several days of work.
Here is the content of the 7 balsa boards of 2 mm:
- stabs plus 1/3 of ribs
- the rest of the ribs
- spar and TEs for 2 meter wing
- upper/lower part of fuselaje plus formers and small pieces (similar in size with original Dynamo)
- side parts of fuselage
- spar and TEs for 1.8 meter wing
- pieces for longer fuselage (made with 107 cm balsa boards).
For a glider you need 5 balsa boards ...my intention is to use this as a flexible platform for several wing sizes with different profiles.
Ribs were designed with a program made by myself (I'm a computer engineer) .. in the last month I was working on a program to create wing molds starting from XFLR5 project files (a text file with structure of the wing and airfoil dat files). The "mold" program is still work in progress (I've got past the milestone of creating accurate 3D models of wing and I'm working on the mold part) but this months I've created a different version if the program for drawing ribs, spars and wing plans. Beside the wing structure you just have to input the kind of D-box sheeting you want (1 mm balsa or thinner composite D-box), what kind of balsa you want for ribs (for instance 2 mm), what kind of spar (4 mm for instance), what kind of spar cap (5x1 mm), what kind of TE (let's say carbon 3x1...or balsa 20x2 mm), what kind if spar you want for LE (carbon 1x1...for instance a carbon rod), where do you want the control surfaces and of course the distance between ribs...and the program just draws the ribs for you and the wing plan and the spars in several seconds. Output is ASCII DXF files so you can import them easily.
Although the wings are original (but using the same HM51 profile with a different planform and of course different sizes)...the fuselage is not. I have to admit that is a clone of your fuselage.Would you be so kind to allow me to use it for my projects and and share it with the RC model community in Romania?
Are you interested in this kind of projects (Dynamo XLs ...1.8 m, 2m, maybe 2.2 m and even 2.4 meters)? I'm also working on some special projects like eliptical wings...up till now I tried to create Radian style wings with multiple linear segments...now that I have my program for computing wing models (by the way, it's very accurate, a half wing is computed with up to 400 sections 5 mm apart, with 500 points in an airfoil per section...originally it was meant for 4 meter wings...for 2 meter the sections are 2.5 mm apart)...now I'm able to compute ribs and spars for Radian style wings with no visible dihedrals, pure Radian style (but it will be very hard to put foil on it I guess)...
As you can see beside trying to create programs to draw ribs I have to do a significant amount of optimization of placing the pieces in board in order to minimize material loss and cutting costs.
If you need any help in the future projects (like Dynamo Evo) or are interested in derivative projects like Dynamo XL or you are interested in programs like these just let me know....and I will be more than happy to share my work with you.
But for the moment I want to know what are your conditions to use some derivative work (but still somehow related to Dynamo ...like some common parts) for non-personal use (like sharing with the community or selling them in a non-profit manner).
For instance 2 meters RES gliders CNC kits made in Germany are 150+ euros...my 2 meter kit is less than 50 euros...
Sorry for the long message, I'm looking forward for you answer.
Yours truly,
Tiberiu Atudorei
Raspunsul primit azi:
hello good day, how nice it is to see entucastas as create new models !!! especially when it comes to beyond a commercial purpose, a didactic purpose and make available to more people a good thermal model.I like the idea of developing models of different magnitudes, based on the original design of Dynamo. I consider it a compliment !!!with respect to the raise of utilixzar almost equal pieces for your models commercially, I really appreciate you be checking me, and as I said above if it is for a veeficio community of thermal flight, so be it and conta my full support and commercial permission. I do not have any conditions so you can use them without envargo I would like to have access to their planes and who says maybe do some national kit of its developments and can if you like and think is right, you can use the name Dynamo Xl, and mention that is a joint development, perhaps use this resource can help better advertising and selling them, can also do some advertising in any medium magazine.
regarding their developments in porgramas simulation seems great contribution, although I'm not using them for my development I never rule out the use of the same, ever arme some simulation in XFLR but diferenctes reasons nunco conclude their calculations, quiezas by lack of time to learn to use them, if you have any sample version of yours I would like to try.
grateful for your words and for sharing with me your concerns, we keep this contact, I'm sure we can do together in cute and good models for the enjoyment of thermal flight !!!
Postat 26 May 2016 - 05:44 PM
Set proaspat cu miros de ars taiat de lasercut. Abia astept sa ma apuc de lucru. Dragos e mult mai avansat dar a muncit in draci, aripa are cateva puncte (foarte) sensibile.

Number of downloads: 44
aripa light e si mai cotoioasa.
O sa-i cer lui Felipe ceva sfaturi inainte de a ma arunca in lucrare. Dai un ban dar poti sa-l sacai pe autor o viata :)
Aceasta postare a fost editata de stiganas: 26 May 2016 - 07:44 PM
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 26 May 2016 - 08:18 PM
Pentru aripa light si nu numai,vorbeam si cu Stefan si am ajuns la concluzia ca ar fi mai bine sa profilam intai bordul de fuga si apoi sa-l montam, zona fiind foarte fragila.Sau poate are cineva o idee mai buna.
Fuselajul e finisat,m-am hotarit la bowden pentru profundor (sirma otel de 1mm,sau sirma otel de 0.8mm sau carbon de 1mm ) si tras-tras pe directie.
Greuatatea pina in acest stadiu:fuselaj + 2 servo de 9g + ampenaje = 90g si aripa fara monocot 97g.Sirma otel de 1mm are 7g !!!!
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