Vand motor pe benzina MLD 28 cc + toba PITTS + 3 elici si con de carbon :
Engine Displacement- 28cc
Bore x Stroke (mm) - 1.37"x1.14"
Horse Power - 2.8BHP
Carburetor- Walbro
Ignition- CDI Ignition w/auto advance
Weight w/ ignition and muffler-33 oz
Weight-w/o ignition and muffler-30 oz
RPM range- 1200-9,600
Oil/Gas Mix- 30:1 - 50:1
Propeller- 16x8 - 16x10 for pattern, speed or warbirds
18x6 - 18x8 for 3D
Pret : 600 ron negociabil Mai multe detalii la telefon : 0740 337779.
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Motor pe benzina MLD28 cc + Motor OS MAX FX .91
Postat 04 September 2014 - 05:33 AM
Daca vinzi conul separat si 1-2 elice asi fi interesat,stima.
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