Modelism - RHC Forum: Vand regulator Turnigy AE-65A Brushless - Modelism - RHC Forum

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Vand regulator Turnigy AE-65A Brushless Nefolosit

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Postat 01 August 2014 - 12:06 PM

Seria de regulatoare Turnigy AE se bazeaza pe un microprocesor nou si foarte puternic.
Noul microprocesor inseamna inseamna sincronizare ultrarapida, raspuns mai rapid la acceleratie, consum mai redus de curent si regim termic mai bun pentru FET-uri.

Output: Continuous 65A, burst 70A up to 10 seconds.
Input Voltage: 2-6 cells lithium battery or 5-18 cells NIMH battery.
BEC: Linear 4A @ 5V
Control Signal Transmission: Optically coupled system.
Max Speed:
2 Pole: 210,000rpm
6 Pole: 70,000rpm
12 Pole: 35,000rpm
Size: 70mm (L) * 34mm (W) * 17mm (H).
Weight: 73g.

High performance microprocessor brings out the best compatibility with all kinds of motors and the highest driving efficiency.
Wide-open heatsink design to get the best heat dissipation effect.
Improved Normal, Soft, Very-Soft start modes, compatible with aircraft and helicopter.
Smooth, linear, quick and precise throttle response.
Multiple protection features: Low-voltage cut-off protection / Over-heat protection / Throttle signal loss protection
Programable via transmitter and Turnigy BESC programming card
Programming features:
Brake setting (we recommend using brake for only folding props applications)
Battery type(Li-xx or Ni-xx)
Low voltage cutoff setting
Factory default setup restore
Timing settings (to enhance ESC efficiency and smoothness)
Soft acceleration start ups (for delicate gearbox applications)
Low voltage cutoff type (power reduction orirnmediate shutdown)
Governor mode
Built-in BEC Output(5.25V or 6V)

Factory default settings:
Brake: off
Battery type: Li-xx (Li-ion or Li-Po)
Low voltage cutoff threshold: Soft cut-off (2.6V)
Timing setup: Low
Soft Acceleration Start Up: Normal
Low voltage cutoff type: Medium

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