Vand una bucata Volantex Firstar, pachet aproape complet (lipseste manualul).
Avionul este zburat o singura data, data in care am observat ca sunt total antitalent si am reusit sa-i fac si o mica fisura (se poate vedea in poze)
Pachetul contine:
-Model - cu toata electronica
-Statie in 2.4Ghz
-Baterie LiPo 2S
-Stickere-le originale nefolosite
-Incarcator USB
Pentru mai multe detalii/poze/dimensiuni, il gasiti aici: http://www.speedrc.r...ghz-rtf-7255022
Pretul este de 260 RON
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Volantex Firstar RTF avion incepatori
Postat 10 June 2014 - 01:47 PM
Racing - Because Football, Baseball, Bowling & Golf, only require ONE BALL
-Yokomo BD7
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
M.D.T. - Militari Durango Team
-Yokomo BD7
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
M.D.T. - Militari Durango Team
Postat 10 June 2014 - 01:49 PM
Si pozele
Fisiere atasate
IMG_1100.jpg (224.93K)
Number of downloads: 221 -
IMG_1101.jpg (208.92K)
Number of downloads: 231 -
IMG_1099.jpg (264.52K)
Number of downloads: 259 -
IMG_1097.JPG (258.48K)
Number of downloads: 273 -
IMG_1098.jpg (348.44K)
Number of downloads: 246
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Uzzy: 10 June 2014 - 01:49 PM
Racing - Because Football, Baseball, Bowling & Golf, only require ONE BALL
-Yokomo BD7
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
M.D.T. - Militari Durango Team
-Yokomo BD7
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
M.D.T. - Militari Durango Team
Postat 18 June 2014 - 08:28 PM
Racing - Because Football, Baseball, Bowling & Golf, only require ONE BALL
-Yokomo BD7
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
M.D.T. - Militari Durango Team
-Yokomo BD7
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
M.D.T. - Militari Durango Team
Postat 25 June 2014 - 08:53 AM
sus, pretul este negociabil
Racing - Because Football, Baseball, Bowling & Golf, only require ONE BALL
-Yokomo BD7
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
M.D.T. - Militari Durango Team
-Yokomo BD7
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
M.D.T. - Militari Durango Team
Postat 07 July 2014 - 10:47 AM
Sus, valabil si negociabil!
Racing - Because Football, Baseball, Bowling & Golf, only require ONE BALL
-Yokomo BD7
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
M.D.T. - Militari Durango Team
-Yokomo BD7
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
M.D.T. - Militari Durango Team
Postat 07 July 2014 - 09:21 PM
Racing - Because Football, Baseball, Bowling & Golf, only require ONE BALL
-Yokomo BD7
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
M.D.T. - Militari Durango Team
-Yokomo BD7
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
M.D.T. - Militari Durango Team
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