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Vand diverse componenete Mikrokopter. Noi sau foarte putin folosite.

#1 Useril este offline   Marian B. 

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  • Grup: Members
  • Postari: 80
  • Inregistrat: 13-September 12
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:Bucuresti

Postat 25 March 2014 - 03:32 PM

Vand urmatoarele:

- 8 motoare MK 3638 noi noute, 4 din ele au fost testate 25 de minute pe un Quad XL, vin cu sistem de prindere elice ax de 6mm.
Pret per bucata: 210 RON

- Flight controller MK FC v2.2, are 25 de minute de zbor, testat pe acelasi Quad XL
Pret: 1100 RON

- Power distribution board MK Quad XL, radiatoare pe BL-urile v2.0, mufa Deans sau XT 60 la alegere, estimez undeva la o ora - o ora si jumatate flight time.
Pret: 900 RON

Contact PM sau 0728.829.733

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Marian B.: 25 March 2014 - 03:32 PM

Okto Heavy Lift, Carbon Frame, FC 2.1 ME with ACC upgrade, Navi-Ctrl V2.0, MKGPS V2.1, Graupner MX-20, AXI 2814/22 Gold Line
Okto Heavy Lift, Carbon Frame, FC 2.1 ME with ACC upgrade, Navi-Ctrl V2.0, MKGPS V2.1, Graupner MX-20, Altigator A3536 Motors
Quad X Heavy Lift, PRO Carbon Frame, FC 2.1 ME with ACC upgrade, Navi-Ctrl V2.0, MKGPS V2.1, Graupner MX-20, MK3638 Motors
Hexa, DJI F550 Frame, DJI NAZA v1, DJI GPS, Roxxy 2827-35, Altigator 40A ESC's, Graupner MX-12, Tarot T-2D Brushless Gimbal
Hexa DJI F550 Frame, DJI Naza v2, DJI GPS, DJI Motors, DJI Mini Osd, DJI Bluetooth Module, DJI Zenmuse H3-2D, Graupner MX-20 un DJI Phantom, ca e alb! :))

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