ARCUS ROBBE - merita ? planor pur
Postat 30 October 2012 - 09:27 AM
Maximizing Your Launch Potential
by Joe Wurts
There are a few items that make for a good launch. We can break it down into three different areas, which I cover here. The first is the aircraft set-up, which includes the launch pre-sets, mixes used during the launch, and the towhook location. The second is the actual launch up to the zoom segment. This includes pre-tensioning, the throw, and the climb while on the line. The third is the zoom itself, which encompasses the dive to capture the line tension built-up during the climb, the pullout, and the free climb to convert kinetic energy (speed) into altitude.
For the aircraft set-up that I use for launch, I have full-span camber (ailerons and flaps down equally) of about 20-25 degrees, along with the maximum aileron-rudder mix allowable. Also with this is the maximum safe up-elevator pre-set that I can get away with, which is dependent on the towhook position. A more forward towhook position needs more up-preset than an aft one. The towhook should be very near the CG, or more accurately, 10-15 degrees forward of the aircraft neutral point for the technically inclined. This is an aggressive set-up which should be used by advanced fliers only (sometimes this is aft of the CG being used!). For newer fliers or those wanting a more docile but lower launch, place the towhook 10-15 degrees ahead of the CG. The idea is to get the maximum useable Cl (lift) out of the wing during the launch.
To develop the up elevator preset, I do a series of launches, each having a little more up preset, until the plane becomes unstable on tow, then back off just a little from this. What I look for is an airplane that goes up the line pulling strongly hands-off. The method used for optimizing the actual launch depends on several variables, wind speed, type of line, and whether there is a retriever hooked up. For all cases a good strong throw is very important. How much line tension you build up before the throw should be dependent on the amount of wind at the time. In general, have more tension for less wind. If there is no wind or a tailwind (Visalia comes to mind...), throw strongly with as much tension as you feel comfortable with. During the initial climb portion try to keep as much line tension as the model can stand in no-wind situations. Conversely, if you are launching into a good breeze, let the wind do the work and use only a moderate tension during the climb (line on the drum = altitude that you don’t get).
As you get to the upper part of the launch, build up as much tension as you feel comfortable with (you and the model both!) in preparation for the zoom. The optimum zoom point will vary with the wind speed. In no-wind situations, the best zoom point is almost over the turnaround, but in moderate to strong winds you want to start your zoom much earlier. In anything over about 12mph of headwind, you want to start your zoom at about 60 degrees up from the turnaround for best results, which is surprisingly early. The amount of dive should be quite short, and most people dive for too long. Along with this, the dive should be fairly steep as you are trying to get the energy out of the line as quickly as possible (drag is high at high speeds).After this quick dive you want to pull out smartly to quickly convert speed into altitude. The optimum pull-out will be at the Cl for L/D max, which turns out to be a rather abrupt maneuver. The best climb is rather steep, 60 degrees or more.
Give this a try. You will be pleased with the results!
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 30 October 2012 - 11:56 AM
Typical hook position is about 1/4" in front of the CG, but having it closer
will usually give you higher launches.
asta e cam 6 mm.
vlad1, la 29 October 2012 - 08:06 AM, a spus:
Este util inca un cirlig 40 - 50 mm in fata CG, cu care se remorcheaza in conditii de vint puternic.
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 11 November 2012 - 12:47 PM
In bot se afla bateria 2s 800mah (ramasa dintr-un 3s cu o celula busita), ceva plumb inghesuit si un un BEC taiat dintr-un ESC Esky busit. Am taiat cu dremelul partea cu cele doua regulatoare. Merge foarte bine si are vreo 2g (la ESKY sustinea 4 servo la 3s), este chestia aia imbracata in shrink albastru.

Number of downloads: 64
In fuselaj se vad cele doua servo - cele orange pe care le iubesc si receptorul Orange cu 6 canale.

Number of downloads: 70
Daca o sa fac inca un EzGlider planor pur o sa il echipez la fel.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de stiganas: 11 November 2012 - 12:48 PM
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 11 November 2012 - 05:43 PM
1.daca vrei sa zbori la altitudine sau distanta,ar fi bine sa inlocuiesti receptorul Orange,asta in cazul in care nu are si satelit
2.accumulatorul se pozitioneaza foarte bine in canopy,astfel ramane suficient spatiu pentru echilibrat...
Succes si ..aterizari line...
Postat 11 November 2012 - 05:54 PM
- de ce ar fi bine sa inlocuiesc receptorul Orange ? Ai avut probleme cu raza de actiune ?
- de ce sa pun bateria in canopie ? Eu am pus bateria impinsa in bot la maxim si tot mai e nevoie de plumb. Nu are motor.
GALLY, la 11 November 2012 - 05:43 PM, a spus:
1.daca vrei sa zbori la altitudine sau distanta,ar fi bine sa inlocuiesti receptorul Orange,asta in cazul in care nu are si satelit
2.accumulatorul se pozitioneaza foarte bine in canopy,astfel ramane suficient spatiu pentru echilibrat...
Succes si ..aterizari line...
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 11 November 2012 - 09:02 PM
1.banuiesc ca ai o statie care foloseste tehnologia DSM2,de genul SPEKTRUM dx...,la care sunt compatibile aceste RX...daca te uiti atent ele au si mufa pentru satelit,pe care eu cat l-am cautat nu l-am gasit...(folosesc si eu acest RX,dar pe raza scurta),RX statiei prevede si acest satelit,care mareste raza de RC GROUPS,parca sunt niste teste de acest gen,sper sa nu ma insel,(nu am citit eu ci un coleg),dar decizia iti apartine...
2.punand pack,in canopie,il si protejezi impotriva unor crashuri ,nedorite,sau aterizari mai dure,si ramane mai mult spatiu pentru centraj,ESC,...da am inteles ca este in configuratia planor...
bafta la mai ales la..termica...
Postat 11 November 2012 - 10:05 PM
- daca ai un receptor care prinde semnal la 100m nu castigi nimic daca pui 2-3 receptoare in paralel. Tot 100m o sa ai raza de actiune.
De ce se pun mai multe receptoare/sateliti ?
1. Sunt pozitii in care antena prinde mai slab. Daca ai doua antene puse la 90 grade cel putin una din ele o sa aibe receptie buna.
2. E posibil ca antena/antenele sa fie ecranate, asta mai ales daca ai mult carbon in model. Daca ai mai multe antene, inteligent distribuite pe model - una din ele o sa aibe receptie.
Astea fiind spuse la un model din spuma nu am avut niciodata probleme de receptie fara nici un satelit indiferent cat de departe m-am dus. Intre noi fie vorba cu un model de 1.8m nu poti sa te duci prea departe chiar si daca ai ochi de vultur.
Peste asta daca repceptorul are probleme cu semnalul ledul o sa clipeasca. Niciodata nu mi-a clipit ledul (am facut teste in fuselaj de carbon si ledul a clipit). Am si sateliti da pentru alte modele.
Ca orice planor are nevoie de balast. Daca nu ii pun pakul in bot trebuie sa adaug mai mult plumb, sa il fac mai greu. Ultima mea grija e sa protejez un pak de 4 USD.
Planorul a fost 350 RON. Electronica a fost 70 RON. Planorul nu se mai face, electronica e pe toate drumurile. Oare dupa ce o sa plang mai tare daca il busesc ?
Peste asta locul din canopie este rezervat pentru variometru. Dupa variometru plang.
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 11 November 2012 - 10:18 PM
Postat 01 May 2013 - 01:56 PM
Am tras mai multe lansari asa ca mi-am cam facut o parere.
- planeaza bine, se simte ca e mai usor ca EZG
- este mult mai fasnet/instabil - nu am reusit sa fac inca cercuri stranse precum fac cu EZG
- se vede pe cer mult mai greu, e mai subtire, mai putin colorat - cum o fi, dupa 250m e un chin.
Am atasat cel mai bun zbor.

Number of downloads: 24
Puteam sa mai stau dar am vrut sa vad cum se comporta in coborare dura si pare ca se comporta bine.
In concluzie, EZG imi place mult mai mult. In aceeasi zi am reusit sa urc de la 12m, o performanta. Nu cred ca as fi reusit sa fac asta cu Arcus.

Number of downloads: 22
Cu semnalul nu am nici o problema, merge receptorul orange fara nici un satelit de rupe. Nu il deranjeaza emisia vario.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de stiganas: 01 May 2013 - 02:07 PM
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 12 March 2014 - 07:54 PM
Cine oftteaza dupa Arcusul de demult este de vanzare la pret de lichidare la:
cred ca ASW 15 e disparut deja. Bune, rele, erau planoare Robbe nu NineEagle, FlyFly, etc.
Peste cativa ani o sa-l pot vinde pe al meu pe bani grei colectionarilor.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de stiganas: 12 March 2014 - 08:45 PM
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 30 April 2017 - 07:29 PM
Nici la Rapa nu a facut mare branza in ziua cu termica fara vant dar sambata, in ziua cu vant de panta a prins viata. Cu vant puternic de panta e alt planor, planeaza bine, stabil, controlabil si se infige fara probleme - toate astea din lansari la sandou. Ma gandeam sa-l vand/abandonez dar acum il privesc cu alti ochi.
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 12 October 2018 - 08:32 PM

Number of downloads: 27
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/