CHESTII TEHNICE - IMPORTANTE despre HELI despre cum zboara elicopterele
Postat 26 July 2012 - 04:41 PM
pentru cei interesati...
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 26 July 2012 - 04:46 PM
Ionel, la 26 July 2012 - 04:41 PM, a spus:
pentru cei interesati...
sint informatii foarte interesante!
insa de cele mai multe ori deciziile pe care le luam in pripa nu sunt cele mai bune!
Postat 26 July 2012 - 04:53 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 26 July 2012 - 06:51 PM
(aerodinamica e totusi aceeasi si la cele mari si la cele mici).
Mai simplu (ca fost zburator de elicoptere 1/1). Pala care vine din spatele elicopterului spre in fata lui (prin miscarea de rotatie), ramane in urma (miscare de baleaj) si urca (miscare batanta).
sa fiu mai explicit. La un rotor portant care se invarte in sensul acelor de ceasornic, partea din dreapta a a rotorului tinde sa se ridice intotdeauna (viteza e mai mare caci se aduna viteza de rotatie cu cea de inaintare - deci portanta mai mare) prin ramanerea palei acestea in spate si prin urcarea ei (mecanic scaderea unghiului de incidenta) se rezolva aceasta problema de asimetrie a portantei. De aici aceste miscari ale palelor care inainteaza (si invers pentru cele care se retrag - adica la rotorul de care vorbesc, cand sunt pe partea dreapta).... nu mai vorbim de inel turbionar ....sau de autorotatie!!! sau de forte coriollis....
Ps - unii si-au dat doctoratul in platoul ciclic al elicopterului...
Postat 26 July 2012 - 07:35 PM
Mihai_supy, la 26 July 2012 - 06:51 PM, a spus:
(aerodinamica e totusi aceeasi si la cele mari si la cele mici).
Mai simplu (ca fost zburator de elicoptere 1/1). Pala care vine din spatele elicopterului spre in fata lui (prin miscarea de rotatie), ramane in urma (miscare de baleaj) si urca (miscare batanta).
sa fiu mai explicit. La un rotor portant care se invarte in sensul acelor de ceasornic, partea din dreapta a a rotorului tinde sa se ridice intotdeauna (viteza e mai mare caci se aduna viteza de rotatie cu cea de inaintare - deci portanta mai mare) prin ramanerea palei acestea in spate si prin urcarea ei (mecanic scaderea unghiului de incidenta) se rezolva aceasta problema de asimetrie a portantei. De aici aceste miscari ale palelor care inainteaza (si invers pentru cele care se retrag - adica la rotorul de care vorbesc, cand sunt pe partea dreapta).... nu mai vorbim de inel turbionar ....sau de autorotatie!!! sau de forte coriollis....
Ps - unii si-au dat doctoratul in platoul ciclic al elicopterului...
vad ca te pricepi - am o intrebare sincera... uita-te te rog la postul de la:
si spune-mi te rog daca merita incercata o astfel de solutie constructiva - adica o pala normala iar la cealalta parte doar o greutate de compensare pusa pe o tija (cam jumatate din lungimea palei pentru a nu fi foarte mare)... care este smecheria?
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 26 July 2012 - 07:36 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 26 July 2012 - 11:57 PM
Mihai_supy, la 26 July 2012 - 09:57 PM, a spus:
nu vazusem postarea ta - acum m-am lamurit :)
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 12 August 2012 - 10:55 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 12 August 2012 - 10:57 PM
Fisiere atasate
How to parallel charging.doc (481.5K)
Number of downloads: 250
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 12 August 2012 - 10:57 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 12 August 2012 - 11:01 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 13 August 2012 - 04:24 PM
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 13 August 2012 - 04:24 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 13 August 2012 - 04:46 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 13 August 2012 - 07:54 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 14 August 2012 - 02:06 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 14 August 2012 - 04:09 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 14 August 2012 - 09:28 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 14 August 2012 - 09:39 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 14 August 2012 - 09:46 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 14 August 2012 - 10:07 PM
Fisiere atasate
Balancing helicopter blades.doc (321.5K)
Number of downloads: 167 -
CCPM Helicopter Setup.doc (252.5K)
Number of downloads: 219 -
Checking the CG.doc (35.5K)
Number of downloads: 141 -
Coliere la Flybar.doc (42.5K)
Number of downloads: 162 -
Echilibrare pale.doc (191.5K)
Number of downloads: 148 -
Futaba 9Z setari.doc (34K)
Number of downloads: 998 -
Number of downloads: 216 -
Glow Plug Comparison Data.doc (99K)
Number of downloads: 180 -
heli_throttle.doc (38K)
Number of downloads: 124 -
JR Tx DATA SHEET.doc (83K)
Number of downloads: 146 -
KSJ 528 Blade Balancer.doc (60.5K)
Number of downloads: 203
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 14 August 2012 - 10:07 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 14 August 2012 - 10:15 PM
Fisiere atasate
Morita The Electric Helicopter Beginner s Guide.doc (428K)
Number of downloads: 3540 -
Moving swashplates.doc (98K)
Number of downloads: 269 -
Setup for F3C.doc (36.5K)
Number of downloads: 1941 -
swash_setup.doc (26.5K)
Number of downloads: 184 -
Number of downloads: 134 -
The body of the matter SETARI ELICOPTERE.doc (49.5K)
Number of downloads: 103 -
VIBRATII 1.doc (34.5K)
Number of downloads: 115 -
Vibratii 2.doc (26.5K)
Number of downloads: 131
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 14 August 2012 - 10:15 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 15 August 2012 - 09:35 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 15 August 2012 - 09:44 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 15 August 2012 - 09:57 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 15 August 2012 - 10:06 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 15 August 2012 - 10:12 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 15 August 2012 - 10:19 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 15 August 2012 - 10:36 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 16 August 2012 - 05:57 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 17 August 2012 - 01:55 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600
Postat 18 August 2012 - 08:53 PM
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz
Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600