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CUSTOM FRAME ptr Trex 600 E Pentru pasionatii de CAD

#481 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 29 July 2013 - 08:45 PM

da save as - la tine in calculator si se vede OK :D - am facut proba - (daca e doar preview din forum este prea mic)

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 29 July 2013 - 08:45 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#482 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 31 July 2013 - 11:56 PM

Am mai facut ceva modificari in echipa cu aerofan si cam asa iese varianta aproape finala :D

1. Bateria dedesubt - se poate pune fara a scoate canopia - este ferita in caz de crash!
2. Bateria se pune pe o singura parte - frame-ul celalalt are o intarire in zona de mijloc ptr rigiditate
3. Canopia si base plate cu totul se muta spre fata cu 18,5mm pentru a muta centrul de greutate
4. Suportii de metal ptr canopie se prind in acelasi surub si pozitie cu anti rotation bracket
5. Motorul este aproape tot descoperit - racire mai buna
6. Main gear se monteaza pe o singura parte - cealalta parte este intarita pe orizontala ptr rigiditate
7. Se monteaza in fata ansamblul de la 600PRO - ptr a muta centrul de greutate mai in fata - pe el se monteaza ESC - Unitatea FBL - bateria de BEC - BEC suplimentar - RX

In acest fel din spate au disparut toate componentele electonice -totul este in fata

Cei cu idei sa se pronunte! :D

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: RHC.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#483 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 14 August 2013 - 09:51 AM

Am toate piesele - fac ultimile masuratori si azi termin proiectul.
Voi folosi piesele de legatura dintre frame-uri de la HK ptr ca sunt de aluminiu :D

revin pe seara cu modelul final

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: mic.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#484 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 15 August 2013 - 10:54 AM

Si varianta finala v.2!- Am trimis-o la CNC, pe sambata o astept si o sa va pun foto :D

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600 custom.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#485 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 20 August 2013 - 03:11 PM

Au venit si piesele de la CNC! :yahoo: - Maine il montez si va pun foto cu tot procesul de asamblare :D

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2863.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2868.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2866.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2870.jpg

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 20 August 2013 - 03:11 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#486 Useril este offline   furios 

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Postat 20 August 2013 - 09:14 PM

Daca suporti sunt facuti castom si tot e ceva munca fi ales varianta cu thrust bearing.Poate la un proect viitor e de luat in calcul.

Spor la treaba.
T-REX 700X
RAPTOR 90 SE gasser
Save the flybar !!

---------Alexe Gabriel----------

#487 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 21 August 2013 - 09:04 AM

Multumiri furios, nu vazusem piesele respective cu toate ca am periat toate paginile de la HK despre elicoptere.
cred ca la 600N se folosesc doar 2 rulmenti - eu il am si pe al 3-lea ca la prima versiune si atunci incarcarea e mai bine distribuita...

Vad insa ca ansamblul are mai mult de 6 mm grosime iar atunci la CNC ar fi mai mult de prelucrat din material de 12 -14mm si nu de 6mm cum am folosit.

Daca are cineva astfel de rulmenti ma intereseaza cotele lor - sau daca se pot gasi de cumparat si separat fara suporti...

Azi m-apuc de montat - diseara foto la greu...
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#488 Useril este offline   furios 

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Postat 21 August 2013 - 12:03 PM

Sunt comvins ca se gasesc separat,al 3-lea rulment e frectie,nu are cum sa ti se inconvoaie saftul incat sa iti dea trepidatii...daca e sa gandim corect ar insemna ca si deasupra frameului se intampla lafel,cea ce nu se intampla,mult mai bun mi se pare sistemul pe thrust pentru ca shaftul are foarte multe miscari sus/jos,defapt cam astea rup gura la rulmenti normali.
T-REX 700X
RAPTOR 90 SE gasser
Save the flybar !!

---------Alexe Gabriel----------

#489 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 August 2013 - 09:14 AM

Vezi postareafurios, la 21 August 2013 - 12:03 PM, a spus:

Sunt comvins ca se gasesc separat,al 3-lea rulment e frectie,nu are cum sa ti se inconvoaie saftul incat sa iti dea trepidatii...daca e sa gandim corect ar insemna ca si deasupra frameului se intampla lafel,cea ce nu se intampla,mult mai bun mi se pare sistemul pe thrust pentru ca shaftul are foarte multe miscari sus/jos,defapt cam astea rup gura la rulmenti normali.

Din ce am vazut eu prinderea rulmentilor thrust e mai complicata decat ce am facut eu cu piesa de aluminiu (intra ca intr-o camasa ce ii tine).

In plus rulmentii nu sunt scumpi si la stilul meu de zbor nu rulmentii vor ceda primii :D
Poate daca vre-un zburator adevarat de heli va dori sa-si faca si el un heli cu acest frame vom avea si pareri autorizate despre cum se comporta in zbor agresiv.
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#490 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 August 2013 - 09:25 AM

Iei am mesterit la el sa-l montez - montajul e doar pentru a verifica daca piesele intra bine daca precizia executiei lor e buna si mai ales daca CG este bun cu bateria pusa in locasul ei.

Primele impresii:
Executia pieselor - ireprosabila - cu toate ca are 3 rulmenti axul intra la fix si merge fara poticniri (bravo Marius - CNC77hobby)
Motorul nu atinge canopia chiar daca e mai lung cu 5mm decat 600M de la Align
Ansamblu maingear mare - pinion plastic tail are exact toleranta necesara

Restul pieselor s-au montat la fix si le-am montat doar pentru foto

Azi demontez totul si montez piesele definitiv inclusiv electronica :D rotor principal etc

Si acum foto...


Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame1.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame2.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame3.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame4.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame5.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame6.JPG

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#491 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 August 2013 - 09:26 AM


Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame7.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame8.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame9.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame10.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame11.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame12.JPG

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#492 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 August 2013 - 09:28 AM


Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame13.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame14.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame15.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame16.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame17.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame18.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame19.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame20.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame21.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame22.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame23.JPG

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 22 August 2013 - 09:28 AM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#493 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 August 2013 - 09:29 AM


Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame24.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame25.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame26.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600E custom frame27.JPG

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#494 Useril este offline   stiganas 

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Postat 22 August 2013 - 10:12 AM

Arata foarte bine. Inteleg ca CG-ul e corect. Acum ca il vad pe viu ma gandesc ca incapea si un contrarulment la motor, ca asa e modern acum.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de stiganas: 22 August 2013 - 10:14 AM


#495 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 August 2013 - 09:21 PM

Vezi postareastiganas, la 22 August 2013 - 10:12 AM, a spus:

Arata foarte bine. Inteleg ca CG-ul e corect. Acum ca il vad pe viu ma gandesc ca incapea si un contrarulment la motor, ca asa e modern acum.

ca sa fie corect CG-ul am mutat spre varf toata baza cu 18mm in asa fel incat surubul de la anti rotation bracket devine si surubul ptr urechea de la canopie

s-a adaugat si piesa de la PRO pe care se monteaza electronica in asa fel incat sa fie mai multa greutate pe fata

al 2-lea rulment e ok dar doar daca ai motor cu ax f.lung - eu l-am facut ptr orice motor cu 6 S ptr ca are maingearul clasic nu cel de la PRO - daca ai piesa pune te rog un link cu ea... :D

revin dimineata cu ce am facut azi la heli :yahoo:
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#496 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 23 August 2013 - 09:46 AM

Revin cu informatii...

Am montat definitiv frame-ul - Am pus suruburi imbus de 3 mm cu saibe mai smechere de la HK

Axul merge prin cei trei rulmenti usor si fara poticneli (cel ma bine dintre 7 Trex-600 montate de mine)

Am montat si ansamblul de coada cu boomul si aici au inceput problemele:
Pozitia maingear mare pinion mic era buna distanta dintre ele buna cand incepeam sa strang cele 12 suruburi pinionul abea se mai invartea - mai aparea si un carait la fiecare rotatie pe invers a axului principal (cand dadeam cu sensul normal nu caraia)

dupa ce am pus desfacut de 3 ori am luat fiecare piesa la rand si ce am descoperit:
Pinionul (tail drive) de la HK nu se putea folosi - partea metalica unde se antrena cureaua era descentrata fata de ax
Am pus pinion de Align

Incearca din nou - acelasi clinket - da jos din nou
din cei 2 rulmenti(noi) unul era busit si de la el aparea caraitul
Cand se strangea ansamblul de coada (metalic HK) si strangea si cei 2 rulmenti bloca miscarea libera a pinionului si de aceea am pus o mica saiba ca sa impiedice acest lucru

luand din aproape in aproape am descoperit si ca axul de coada nu se invartea liber printre cei 2 rulmenti si l-am inlocuit cu unul Align

Se pare ca cei de la HK nu prea le au cu prelucrarea axelor drepte.

Azi fac rost de 2 rulmenti ptr pinionul de coada si maine incerc sa termin toata partea mecanica si poate reusesc sa pun si electronica.

foto 1- saibele ingropate de la HK - super
foto 2,3 - piesele defecte de la HK - rulment busit - ansamblu necentrat si pinion coada defect
foto 4 - restul ansamblului OK

foto 5,6,7 - Ansamblu coada cu saibele distantier ptr a nu impiedeica pinionul sa se invarta liber si dup strangerea celor 12 suruburi

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: 2buc 1,89usd Anodised Aluminum M3 Sockethead Washers (Black) (10pcs) - 9171000197.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 1 IMG_2932.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: 3 Tail Drive (4x 9x4mm) w Bea HK-550GT - 155000048.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 2 HK600GT metal tail holder assembly - GT600-003.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2933.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2934.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2935.JPG

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 23 August 2013 - 09:47 AM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#497 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 24 August 2013 - 09:44 PM

Azi am reusit sa intalez cea mai mare parte a componentelor.
Verificat CG-ul si e super bine
mai am sa pun unitatea FBL si tija control tail :D

multumiri lui aerofan ptr rulmentii de la pinionul mare tail :yahoo:

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2936.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2937.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2938.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2939.JPG

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 24 August 2013 - 09:44 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 24 August 2013 - 09:52 PM


Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2946.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2948.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2940.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2942.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2943.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2944.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2945.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2949.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2950.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2951.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2952.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2953.JPG

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 24 August 2013 - 09:52 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 24 August 2013 - 10:03 PM


Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2954.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2955.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2958.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2959.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2960.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2961.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2964.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2965.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2966.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2968.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2969.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_2970.JPG

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 24 August 2013 - 10:04 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#500 Useril este offline   stiganas 

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Postat 24 August 2013 - 10:29 PM

Aceasta postare a fost editata de stiganas: 24 August 2013 - 10:30 PM


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Postat 25 August 2013 - 09:37 AM

Excelenta treaba Ionel. Bravo celui care a facut piesele.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Primus: 25 August 2013 - 09:42 AM


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Postat 27 August 2013 - 10:53 AM

Vezi postareaPrimus, la 25 August 2013 - 09:37 AM, a spus:

Excelenta treaba Ionel. Bravo celui care a facut piesele.

multumiri ptr incurajari, am vorbit ieri cu Furios si avea si el ceva idei de imbunatatire - sa vedem ce se poate aplica, ma gandesc sa folosesc de la Raptor piesa de sub main gear (PV0379-Auto-R tail pully) si cureaua sa fie cu intinzator ca la Raptor - mai vad luni cand o sa trec pe la Dragos sa iau piesa

astept sa vina saptamana asta si unitatea FBL - CopterX 3x 2000 si apoi termin si montarea heliu-lui

maine astept si piesele ptr Aerofan asa ca o sa fim 2 cu modelul acesta de frame ptr Trex 600E :D
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 01 September 2013 - 10:55 PM

Pana revin sapt viitoare cu finalizarea constructiei la helu-ul meu am gasit ceva super tare...

Pentru cunoscatori niste foto :D

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: 75995_556624711065700_346593440_n.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 480003_225238917619290_1184105824_n.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 480344_524485794279592_2468609_n.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 480344_524485797612925_2104346926_n.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 947243_524485540946284_1125578093_n.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 947243_524485544279617_1738157308_n.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 947243_524485547612950_427669960_n.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: agile 7.2 003.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4809.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 01 September 2013 - 11:02 PM


Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: RCHR-A1e-KDS-Agile-7.2.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: RCHR-A1n-KDS-Agile-7.2.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: RCHR-A1o-KDS-Agile-7.2.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: RCHR-A1q-KDS-Agile-7.2.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: RCHR-A1r-KDS-Agile-7.2.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: RCHR-A1s-KDS-Agile-7.2.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: Resized_Agile_Green_Canopy.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: RESIZED_PICTURE_2.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: RESIZED_PICTURE_3_copie.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: RESIZED_PICTURE_5.jpg

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 01 September 2013 - 11:02 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#505 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 29 October 2013 - 09:48 PM

A venit si vremea sa mai lucrez si la proiectul meu...

Am gait un tren de aterizare de carbon de la HK si mi s-a parut super :D
cam asa arata cu el...

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3222.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3223.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3224.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3226.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3228.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3229.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3230.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3233.JPG

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 29 October 2013 - 09:49 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#506 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 29 October 2013 - 10:05 PM

si trenul ptr trex 500 :D

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3214.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3215.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3216.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3217.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3218.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3219.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3221.JPG

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 29 October 2013 - 10:05 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#507 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 29 October 2013 - 10:31 PM

O sa revin cu foto cu finalizarea montarii electronicii - sapatamana asta sper... :yahoo:
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#508 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 15 November 2013 - 09:57 PM

A venit si ziua finalizarii elicopterului:yahoo:

Elementul de plastic Align (de la PRO) este suoer - au intrat la fix unitatea FBL, BEC, ESC, RX si bateria ptr RX cu rutarea firelor f protejate...
Am pus un CopterX 3x 2000 (nici nu se compara cu setarea Align 3GX care este =@) sa vedem cum zboara si gata...

Deja lucrez la varianta Custom V.3 cu ceva imbunatatiri fata de acesta dar va tin la curent :D

si foto...

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3339.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3340.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3341.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3342.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3344.JPG

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 15 November 2013 - 10:10 PM


Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3345.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3346.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3347.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3349.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3350.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3351.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3352.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3353.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3354.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3355.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3357.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3358.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3360.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_3361.JPG

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 15 November 2013 - 10:10 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#510 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 15 November 2013 - 11:31 PM

Revin cu prima schita a versiunii 3 - Custom Frame Trex 600E...
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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