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MDS 58

#1 Useril este offline   petrutviulet 

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Postat 25 May 2011 - 12:00 PM

am un motor mds58
provine de la un heli
stie cineva ceva despre mds58?
ce carburant sa-i pun ulei?
nu am documentatia lui
asa ca! :)

#2 Useril este offline   ERASER 

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Postat 25 May 2011 - 10:29 PM

Este ABC, merge cu 10% nitro, ar fi de preferat sa pui si putin ricin in combustibil (2 - 5 %) macar la inceput. Bujie OS #8 sau #7 sau Rossi R3. Elice 11x7, 11x8, 12x5, 12x6, 12x7, 13x4, 13x5.

Postez un review, care sper sa te ajute sa-ti faci o idee despre el:

"MDS .58 FS Pro

General impressions. A relatively small, light engine with delicate features; it's the only one of the 10 engines tested to be equipped with a 1/4x28 crankshaft nose thread and a thin-wall (0.066-inch) cylinder sleeve.

Features. The high-quality, investment-cast crankcase has intricate bypass channels, including dual boost-port runners. The case exterior is heavily finned for cooling and gusseted for crankshaft-housing rigidity. The rear crank bearing contains 12 balls and has a small outside diameter that helps to keep the crankcase tiny; the front ball bearing is fitted with plastic dust shields (front and rear).
With the exception of some flashing around the cylinder-sleeve ports, MDS has improved on its earlier offerings of chipped, peeling chrome. Its ABC cylinder sleeve is a little different from those in all the other engines tested because it has five ports: two Schnuerle transfer ports, a single exhaust port and two boost ports. The lower outside part of the cylinder sleeve is highly chamfered to promote the smooth transfer of the mixture from the crankcase (a feature usually reserved for the best-performing designs).

The lapped, flat-top cast piston uses wristpin bosses that extend completely to the inside of the piston head; it's a robust unit weighing 11.6 grams. Two half-round cutouts at the bottom of the skirt (front and rear) ensure an unimpeded mixture flow at BDC (bottom dead center). A single aluminum gasket (0.007 inch thick) is clamped between the head and the top of the cylinder-sleeve flange with six Allen-head machine screws. A cast aluminum-alloy backplate has no provision for a pressure fitting and is sealed to the crankcase with a single O-ring. The bar-stock-aluminum drive washer is held on the front crank journal by a collet and has horizontal grooves machined in its face to prevent the propeller from slipping.

The MDS .58 muffler has one internal baffle and a bead-blasted exterior My example was badly scuffed and didn't look good; a gasket isn't supplied for the header/crankcase interface. With the pressure fitting, the muffler weighs a light 4.89 ounces (138.5 grams). An automatic fuel-metering carburetor using the popular 2-needle design is a good choice for the MDS .58. My only complaint is the location of the primary needle valve: it extends straight out from the left side of the barrel and is the old, relatively unsafe way of doing things (most modern designs use a remotely located needle-valve assembly or one that slants backward). The carb neck is fitted with two O-rings, and the unit is held on the front housing by a cinch-bolt.

Performance. For break-in, propeller rpm determination and dynamometer testing, I used Sig 10-percent-nitromethane fuel containing 20 percent lubricant (the standard blend for ABC-type engines equipped with a ball-bearing crankshaft support). I also used an APC, 11x6, 2-blade propeller and an MDS long-reach glow plug.

For break-in, I ran the MDS .58 ABC for 30 minutes; break-in was uneventful, as the engine started, needled and maintained a steady operation throughout. At the end of this period, the engine peaked at 12,950rpm.

Dynamometer-generated torque and horsepower curves indicate:
torque peak 92.6 oz.-in. @ 9,250rpm ;
bhp peak 1.16 @ 12,950rpm ;
specific torque (oz.-in./ci) 160 ;
specific horsepower (bhp/ci) 2 ;
torque to weight ratio (oz.-in./lb.) 77.2
power to weight (bhp/lb) 0.97 . "
Future is electric, but I belong to the past...
TEL. 0726.191.725

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Postat 26 May 2011 - 09:34 AM

:good: multumesc frumos de lamuriri,draga prietene!
am sa postez ceva poze cu dansul si cu elicopterul pe care este montat
astept si alte lamuriri

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Postat 02 June 2011 - 09:48 PM

Eu astept sa vina unul nou noutz ca sa il instalez intr-o scandurica
Am auzit si eu lucruri de bine despre el dar voi impartasi impresiile cand il voi vedea " in carne si oase"
Numai bine

#5 Useril este offline   petrutviulet 

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Postat 23 June 2011 - 08:35 AM

ziua buna!
acesta este "agregatul"ce contine motorul
nu stiu ce reglaje sa-i fac(motorului)
are cineva un prospect al motorului?


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