Sa-ti fie gura poleita. Multumesc. De fapt mie imi plac lucrurile linistite. Asa incat motoplanorul cred ca-i pentru mine.
Prima impresie despre electrice - ca n-a mai avut tata asa ceva - este ca motorul ( pe el scrie 600 iar in manual 550 ) este foarte greu. Fata de motorul meu de 1.5 este ca un elefant. Iau in considerare cat o sa aibe si cu acumulatorul. L-am invartit un pic cu 5 V ( cu sursa de PC ) si are putere...parerea mea. Scantei nika.
Si fiindca s-a vorbit de mentenanta asa scrie la mine :
The bronze bushings in the ends of the motor
are self lubricating, but you may extend their
life by applying a very small amount of light
machine oil to the points where the center
shaft touches the bushings, after each hour or
two of running time. Note: A “drop†of oil is far
too much, so you should apply the oil with a
toothpick. Never oil the inside of the motor.
The T-600 motor brushes (which transfer
electricity to the commutator inside the motor)
are maintenance-free and will last a long time
under normal use. Under normal operating
conditions the motor brushes wear slightly
every time the motor is run. If over time you
notice that the motor is running slower and not
producing the power that it used to, the
brushes may need cleaning or are worn out
and the motor needs replacing. To clean the
brushes, remove the motor from the airplane.
A spray motor cleaner such as DuraTrax®
Power Shotâ„¢ (DTXC2458) will remove any
buildup on the brushes. After cleaning the
brushes, run the motor without the prop for 10
to 15 minutes using a motor battery pack to
reseat the brushes on the commutator.
Sistemul de prindere pe ax mi se pare cam finut ( ca sa ma exprim elegant ). N-ar fi bine sa-i fac o suprafata plata pe ax acolo unde stange surubul ? Mi s-ar parea mai sigur.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Se poate si asa ?: 13 November 2004 - 03:32 PM