unu, la Jul 10 2009, 06:28 PM, a spus:
scuze pentru deranj, dar nu am inteles bine din titlu ce modele au voie sa concureze
si eu am un savage x si un lightning stadium 2 pro si poate ma ajutati voi sa fac diferenta intre ele, care este monster?
Oare care ar fi monster?
The Lightning Stadium 2 Pro takes advantage of recent developments in
truggy racing to give you all the advantages that add up to lower lap times and more podium finishes! The pre-assembled chassis is completely ready for your high-powered big-block racing engine and radio gear, so you can get off the workbench and out to the track fast!
The most popular Big Block
monster truck Savage x.
Este chiar asa greu sa cauti o leaca pe net si sa vezi care e MT, care truggy sau buggy?
Daca mai ai cutiile sa stii ca scrie pe ele ce fel de masina este. MT sau TRUGGY. La Savage chiar nu are cum sa nu scrie.
The RC monster truck has oversized off-road tires, heavy duty suspension, lots of ground clearance, and is sometimes equipped with a wheelie bar. Other features vary by manufacturer but in the RC community, the monster truck is favored when stability and high ground clearance is required such as off-road driving on rugged, hilly or rocky terrain. But monster trucks are just as fun to drive on smooth surfaces even though they are typically less speedy than other types of RC vehicles.
Mai trebuie sa mai dau exemple?
Aceasta postare a fost editata de hackerash: 10 July 2009 - 08:04 PM