HPI Savage Monster Truck Discutii,probleme,rezolvari,tips and tricks
Postat 30 May 2014 - 02:26 PM
2. Premii vor fi lamai de "aur" si bineinteles taxele de inscriere se vor imparti la primii 3 clasati la concurs ....deeeeeeeeeeeci, cu cat sunt mai multi, cu atat sunt mai mari premiile in bani (un fel de banca tiganeasca) :))
Aceasta postare a fost editata de sandrei: 30 May 2014 - 02:26 PM
Hpi Sprint 2 DRIFT
Postat 30 May 2014 - 03:07 PM
executivul, la 30 May 2014 - 01:50 PM, a spus:
o las asamblata si frumoasa, dar nefunctionala, sau o scot o rup si o las stricata dar partial functionala? :p
salut,mai bine las-o asamblata si frumoasa,cand ai timp o rezolvi ,ce e asa graba ?
sandrei, la 30 May 2014 - 02:26 PM, a spus:
1000 km pe drumurile patriei sunt un fleac,pleci cu masina buna si vii cu ea legata cu sarma sau te-ntroci calare pe Baja(daca ai 1/8 electric sunt mari sanse sa vii pe jos :lol: :lol: :lol: ).....macar mutati man banca tiganeasca mai aproape de centrul tarii macar,sa fim mai multi..... ^_^
citat : "nu te pune cu prostul...te va trage la nivelul lui si te va bate cu experienta !"
alta culeasa din popor :
"I: De ce-si linge cainele plwa?
R: Pen`ca poate."
Postat 30 May 2014 - 03:22 PM
Numa' sa aduca si piese la ea.
RCPowers home-made F35v2, RCPowers home-made F18V3, RCPowers home-made F35V3
HobbyKing SK450 Dead-Cat
Postat 30 May 2014 - 09:05 PM
citat : "nu te pune cu prostul...te va trage la nivelul lui si te va bate cu experienta !"
alta culeasa din popor :
"I: De ce-si linge cainele plwa?
R: Pen`ca poate."
Postat 30 May 2014 - 11:30 PM
Mavericiu asta e alta mancare de peste, e singurul 1/5 cu 4x4 permanent la care mai am speranta sa dau de vreo piesa fara sa stau la coada la vama, daca Baja era 4x4 aveam de mult una prin sufragerie.
Si e tot HPI la origini, sau facut pt HPI si tot una cu Redcat Rampage MT V2 (USA), pt care se gasesc piese de hop-up si nebunii. Pare construit ca un mic tanc si din ce am vazut pe youtube m-a cam dat pe spate.
RCPowers home-made F35v2, RCPowers home-made F18V3, RCPowers home-made F35V3
HobbyKing SK450 Dead-Cat
Postat 31 May 2014 - 12:00 AM
executivul, la 30 May 2014 - 11:30 PM, a spus:
si Losi 5t e 4x4 ....iar cu partea tractiune spate...pai habar n-ai ce show-uri pierzi,e bemveleu curat :lol: ,nu ce ai tu,ala e jipan ! :lol:
citat : "nu te pune cu prostul...te va trage la nivelul lui si te va bate cu experienta !"
alta culeasa din popor :
"I: De ce-si linge cainele plwa?
R: Pen`ca poate."
Postat 31 May 2014 - 08:33 PM
Aceasta postare a fost editata de soarece: 31 May 2014 - 08:33 PM
citat : "nu te pune cu prostul...te va trage la nivelul lui si te va bate cu experienta !"
alta culeasa din popor :
"I: De ce-si linge cainele plwa?
R: Pen`ca poate."
Postat 31 May 2014 - 09:23 PM
Kyosho Mad Force Xtra long and Xtra wide
Postat 31 May 2014 - 09:51 PM
Tzicul, la 31 May 2014 - 09:23 PM, a spus:
Daca mai pui si un microcontroller cu GPS care sa stie exact traseul poti sa faci masinuta sa mearga singura, sa vina singura sa se incarce si sa plece din nou la drum, in felul acesta in curand veti sa trimiteti prin curier jucariile la pista, ele isi vor face treaba, iar apoi se vor intoarce singure acasa, iar voi nu veti mai pierde timpul cu masinutele si veti putea sa va ocupati de lucrurile cu adevarat importante :o
In fond nu ne luam jucarii din astea ca sa le conducem mai imprudent si mai nebuneste decat chestiile seriaose 1:1 ???
My 2 piulitze.
RCPowers home-made F35v2, RCPowers home-made F18V3, RCPowers home-made F35V3
HobbyKing SK450 Dead-Cat
Postat 03 June 2014 - 08:17 PM
jymmy05, la 03 June 2014 - 05:40 PM, a spus:
Mai imi trebui esc si sa fac un suport de motor si suporti de bateri.
zi-mi ca nu e stoc.. ca daca e .. iti trebe si diff-uri 29/9.
si daca e 21 ai doar 2 sateliti in diff.
NU tine la brushless.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de e.cata: 03 June 2014 - 08:17 PM
Postat 03 June 2014 - 09:12 PM
Oricum vreau sa cumpar un esc de 150a ceva ieftin de pe hk sa nu suporte 6s maxim 4s.
Am cam distrus e-revo cu 6s.
Daca reusesc maine sa fabric suportul de motor o sa demontez electronica de pe e-revo si o pun pe el.
La revo trebuie sa imi vina o comanda si pana atunci fac si eu proba la Savage.
Am atasat o poza cu diferentialul poate ma lamuresti si pe mine daca rezista sau nu.
Postat 03 June 2014 - 09:19 PM
jymmy05, la 03 June 2014 - 09:12 PM, a spus:
daca nu vrei sa faci backflip cu el.. teoretic ar trebui sa reziste..
coroane 43T si pinion 13T atac am eu, ce mi-au ramas de la conversia la brushless, deci piese am eu ieftine :D
de unde iei piese de E-revo??
as avea si eu nevoie de un spur de 62 si un pinion 17/18T 4 now.
Postat 03 June 2014 - 09:35 PM
e.cata, la 03 June 2014 - 09:20 PM, a spus:
la diff-ul stock machined de la savy exista din fabrica un joc mic axial intre el si bulkhead.....daca pui saibe nu prea e ok,doar sa dai de vreo saiba la diametrul camasii exterioare cu diametrul interior aproape identic....doar s-ai strung acasa....
citat : "nu te pune cu prostul...te va trage la nivelul lui si te va bate cu experienta !"
alta culeasa din popor :
"I: De ce-si linge cainele plwa?
R: Pen`ca poate."
Postat 03 June 2014 - 09:36 PM
soarece, la 03 June 2014 - 09:35 PM, a spus:
sunt saibe pt asta facute .. de 0.1,0.2 etc.. se pun intre carcasa diff si rulment..
tocmai jocul ala distruge dintii.. rezolvare HPI : dinti mai mari :)
Aceasta postare a fost editata de e.cata: 03 June 2014 - 09:37 PM
Postat 06 June 2014 - 12:59 AM
Kyosho Mad Force Xtra long and Xtra wide
Postat 06 June 2014 - 11:45 AM
Hello Andrei
The initial feedback from the Octane has been that it is difficult to set the car up and run it in properly. There was a lot of initial speculation that this was due to a fault with the engine or CDI box, but in reality there is nothing wrong with these, the Octane is just different from anything anyone one has run before. It is not a nitro engine, and it is not a baja engine, it is something new. Speaking of internet videos, here is one that has a very honest review and shows the Octane running when it has been correctly set up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWQytW84F14
We have created a comprehensive how to video guide that is available on the Octane kit page, along with a PDF guide of running tips. I would recommend that all of your shops/customers are made aware of these before they start running their car. The key to the Octane is patience, don’t rush to change the carb settings or shift points. The more and more the car runs, the better and better it will perform. The manual suggests one tank of fuel for run in, but I would recommend at least 3, maybe even up to 5 or more.
I would also recommend that your shops/customers are made aware of the update sheet that is included in the manual. It has become apparent that some customers have missed this and are have been trying to tune the engine using the wrong base settings. This update sheet shows revised carb and gearbox settings. I would also recommend that customers double check that their carbs are set to these revised settings before they start the car for the first time.
The last thing to make your shops/customers aware of is that if the engine doesn’t seem to running correctly, the most likely culprit is going to be the spark plug. The run in process has a habit of gumming up the plugs, so it will be necessary to clean the plug thoroughly or even replace it if this happens. It might be worth considering stocking up on spark plugs and recommending to customers that they purchase some spares when they purchase their kit. Unfortunately we don’t have stock of spare plugs at this time, but they are a standard size (CM-6) so you can get NGK ones or similar instead.
I hope all of this information helps you. If you do find that you or your customers are having problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.
HPI SAVAGE XL OCTANE - RUNNING!Finally: THE MONSTER IS ALIVE! It took 20 tanks of gas in various blends, more than a few blisters, three plugs, a whole lot of tuning and patience but my HP...
Kind regards,
Andrew Porter
EU Customer Service Co-Ordinator
HPI Europe Ltdhttps://fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net/rsrc.php/v2/y4/r/-PAXP-deijE.gif
Aceasta postare a fost editata de sandrei: 06 June 2014 - 11:45 AM
Hpi Sprint 2 DRIFT