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Intilniri, cupe, concursuri (117 postari)
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Useril este offline Dec 02 2024 10:25 PM

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MEGA Membru
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Fagaras _ Brasov
Aeroclub Fagaras - Facebook
Aero, Heli, Navo , RC cars , and drone

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Topicele mele

  1. Vindem un Reely Carbon Fighter III

    21 October 2024 - 09:52 PM

    Se vinde masina RC 1/5 facuta de Reely Carbon Fighter (a unui prieten bun ) pasionat de piese tari !
    Modelul este foarte putin folosit si a fost cel mai echipat model la data cumpararii ma refer la tractiunea integrala 4x4 si esapament cromat .
    Accesorii care s-au platit cu varf si indesat plus servo majorat din fabrica pentru o mai buna manevrabilitate .
    Motor pe benzina de 1.8 cai in stare excelenta cu putine ore de functionare - porneste la sfert (certificam cu video).
    Roti in stare foarte buna si aspect general foarte bun - vedeti foto .
    Pretul de achizitie cu toate accesoriile a fost de 4950 RON
    Se vinde acum cu 2500 lei
    In pret intra toate cele pentru jucat - inclusiv statia RC si niste piese si ATENTIE UN MOTOR DE REZERVA
    S vinde datorita nefolosirii - aduna praful la greu in garaj

    Pentru foto suplim. si video ne auzim pe un What.s UP .
    tel .0754870529
  2. Vand piese suspensie si roti ptr Thundet Tiger

    19 June 2024 - 09:55 PM

    Vand componente suspensie ptr. masinuta de la Thunder Tiger SSk scara 1/10 si roti ramase de la ea .

    Elementele de la suspensie cu fuzeta in Al pret 50 de lei toate

    Rotile - 80 de lei - incluse doua jante noi noute tzipla !

    Rel. la telef 0754870529
  3. Donez logistica trasee navo !

    31 March 2024 - 09:03 PM

    Donez logistica - componente - balize , greutati , markere colorate din bureti pentru trasee navo sau concursuri .
    Au fost folosite de un coleg deosebit care a renuntat la activitate .
    Au ajuns la mine dar din pacate nici mie nu imi sunt de folos .
    Vrem sa le dam la cineva care sa le puna in continuare pe apa . Ne-am bucura daca am vedea si niste foto cu ele dupa donatie .

    Multumesc . Marius 0754870529
  4. Receptor Futaba R132 JE

    03 March 2024 - 07:30 PM

    Vand un receptor Futaba din vechia garda cu quartzul aferent 27.120 Mhz.
    A ramas printr-o punga uitata de pe vremuri .

    Pret 40 de lei .

    rel. la telefon 0754870529
  5. Vand statie FUTABA FX 22

    05 February 2024 - 09:45 PM

    Vindem o satie Futaba FX22 deosebita din gama de varf a calitatii cu 14 canale si telemetrie. FASST 2.4 Ghz
    Se vinde cauza inutilizare - prea sofisticata :clapping:
    Vine cu doua receptoare unul FUTABA iar celelalt compatibil FASST sincronizat cu stabilizator intern de zbor .
    Are bateria ei reincarcabila si charger.ul aferent .
    Se ofera si valiza de aluminiu in acelasi pret .

    Caracteristicile sunt multiple . va atasez cateva .

    FASSTest® 2.4GHz Technology
    Superior interference immunity by combining the advantages of DSSS and FHSS modulation
    Future-proof (already complies with the new EU standard)
    Integrated 32-channel telemetry system
    Up to 1000m telemetry range
    Real-time telemetry display in large display
    Voice output via optional headphones with 3.5 mm jack plug
    Melody and sound output (optionally via internal beeper or optional headphones)
    Data recording of control signals and telemetry data in preparation
    74 x 38.5 mm backlit display (128 x 64 dot)
    S-BUS technology for fully digital integration of S.BUS servos, S.BUS controllers and S.BUS sensors
    Fully equipped 14-channel transmitter with 20 (22) freely programmable controls
    Precise control sticks with open-stick action and 12 bit resolution, backlash-free, 2-way ball bearings
    Dimensions: 205 x 220 x 55 mm
    Transmitting power: 100 mW
    Transmission system: FASSTest® 14 channels
    Weight approx.: 890 g
    Additional specifications: Compatible with all S-FHSS, FASST / RASST and FASSTest® flight receivers.
    Functions: 14/32
    Power supply: LiPo 2S 3400mAh / 7.4 Volt

    More Product Details:Transmission:

    14 channels
    The FASSTest® technology (Futaba Advanced Spread Spectrum Technology). Special hybrid technology combines the advantages of DSSS and FHSS modulation. Extreme channel spread (spread factor 11) through DSSS spreading combined with optimized FHSS frequency hopping result in superior interference immunity and ultra-fast response times for a precise, direct control feel.
    100 mW transmit power
    Real-Time Response – Real-time control. The response time (from the press of the control stick to the servo response) of the FASSTest® / FASST system is significantly faster than other 2.4 GHz systems.
    Very long range >3000m
    Ultra-fast, direct, end-to-end digital modulation for the shortest response times
    Switchable FASSTest® high-speed mode for ultra-fast control of digital servos with 6.3 ms (12-channel, reduced telemetry functions)
    Easy Link - extremely simple, fast binding process between sender and receiver
    Extremely fast and safe automatic re-binding even under difficult conditions
    Intelligent servo timing for smooth servo drive and prevention of servo propagation time differences
    Dual Antenna Diversity – lightning-fast switching between two receiving antennas for optimal receive signal quality (depending on the receiver)
    Pre-Vision – FASST / FASSTest® receivers permanently scan the input signal and apply intelligent Futaba error correction.
    No loss of reaction speed, even when the frequency band is heavily occupied
    Built-in range test function to check range before launch
    Modulation type switchable to FASST or FHSS for backward compatibility with existing Futaba components

    Synchronized, two-way communication between transmitter and receiver with high telemetry data rate (up to 9 times per second)
    32 telemetry channels
    Up to 1000m telemetry range
    Real-time display of telemetry data on integrated display
    Voice output via optional headphones with 3.5 mm jack plug
    Voice output control via freely assignable switches
    Melody and sound output (optionally via internal beeper or optional headphones)
    Data recording of control signals (stick movements) and telemetry data on SD card in preparation
    PC evaluation software for recorded telemetry and GPS data as well as control signals in preparation
    Receiver signal strength indicator to monitor range
    Distance warning system (with optional GPS sensor) for safe flights at the line of sight
    Receiver undervoltage warning system to monitor the receiver battery
    Freely configurable output of telemetry data via display, sound, voice and vibration

    Pretul pe piata actual este peste 500 de euro .

    Pret 1500 de lei
    rel. suplimentare la telef.0744203712



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  1. Fotografie


    04 Oct 2016 - 10:17
    Da toate ofertele sunt valabile.
  2. Fotografie


    09 Jun 2015 - 05:31
    Scuze! Am uitat nr. tel. 0723003480
  3. Fotografie


    09 Jun 2015 - 05:30
    Salut! Pt. telecomanda 27Mhz. Florea Octavian, Deva, Aleea Teilor Bl. 46, aP. 45. trimiti cu fancurier, si specifici CU RIDICARE DE LA SEDIU. Ca merg eu dupa ea, e aproape si ma cunosc baietii de acolo. Te sun dupa ora 08.
  4. Fotografie


    26 Feb 2011 - 13:35
    Un mare om, mare caracter, ce am dicutat asa a ramas.
  5. Fotografie

    ionut EZ 

    27 Feb 2010 - 17:01
    domnilor,aveti cu cine face afaceri un om de nota 10
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