Blohm & Voss BV 141 Macheta zburatoare asimetrica.
Postat 31 October 2006 - 12:21 PM
Ptience my friend!
Mai am , dar e un pic de lucru cu dimensiunea pozelor, dupa cum stii tre sa aiba max. 100K
Vor mai fi si ceva poze, despre un kit nou-nout, ceva facut din daca ne intalnim pe YM un manual de montaj pt. kit-ul respectiv ( o sa incerc sa bag ceva poze din el ), manual ce vine la kit, foarte explicit, si pentru cei ce fac scratch, util, zic eu.
In stilul de lucru folosit de mine la constructie, m-am inspirat FOARTE MULT din aceste manuale, mai scimband "tactica" pe masura ce am descoperit ceva bun de aplicat.
Spor la proiect!
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 31 October 2006 - 12:33 PM
Jimmy, la 31 Oct 2006, 12:21, a spus:
Mai am , dar e un pic de lucru cu dimensiunea pozelor, dupa cum stii tre sa aiba max. 100K ...
Incearca site-ul asta, ca te lasa sa pui si fisiere mari, si pe deasupra mai pune in subiect si thumbu' pozei, sa stie/vada omu' ce deschide !
Ia de-ncearca ! http://www.rhcforum....tyle_emoticons/default/tongue.gif :angry:
35,150 MHz = Ch 75, FM, PPM, Legal
27,145 MHz = Ch 19, AM, PPM, Legal
Postat 31 October 2006 - 12:49 PM
Chiar daca e interpretabil, prefer lucrul manual, cand e vorba de orice, legat de modelism http://www.rhcforum....tyle_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif
MDMV adica :
mosulica de moda veche
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 31 October 2006 - 01:16 PM
Jimmy, la 30 Oct 2006, 23:53, a spus:
Din cate stiu io (dar s-ar putea sa gresesc), poza aia cu carlinga bulbucata, nu e nici de la BV 237 nici de la BV 194.
Poza e de la BV 141A. Mai precis de la primul prototip care a zburat. Chiar inaintea lui "OTTO".
Initial, inainte de a-l chema BV 141A, el s-a vrut a se chema Ha 141. Prima varianta, aia cu "A" in coada, ce avea ampenajul simetric inca, nu a fost cine stie ce succes, in principal din cauza motorului prea slab si a hidraulicii trenului de aterizare.
BV 237 nu a zburat. S-a facut doar un mock-up de lemn si nu a fost acceptat pt. a intra in productie.
BV 194 nici atat. Asta era bimotor. Avea un motor cu piston in "bot" (cret ca s-a vrut tot BMW 801A) iar in "curul" nacelei ar fi trebuit sa aibe un motor cu reactie.
Restul pozelor sunt intr-adevar, inedite! Mai rar sa apara poze noi cu BV 141B! Beton!
Din ce carte?
Postat 31 October 2006 - 04:05 PM
Valteras tre sa recunosc, ai tot feelingul, plus inca ceva ( cum ar spune un personaj la moda pe la TV )
Cartea e frantuzeasca, deoarece franceza e mai departe de mine, din pacate nu o pricep de fel, am mai derapat un pic.
E scrisa de Jean Claude Mermet si se chaeama Le BLOHM und VOSS 141 Un mouton a cinq pattes.
Poate imi traduci sa nu raman....asa.
Avec ...... stima
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 31 October 2006 - 04:11 PM
Banuiesc ca aici ar fi cheia pt varianta de dinainte de OTTO :lol:
Nu sunt sigur da fac o incercare!
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 31 October 2006 - 04:11 PM
Jimmy, la 31 Oct 2006, 16:05, a spus:
Poate imi traduci sa nu raman....asa.
Blohm und Voss 141, o oaie cu cinci picioare...
Taaare as vrea sa vad cartea aia.
Poate-mi zici in ce an a aparut si la ce editura. Si ce ISBN are...
[QUOTE] ai tot feelingul, plus inca ceva[QUOTE]
Acel "inca ceva" se cheama Adobe PhotoShop. Am accentuat contrastul pe curbele de culoare si am flip-uit una din poze, pe al carei fundal se vedea ceva-ceva din verso-ul paginii scanate. Astfel, textul de pe verso a devenit mai vizibil...
Postat 31 October 2006 - 04:14 PM
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 31 October 2006 - 04:28 PM
NU am dorit sa fac sursa cartii un secret ,ci faptul ca nu le am cu franceza ( iaca am spus-o )
[QUOTE] ai tot feelingul, plus inca ceva[QUOTE]
Acel "inca ceva" se cheama Adobe PhotoShop. Am accentuat contrastul pe curbele de culoare si am flip-uit una din poze, pe al carei fundal se vedea ceva-ceva din verso-ul paginii scanate. Astfel, textul de pe verso a devenit mai vizibil...
Adobe Photoshop e un program super ( daca ma apuc sal studiez si pasta ,probabil nu o sa mai am timp nici pentru chestiile lumesti {nu spun care} ) am ocazia sa vad ce poate:; baiatul meu asta invata......cand e pacasa :D ..... si ma lasa in preajma lui.
Il rog de ceva vreme sa-mi faca niste "trucaje" cu mine in cabina Messerului......da n-are timp
Cica asa ar trebui zburat un BV model
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 31 October 2006 - 06:42 PM
Jimmy, la 31 Oct 2006, 16:28, a spus:
Da la mine o poza ca te bag io in Messer, de zici ca acolo ai crescut ! :lol: :o :D
35,150 MHz = Ch 75, FM, PPM, Legal
27,145 MHz = Ch 19, AM, PPM, Legal
Postat 31 October 2006 - 07:15 PM
Jimmy, la 31 Oct 2006, 17:14, a spus:
Saracu avion, parca a suferit amputaje! Asta imi aminteste de vechiul film, "Pasarea Pheonix".
Un avion infirm...e prima idee pe care am avut-o cand l-am vazut...mai frumos e Bricul Mircea facut tot in santierele Blohm&Voss!!
Cu rabdare si ciocan.
Postat 31 October 2006 - 08:27 PM
m-a pus necuratu sa zic de americani ( kit-u de B&v )
ca sa-i fac in ciuda lu' timonieru' :o
mai bag poze cu "infirmi"
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 01 November 2006 - 09:22 AM
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 01 November 2006 - 09:23 AM
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 01 November 2006 - 09:26 AM
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 01 November 2006 - 09:28 AM
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 01 November 2006 - 09:33 AM
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 01 November 2006 - 09:36 AM
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 01 November 2006 - 09:37 AM
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 01 November 2006 - 09:43 AM
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 01 November 2006 - 09:59 AM
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 01 November 2006 - 12:12 PM
@ Marinar!>>>>>>>>>>>>> nu e polistiren!
E o constructie lasica cu panouri,lise,juguri la fuselaj si nervuri si.......un cheson tubular cu sectiune patrata tinand in loc de lonjeron http://www.rhcforum....tyle_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif
Scara 1:8
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 01 November 2006 - 01:09 PM
Imagini atasate
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."
Postat 01 November 2006 - 06:28 PM
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."