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Blohm & Voss BV 141 Macheta zburatoare asimetrica.

#31 Useril este offline   Valteras 

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Postat 26 October 2006 - 08:25 AM

Se poate si asa ?, la 26 Oct 2006, 01:42, a spus:

... nu incape in masina. Trebuie sa-i fac macar o aripa ( ca tot este asimetric ) demontabila....

Aripa e demontabila (de fuselaj). Nacela e fixa pe aripa. Daca tot nu-ti incape, mai bine-ti faci un "cosciug" de placaj de pus pe acoperis, in cazul in care nu vrei sa dai banii pe cutie de aia de schiuri...

Vezi ca planul Ziroli e la scara 1"=1'.
Adica "un tzol = un picior" ('zgura mamii lor cu sistemul imperial de imbecili - parerea mea!).
Asta inseamna 1:12.
Orice pas inainte e un shut in fund!

#32 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 26 October 2006 - 12:56 PM

Poate te ajuta cu ceva ( nu e ceva super grozav, dar cat de cat pt. orientare ).

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  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1161860176.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#33 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 26 October 2006 - 01:01 PM

B & V in culori romanesti?

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1161860465.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#34 Useril este offline   dan_mitea 

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Postat 27 October 2006 - 12:19 AM

Va multumesc frumos.
Cosciug nu se poate. Plang de mult timp dar soata este tare pe pozitie. Nu-l accepta.
Dar daca sunt demontabile aripile atunci totul va fi ok. Oricum este complicat la dus. Ca la intors are volumul muuuult mai mic.
Deci ramane stabilit. Va fi inmatriculat romanesc.

#35 Useril este offline   domnu_doctor 

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Postat 27 October 2006 - 06:24 AM

Se poate si asa ?, la 27 Oct 2006, 00:19, a spus:

...Oricum este complicat la dus. Ca la intors are volumul muuuult mai mic. ...

Acu', lasa si tu modestia! :D Ai trecut de faza asta ! :( :o :o

40,665 MHz = Ch 50, FM, PPM, Legal
35,150 MHz = Ch 75, FM, PPM, Legal
27,145 MHz = Ch 19, AM, PPM, Legal

#36 Useril este offline   Valteras 

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Postat 27 October 2006 - 08:09 AM

Jimmy, la 26 Oct 2006, 13:01, a spus:

B & V in culori romanesti?

Nu. E o fictiune digitala. BV 141B nu a zburat sub culori romanesti. De fapt, nici nu a fost operational. Nu s-a trecut la productia de serie, din cauza ca RLM l-a preferat pe FW 189 in schimb...
Orice pas inainte e un shut in fund!

#37 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 27 October 2006 - 11:45 AM


Binenteles ca e o fictiune!

Poza e un screen putin modificat ( dintr-un joc pe PC ).


SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#38 Useril este offline   dan_mitea 

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Postat 28 October 2006 - 02:01 AM

Numai eu nu m-am prins.
Dar face bine la bagajul de cunostinte.
Si ar fi real....ok....dar s-ar supara cineva? In definitiv ar fi mult mai logic decat sa-i pun floarea de crin sau frunza de artar.

PS. Planul nu a venit inca dar duminica vor sosi primii fulgi de nea.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Se poate si asa ?: 28 October 2006 - 02:21 AM


#39 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 01:09 AM


Un alt exemplu de creativitate.

Mai aproape de zilele noastre, cu tehnologie avansata, dar la fel de "asimetric".

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162163384.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#40 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 01:12 AM model R/C

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162163520.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#41 Useril este offline   dan_mitea 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 01:45 AM

Primul este o nebunie. Dar al doilea.....Am ramas fara cuvinte. Cred ca-i cel mai frumos model pe care l-am vazut pana acum.

#42 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 02:07 AM


Nu am vrut sa deviez subiectul B&V 141, dar neavand somn, am urmarit o emisiune interesanta pe NASA Tv, unde, printre altele l-am vazut si pe maestrul Rutan.

Printre ciudateniile lui am remarcat Boomerang ( probabil asemanarea dintre aripa avionului si arma zburatoare ).

Pt. revansare, am pregatit cateva poze frumoase, plus profile color ( cu invidie o spun, ca mi le-as fi dorit la aceasta calitate pt. P-47 ) binenteles cu B&Voss-ul.

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#43 Useril este offline   Valteras 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 08:43 AM

Jimmy, la 30 Oct 2006, 02:07, a spus:

Pt. revansare, am pregatit cateva poze frumoase, plus profile color ( cu invidie o spun, ca mi le-as fi dorit la aceasta calitate pt. P-47 ) binenteles cu B&Voss-ul.

Pai, revanseaza-te! Ce mai astepti?
Orice pas inainte e un shut in fund!

#44 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 10:49 PM


Maestre Valteras, incerc sa nu ma fac de cacao!

Intai cateva poze inedite dintr-o carte, obtinuta cu mare chin ,dupa destul de multe insistente.

Sper ca vor fi inedite si pentru tine, stiind ca esti specialist in B&V :rolleyes: .

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162241391.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#45 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 10:52 PM

O alternativa pentru fictiunea romaneasca, tot o prelucrare artistica, zic eu frumoasa......

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162241572.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#46 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:25 PM

Shitt in loc de hello!

Am asteptat toata ziua ,ca reteaua sa-mi dea o conexiune mai acatarii, m-am hotarat sa o folosesc pe seara........poate merge mai bine.

La postarea dinainte s-a intrerupt exact la mijloc!

Daca apar probl. in continuare i-mi cer scuze anticipat!


Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162243545.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#47 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:31 PM

O lista cu variantele/inmatricularile B & V 141

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162243919.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#48 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:34 PM

Prototipul D-OTTO a cam avut ghinioane......

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162244080.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#49 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:36 PM

O alta poza a lui D+OTTO

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162244180.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#50 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:37 PM

Si acelasi D+OTTO intr-o postura ......... delicata :rolleyes:

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162244278.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#51 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:40 PM

... cabina vitrata specifica catorva tipuri produse de B & V

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162244429.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#52 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:42 PM

... fus si jumatea stanga de aripa......

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162244556.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#53 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:44 PM

..... cabina si jumatea dreapta de aripa....

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162244643.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#54 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:49 PM coada lui bv000.jpg http://www.rhcforum....tyle_emoticons/default/tongue.gif

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162244957.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#55 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:50 PM


Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162245057.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#56 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:53 PM

.......pentru poza de mainainte trebuie o explicatie ( arata un pic altfel )

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162245215.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#57 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:55 PM


Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162245305.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#58 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 30 October 2006 - 11:59 PM

....... o poza superba cu NC+RB ( B-03 V11 0210003 )

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162245569.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#59 Useril este offline   Jimmy 

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Postat 31 October 2006 - 12:01 AM

....... si NC+RF in prim-plan

Imagini atasate

  • Imagine atasata: post-26-1162245715.jpg

SE-5a powered by YS Yamada
Graupner MC-19 powered by HOTT 2.4GHz
Fieseler Storch 2.4m powered by Magnum
Hyper Bipe Electric
Motto:"Don't take a toy to a scale competition and expect to have earned the respect of real modellers."

#60 Useril este offline   dan_mitea 

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Postat 31 October 2006 - 01:38 AM

Ce sa mai zicem?
Este un avion superb si tu ai reusit sa ni-l prezinti cum nu se poate mai bine.
Multumim frumos petru tot.

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