Diagonal FOV of 32º
59-69 mm interpupillary distance adjustment
854×480 LCD displays
Built-in 40CH 5G8 diversity receiver with OSD and auto-search function
Built-in DVR powered by an HMDVR module typical for other goggles
Diopter lens slots
Wide powering options: 6-17V
Side-by-side 3D support
HDMI 720p input
AV input/output
Pret ochelari 500 ron.
Daca aveti nevoie, pot oferi la ei si receptor eachine 600mW, antena si camera runcam sparrow. Pret extra 150 ron (toate nefolosite). Am si statie, vedeti celalat anunt al meu.
Transport prin Fan Courier sau predare personala in Bucuresti pane pe 20 Iuni.
Ii vand pt am cumparat un modul immersion RC pt DJI V1 cu adaptor BDI iar acestia zac nefolositi.
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