Ultimele elici gasite prin cutii:
1. Aeronaut CAM-Carbon 18.5 x 12 cod 41511 noi in ambalaj. Pret: 10 Euro (Lindinger 13,50 Euro, cod 723497)
2. Aeronaut CAM-Carbon 16 x 8 cod 41510 folosite, in stare buna. Pret: 5 Euro (Lindinger 11,99 Euro , cod 723474)
3. Adaptor pentru ax de 5 mm , con cu filet M8, Kavan, 12 Lei
4. Butuc 42 mm Kavan, folosit, 8 Lei
Ultimele pale.jpg (130.7K)
Number of downloads: 65
Penseta & butuc.jpg (48.44K)
Number of downloads: 69
Tel. 0726.191.725 - Bucuresti cartier Drumul Taberei. Trimit si in tara cu posta sau Fan Courier pe cheltuiala cumparatorului
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Elici pliante mari - Aeronaut Cam Carbon ultimele ramase
Postat 18 April 2023 - 01:07 PM
Future is electric, but I belong to the past...
TEL. 0726.191.725
TEL. 0726.191.725
Postat 14 June 2023 - 03:06 PM
1. 45 Lei
2. 20 Lei
3. 10 Lei
1. 45 Lei
2. 20 Lei
3. 10 Lei
Future is electric, but I belong to the past...
TEL. 0726.191.725
TEL. 0726.191.725
Postat 13 August 2023 - 11:21 AM
1 + 2 la pachet = 60 Lei
Future is electric, but I belong to the past...
TEL. 0726.191.725
TEL. 0726.191.725
Postat 30 October 2023 - 09:22 AM
1. Aeronaut CAM-Carbon 18.5 x 12 cod 41511 noi in ambalaj.
2. Aeronaut CAM-Carbon 16 x 8 cod 41510 folosite, in stare buna.
1 + 2 la pachet = 50 Lei
2. Aeronaut CAM-Carbon 16 x 8 cod 41510 folosite, in stare buna.
1 + 2 la pachet = 50 Lei
Future is electric, but I belong to the past...
TEL. 0726.191.725
TEL. 0726.191.725
Postat 23 January 2024 - 09:39 PM
Future is electric, but I belong to the past...
TEL. 0726.191.725
TEL. 0726.191.725
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