Buna seara,
In programul avansati , figura 1 si 2 nu corespunde cu descrierea din concursul FAI.
Chiar si in videoclip se observa manevra corecta.
Figura 4 trebuie inversata cu figura 5 pentru cursivitate.
De ex;
P1: Triangle 1 (UU) 1.5
MA takes off vertically from the helipad and ascends to 2m and
hovers for a minimum of 2 seconds
flies backwards to flag 1 (2) and stops
hovers for a minimum of 2 seconds
ascends at 45° while simultaneously performing a 180° pirouette in either direction and stops over the helipad
hovers for a minimum of 2 seconds
performs a 360° pirouette in either direction
hovers for a minimum of 2 seconds
descends at 45° while simultaneously performing a 180° pirouette in either direction and stops over flag 2 (1)
hovers for a minimum of 2 seconds
flies backwards and stops over the helipad
hovers for a minimum of 2 seconds
descends and lands in the helipad
P7: Opposite rolls (DD) None
MA flies straight and level for a minimum of 10m and
performs a full roll in either direction
immediately performs a full roll in the opposite direction
MA flies straight and level for a minimum of 10m
Note: The middle of the manoeuvre must be centred.
Program FAI 2015
Pana la urma cum se vor executa manevrele ?