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limbaj C un pis de ajutor cu un mic program

#1 Useril este offline   ATYZZZ 

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Postat 29 June 2016 - 11:23 PM

Am downloadat un program scris in "C" si nu pot compila nici cum.
Nici in format original si nici modificat.
CharliePlexed Lighthouse
Matt Casey : 15th June 2008
PIC 12f683
12 Charlieplexed LEDs
1 Power button
MCLR enabled



* Only plex's 2 LEDs at a time to give a 1/2 duty for each lit LED rather than 1/12 if plexing
all LEDs. PIC max current source/sink is 20ma so that gives an average of around 10ma per LED
* GP4 : controls power sim. Can be used to start/stop beacon. Hi starts, low stops.
Uses weak pullup.

#pragma CLOCK_FREQ 8000000
#include <system.h>


//GPIO inputs
#define btn0 gpio.4 //start stop button

//GPIO charliplexing
#define cp0 gpio.0 //Charliplex 0
#define cp1 gpio.1 //Charliplex 1
#define cp2 gpio.2 //Charliplex 2
#define cp3 gpio.5 //Charliplex 3

#define TRIS_DEFAULT 0b10111111
#define PWMMAX 31 //max pwm value
#define PWMMASK 0b00011111 //mask for PWM

// pattern for all 12 leds in sequential order.
const char charlieBits[] = {
, 0b10100000
, 0b10000010
, 0b10000100
, 0b10000100
, 0b10100000
, 0b10000100
, 0b10000001
, 0b10000001
, 0b10100000
, 0b10000001
, 0b10000010

const char trisBits[] = {
, 0b10011101
, 0b10111001
, 0b10111001
, 0b10011011
, 0b10011011
, 0b10111010
, 0b10111010
, 0b10011110
, 0b10011110
, 0b10111100
, 0b10111100

unsigned char g_Intensity[12]; // pwm intensity value for each LED
unsigned char g_LEDctr; // ctr used by isr to keep track of led it is currently pwming
unsigned char g_pwm; // ISR pwm counter
unsigned char g_ledInt; // ISR current LED's intensity (only look up once, at start of pwm cycle)
unsigned char g_pwms[2]; // Array of LED indexes to pwm, only pwm 2 at a time
unsigned char g_run; // Run the beacon
unsigned char g_pwmCeil; // Max led intensity to display (simulates warm up/cool down)
unsigned char g_db0; // Debouce for btn 0

//func prototypes
void boot_up ( void );
void timer_isr ( void );
void ledOn ( unsigned char ledNum );
void ledOff ( void );

void interrupt (void){
unsigned char pwm;
unsigned char ledIdx;

if(test_bit(intcon, T0IF)){
//Timer 0 int
pwm = g_pwm & PWMMASK; // Mask out 5 bits of pwm (31)
g_pwm++; //increment pwm counter

//turn off LED
if(pwm >= g_ledInt) ledOff();

if(pwm == 0){
//Start of pwm cycle
* Do some work for main every 64 int:
if(g_pwm & 0b10000000){
if(g_run != 0){
//power up
if(g_pwmCeil < PWMMAX){
//power down
if(g_pwmCeil > 0){

//get the intensity value of the LED once every pwm cycle
ledIdx = g_pwms[g_LEDctr];
g_ledInt = g_Intensity[ledIdx];

if(g_ledInt > g_pwmCeil) g_ledInt = g_pwmCeil; //if required value is higher than inertia allows.

//set led on if not zero
if(g_ledInt > 0) ledOn(ledIdx);

//increment led counter for next time
if(g_LEDctr > 1){
g_LEDctr = 0;

clear_bit( intcon, T0IF ); //clear TMR0 overflow flag

void main( void ){
//Ceiling for LED intensity, might be higher than pwm ceiling. Exceeding PWM ceil gives a small delay at each LED before moving on to next.
unsigned char ledMax = 0;
unsigned char led = 0;
unsigned char tmp = 0;

boot_up(); //init the peripherals

g_LEDctr = 0;
g_pwm = 0;

//Start up test routine. Lights each LED in turn at 100% intensity (no PWM)
for(led=0; led<12; led++){
//for each led
g_Intensity[led] = 0; //set zero
trisio = TRIS_DEFAULT;
gpio = charlieBits[led];
trisio = trisBits[led];

set_bit( intcon, GIE ); //Start ints

led = 0;
g_LEDctr = 0; //set starting index for ISR ledIdx
g_pwmCeil = 0; //Set pwm ceiling to zero
g_run = 1; //start running

//Max amount of light in each bucket.
ledMax = 40;

//Main loop
//Fade all other leds
for(tmp=0; tmp<12; tmp++){
//for each led that is not the current chosen one.
if(tmp != led & g_Intensity[tmp] > 0){

if(g_Intensity[led] < ledMax){
//Brighten chosen LED
//Bucket is full
led++; //next bucket
if(led > 11) led = 0;
//Set PWM LED array
g_pwms[0] = led;
if(led == 0){
//special case
g_pwms[1] = 11;
g_pwms[1] = led-1;

if(btn0 != 0){
g_run = 1;
g_run = 0;

//Increasing this delay will slow down the sweep of the beam.
}//end while

Sets all LEDs off by setting charlie pins to high impedance
void ledOff( void ){
//reset all charlie pins to high impedance (input)
trisio = TRIS_DEFAULT;

Sets a given led on using charlieplexing
void ledOn( unsigned char ledNum ){
//reset all charlie pins to high impedance (input)
trisio = TRIS_DEFAULT;
gpio = charlieBits[ledNum];
trisio = trisBits[ledNum];

void boot_up( void ){
//Setup OSC
osccon = 0b01110001; //8Mhz : Select internal Osc
ansel = 0b00000000; //set all inputs as digital
option_reg = 0b00000000; //Enable global weak pullups. Set all tmr0 stuff to zero (set tmr0 below)
wpu = 0b00010000; //sets weak pullups
cmcon0 = 0b00000111; //disable comparator, all gpio are IO
cmcon1 = 0b00000000; //Semi irrelevant. Timer1 gate src = comparator
t1con = 0b00000000; //Disable timer 1. Set tmr1 to internal clk.

//Setup Ports
gpio = 0b00000000;
trisio = TRIS_DEFAULT; // 0= out, 1 = in

//setup timer 0
clear_bit( option_reg, T0CS ); //enable timer
clear_bit( option_reg, PSA ); //prescaler belongs to tmr0
clear_bit( option_reg, PS2 ); //set prescaler to 2 - 1
clear_bit( option_reg, PS1 );
clear_bit( option_reg, PS0 );

set_bit( intcon, T0IE ); //enable TMR0 overflow bit
clear_bit( intcon, GIE ); //Disable ints for the mo

delay_10us(10);//wait for stable

asta e originalul.

#2 Useril este offline   informer 

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Postat 30 June 2016 - 08:02 AM

Banuiesc ca stii ca un program in C se scrie de obicei pt. un anumit compilator, nu inseamna ca daca-i C poate fi compilat in orice mediu.
Mai concret, cu ce incerci sa compilezi si ce eroare iti da?
"Cu cat cunosc mai bine oamenii, cu atat iubesc mai mult cainii."
... niste lucrari :)

#3 Useril este offline   ATYZZZ 

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Postat 30 June 2016 - 08:57 PM

Este scris in SourceBoost direct pt PIC-ul respectiv si in ala as vrea sa il compilez.
In paranteza scris nu ma pricep aproape deloc la scrierea programelor pentru microcontrollere. :pardon:
De aceea as avea nevoie e un pic de ajutor.
E un fel de girofar cu 12 leduri si cu buton de pornit oprit.
In loc la buton as vrea intrare de rc sa pot opri si porni din telecomanda.
Vreau sa il montez girofarul pe un KRAZ 255B pe care l-am facut.

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Postat 30 June 2016 - 09:15 PM

Aha, am inteles.
Din pacate n-am folosit acest SourceBost/BoostC, eu compilez/programez pic-urile cu tool-urile Mikroelektronika.
Pune un copy/paste cu mesajul de eroare pe care ti-l da cand incerci sa compilezi programul original, poate-mi dau seama de cauza....
"Cu cat cunosc mai bine oamenii, cu atat iubesc mai mult cainii."
... niste lucrari :)

#5 Useril este offline   ATYZZZ 

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Postat 30 June 2016 - 09:28 PM

asta e toata schema si codul etc

#6 Useril este offline   Bughy 

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Postat 01 July 2016 - 11:03 AM

Salut, in general C-ul curat se poate compila cu orice, output-ul difera. Dar e alta discutie. Pune te rog eroarea pe care o primesti la compilare.
"I reject the reality and substitute my own"
0742 796 172

#7 Useril este offline   ATYZZZ 

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Postat 01 July 2016 - 11:10 PM

Nu m-am lasat si pina la urma am reusit sa compilez codul dar nu stiu cum sa scot partea cu testul
partea asta:
//Start up test routine. Lights each LED in turn at 100% intensity (no PWM)
for(led=0; led<12; led++){
//for each led
g_Intensity[led] = 0; //set zero
trisio = TRIS_DEFAULT;
gpio = charlieBits[led];
trisio = trisBits[led];

Si nu stiu cum sa fac ca sa pot porni si opri din telecomanda (un canal rc.)pe un pin neutilizat pinul 3 sau 4.

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