Travel Air, la 14 June 2015 - 09:49 PM, a spus:
Si categoria F5J-400-ALTI ce inseamna?
RULES OF F5-J254 CATEGORY (F5J-400-Alti)
Basic: F5J FAI rules.
Differences: a) Maximum wingspan: .... 254 cm
j) .....
The (altimeter / motor run timer) device can allow the motor to be restarted
during the flight.
If the motor is being restarted the device must not show F5J Alt. In this case
the result of the flight is 0. The competitor will be allowed two attempt at each official flight. In the case of
second attempt, only the second result must be recorded.
Accepted firmware’s:
- F5J FAI or
- special firmware for this rules
+ motoare direct drive seria 400 accu max 2 S ... in rest idem F5J