Piese Arduino (senzori , shield etc)
Postat 13 May 2015 - 06:59 PM
Galerie poze =>> http://postimg.org/m...llery=1h0ckyv1g
ATmega2560-16AU CH340G MEGA 2560 R3 Board + Free USB Cable - 1buc - 100ron
Soil Hygrometer - 4buc - 12 ron
Ethernet Shield W5100 - 1buc - 45 ron
RTC Module DS1302 - 4buc - 12ron
Blue Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 1buc - 28 ron
Tastatura 4x4 Plastic (cu butoane) - 1 buc - 20 ron
2 Relay module - 3 buc - 16 ron
4 relay module - 1 buc - 28 ron
DHT 11 temperature sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Light sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Capacitive touch sensor - 1 buc - 10 ron
Dupon cable (40buc)(banda) - 1 buc M-M - 1buc M-T - 12 ron
PIR Motion sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Taguri albastre(tip breloc) pentru RFID - 10 buc - 2 ron buc
Mini ethernet shield ENC28J60 - 1 buc - 25 ron
Sensor shield v5 - 2buc - 28 ron
Sensor shield v5 with Xbee support - 1 buc - 28 ron
RFID - RC552 - 3 buc - 28 ron
NRF24L01 + 2,4Ghz wireless module - 4buc - 14 ron
Raindrop sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Serial interface 1602 LCD - 2buc - 10 ron
4 Mechanical Relay module shield 9V For Arduino UNO R3 XBEE 315 433MHz RF - 1 buc - 45 ron
HC-05 Bluetooth Bee V2.0 Master and Slave Module for Compatible Xbee - 2 buc - 40 ron
DC3V-5V HR202 Humidily Resistance Sensor Module LM393 Chip For Arduino - 1 buc - 20 ron
MQ2 Smoke Gas LPG Butane Hydrogen Gas Sensor Detector Module - 2 buc - 15 ron
UNO R3 ATmega328P CH340 Mini USB Board for Compatible-Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Ethernet Shield ENC28J60 RJ45 Lan Network Webserver - 1 buc - 50 ron
5V Eight 8 Channel Relay Module With optocoupler For PIC AVR DSP ARM - 1 buc - 40 ron
Flame module board (LM393) 3 buc - 12 ron
Contact : 0721.380.051 Florin
Livrarea in tara cu Posta Romana = 20 ron
In Bucuresti gratuit in zona Piata Sudului.
Postat 13 May 2015 - 08:10 PM
Postat 13 May 2015 - 11:42 PM
Nu te-as fi deranjat daca m-as fi lamurit repede in urma anuntului tau de aici...
Primul link spre poze nu functioneaza. Al doilea merge, dar "piesele" prezentate n-au nici o legatura cu cele scoase la vanzare. Sper ca n-am inteles eu gresit.
Concret, ai o poza in care apare un modul botezat "nano v3.0" si nu e in lista de preturi si cam in acelasi mod, apare senzorul ultrasonic, pe care nu-l gasesc in lista ta de preturi.
Probabil de la oboseala sa fac eu greseli, dar mi-ar prinde bine un pic de ajutor.
Eventual restabileste pentru minntea mea obosita legatura intre denumirea pozelor si pretul prezentat pe site (doar legat de neclarificarile mele...).
Telefon: 0721 385365
Postat 14 May 2015 - 05:01 AM
este adevarat am scos din lista ce sa vandut dar am uitat sa scot si pozele mii de scuze , sper sa fie bine acum.
Postat 14 May 2015 - 04:40 PM
Postat 15 May 2015 - 06:47 PM
app ramasasem dator cu niste info ..
2.Operating voltage: DC5V
3.Quiescent Current: 4mA
2.Launch distance :20-200 meters (different voltage, different results)
3.Operating voltage :3.5-12V
6.Transfer rate: 4KB / S
7.Transmitting power: 10mW
8.Transmitting frequency: 433M
9.An external antenna: 25cm ordinary multi-core or single-core line
Postat 16 May 2015 - 06:37 PM
FlorinAUI, la 15 May 2015 - 06:47 PM, a spus:
app ramasasem dator cu niste info ..
2.Operating voltage: DC5V
3.Quiescent Current: 4mA
2.Launch distance :20-200 meters (different voltage, different results)
3.Operating voltage :3.5-12V
6.Transfer rate: 4KB / S
7.Transmitting power: 10mW
8.Transmitting frequency: 433M
9.An external antenna: 25cm ordinary multi-core or single-core line
mersi, intrebare, operanting voltage de 3.5-12v este pentru TX sau RX
Postat 16 May 2015 - 07:11 PM
RedDevil, la 16 May 2015 - 06:37 PM, a spus:
Receiver module parameters
1.Product Model: MX-05V
2.Operating voltage: DC5V
3.Quiescent Current: 4mA
4.Receiving frequency: 433.92MHZ
5.Receiver sensitivity:-105DB
6.Size: 30 * 14 * 7mm
7.External antenna: 32CM single core wire, wound into a spiral
Technical parameters of the transmitter head
1.Product Model: MX-FS-03V
2.Launch distance :20-200 meters (different voltage, different results)
3.Operating voltage :3.5-12V
4.Dimensions: 19 * 19mm
5.Operating mode: AM
6.Transfer rate: 4KB / S
7.Transmitting power: 10mW
8.Transmitting frequency: 433M
9.An external antenna: 25cm ordinary multi-core or single-core line
10.Pinout from left → right: (DATA; VCC; GND)
Application environment
Remote control switch, receiver module, motorcycles, automobile anti-theft products, home security products, electric doors, shutter doors, windows, remote control socket, remote control LED, remote audio remote control electric doors, garage door remote control, remote control retractable doors, remote volume gate, pan doors, remote control door opener, door closing device control system, remote control curtains, alarm host, alarm, remote control motorcycle remote control electric cars, remote control MP3.
1.VCC voltage module operating voltage and good power filtering;
2.Great influence on the antenna module reception, preferably connected to the 1/4 wavelength of the antenna, typically 50 ohm single conductor, the length of the antenna 433M of about 17cm;
3.Antenna position has also affected the reception of the module, the installation, the antenna as possible straight away from the shield, high pressure, and interference source; frequency used to receive, decode and oscillation resistor should match with the transmitter.
Postat 22 May 2015 - 05:28 PM
In mare contine cam tot ce e de inceput : 12 senzori , cabluri , breadboard , sensor shield , display , tastatura si multe altele.
Gasiti lista complet in linku de mai jos sper sa mearga numai bine.
Lista se poate modifica in functie de cerintele si necesitatile fiecaruia.
Postat 29 May 2015 - 07:16 PM
Poze => http://postimg.org/gallery/3c1pgygp0/
Geeetech MK2B Heated bed hot hot bed plate PCB for Prusa Mendel 3D Printer ==>> 55 RON
Dimensions (Outer): 214mm x 214mm
Dimensions (Heat Bed): 200mm x 200mm
Laminate FR4 1.6±0.15mm
2 Layer, 35μm Copper
Power Input: 12V/24V DC
Copper Plated Holes
Reprap RAMPS1.4 2004 LCD display controlle with adapter Mendel,Prusa 3D Printer ==>> 65 RON
RAMPS 1.4 Control Board + 5X A4988 Stepstick Driver Module for 3D Printer RepRap ==>> 120 RON
Disponibile cate 2 bucati din fiecare produs in termenul specificat mai sus (atunci ajunge coletul)
Multumesc o seara frumoasa
Postat 14 June 2015 - 08:55 AM
Galerie poze =>>http://postimg.org/gallery/1h0ckyv1g/
ATmega2560-16AU CH340G MEGA 2560 R3 Board + Free USB Cable - 1buc - 100ron
Version ATmega328P UNO R3 CH340T Instead 16U2 - 2 buc - 50 ron
Arduino UNO R3 (original) - 1 buc - 50 ron
Soil Hygrometer - 4buc - 12 ron
GY-273 HMC5883L Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
RTC Module DS1302 - 4buc - 12ron
Blue Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 1buc - 28 ron
Tastatura 4x4 Plastic (cu butoane) - 1 buc - 20 ron
2 Relay module - 2 buc - 16 ron
Infrared Wireless Remote Control Kits for Arduino - 1 buc - 20 ron
DHT 11 temperature sensor - 3 buc - 12 ron
Light sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Micro SD TF Card Memory Shield Module - 2 buc - 12 ron
Dupon cable (40buc)(banda) - 3 buc M-M - 3 buc M-T - 12 ron
PIR Motion sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Taguri albastre(tip breloc) pentru RFID - 10 buc - 2 ron buc
433Mhz RF transmitter and receiver kit - 5 buc - 12 ron
Sensor shield v5 - 2buc - 28 ron
ADXL345 Digital Output Tilt Sensor Accelerometer Module - 2 buc - 12 ron
RFID - RC552 - 3 buc - 28 ron
NRF24L01 + 2,4Ghz wireless module - 4buc - 12 ron
Raindrop sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Serial interface 1602 LCD - 2buc - 10 ron
4 Mechanical Relay module shield 9V For Arduino UNO R3 XBEE 315 433MHz RF - 1 buc - 45 ron
HC-05 Bluetooth Bee V2.0 Master and Slave Module for Compatible Xbee - 1 buc - 40 ron
DC3V-5V HR202 Humidily Resistance Sensor Module LM393 Chip For Arduino - 1 buc - 20 ron
MQ2 Smoke Gas LPG Butane Hydrogen Gas Sensor Detector Module - 2 buc - 15 ron
UNO R3 ATmega328P CH340 Mini USB Board for Compatible-Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Ethernet Shield ENC28J60 RJ45 Lan Network Webserver - 1 buc - 50 ron
5V Eight 8 Channel Relay Module With optocoupler For PIC AVR DSP ARM - 1 buc - 40 ron
Flame module board (LM393) 3 buc - 12 ron
ESP8266 Serial Esp-01 WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module - 3 buc - 20 ron
ATMEGA16 Minimum System Board ATmega32 + USB ISP USBasp Programmer - 1 buc - 40 ron
USB ISP USBasp Programmer - 1 buc - 20 ron
Jumper Cable Wires 65Pcs - 6 buc - 15 ron
MB-102 Solderless Breadboard Protoboard 830 Points - 2 buc - 20 ron
Voltage panel 99,9 V red - 20 ron
Contact : 0721.380.051 Florin
Livrarea in tara cu Posta Romana = 20 ron
In Bucuresti gratuit in zona Piata Sudului.
Postat 14 June 2015 - 09:00 AM
Postat 16 June 2015 - 03:42 PM
Galerie poze =>> http://postimg.org/gallery/1h0ckyv1g/
ATmega2560-16AU CH340G MEGA 2560 R3 Board + Free USB Cable - 1buc - 100ron
Version ATmega328P UNO R3 CH340T Instead 16U2 - 2 buc - 50 ron
Arduino UNO R3 (original) - 1 buc - 50 ron
Soil Hygrometer - 4buc - 12 ron
GY-273 HMC5883L Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
RTC Module DS1302 - 4buc - 12ron
Blue Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 1buc - 28 ron
Tastatura 4x4 Plastic (cu butoane) - 1 buc - 20 ron
2 Relay module - 2 buc - 16 ron
Infrared Wireless Remote Control Kits for Arduino - 1 buc - 20 ron
DHT 11 temperature sensor - 3 buc - 12 ron
Light sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Micro SD TF Card Memory Shield Module - 2 buc - 12 ron
Dupon cable (40buc)(banda) - 3 buc M-M - 3 buc M-T - 12 ron
PIR Motion sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Taguri albastre(tip breloc) pentru RFID - 10 buc - 2 ron buc
433Mhz RF transmitter and receiver kit - 5 buc - 12 ron
Sensor shield v5 - 2buc - 28 ron
ADXL345 Digital Output Tilt Sensor Accelerometer Module - 2 buc - 12 ron
RFID - RC552 - 3 buc - 28 ron
NRF24L01 + 2,4Ghz wireless module - 4buc - 12 ron
Raindrop sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Serial interface 1602 LCD - 2buc - 10 ron
4 Mechanical Relay module shield 9V For Arduino UNO R3 XBEE 315 433MHz RF - 1 buc - 45 ron
HC-05 Bluetooth Bee V2.0 Master and Slave Module for Compatible Xbee - 1 buc - 40 ron
DC3V-5V HR202 Humidily Resistance Sensor Module LM393 Chip For Arduino - 1 buc - 20 ron
MQ2 Smoke Gas LPG Butane Hydrogen Gas Sensor Detector Module - 2 buc - 15 ron
UNO R3 ATmega328P CH340 Mini USB Board for Compatible-Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Ethernet Shield ENC28J60 RJ45 Lan Network Webserver - 1 buc - 50 ron
5V Eight 8 Channel Relay Module With optocoupler For PIC AVR DSP ARM - 1 buc - 40 ron
Flame module board (LM393) 3 buc - 12 ron
ESP8266 Serial Esp-01 WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module - 3 buc - 20 ron
ATMEGA16 Minimum System Board ATmega32 + USB ISP USBasp Programmer - 1 buc - 40 ron
USB ISP USBasp Programmer - 1 buc - 20 ron
Jumper Cable Wires 65Pcs - 6 buc - 15 ron
MB-102 Solderless Breadboard Protoboard 830 Points - 2 buc - 20 ron
Voltage panel 99,9 V red - 20 ron
Bluetooth RF Transceiver Module serial RS232 TTL HC-06 - 2 buc - 28 ron
Contact : 0721.380.051 Florin
Livrarea in tara cu Posta Romana = 20 ron
In Bucuresti gratuit in zona Piata Sudului.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de FlorinAUI: 16 June 2015 - 03:43 PM
Postat 10 July 2015 - 07:53 AM
FlorinAUI, la 20 June 2015 - 04:20 PM, a spus:
Salut Florin! Mai ai Raindrop Sensors? :)
Steve Works
Prodima prelucrari mecanice
Postat 29 August 2015 - 08:27 AM
Galerie poze =>> http://postimg.org/gallery/1h0ckyv1g/
ATmega2560-16AU CH340G MEGA 2560 R3 Board + Free USB Cable - 1buc - 100ron
Version ATmega328P UNO R3 CH340T Instead 16U2 - 1 buc - 50 ron
Soil Hygrometer - 4buc - 12 ron
GY-273 HMC5883L Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor - 1 buc - 12 ron
RTC Module DS1302 - 4buc - 12ron
2 Relay module - 1 buc - 16 ron
Infrared Wireless Remote Control Kits for Arduino - 1 buc - 20 ron
Light sensor - 1 buc - 12 ron
Micro SD TF Card Memory Shield Module - 2 buc - 12 ron
Dupon cable (40buc)(banda) - 2 buc M-M - 3 buc M-T - 12 ron
Taguri albastre(tip breloc) pentru RFID - 5 buc - 2 ron buc
433Mhz RF transmitter and receiver kit - 4 buc - 12 ron
Sensor shield v5 - 1 buc - 28 ron
ADXL345 Digital Output Tilt Sensor Accelerometer Module - 2 buc - 12 ron
RFID - RC552 - 2 buc - 28 ron
NRF24L01 + 2,4Ghz wireless module - 4buc - 12 ron
Raindrop sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Serial interface 1602 LCD - 2buc - 10 ron
4 Mechanical Relay module shield 9V For Arduino UNO R3 XBEE 315 433MHz RF - 1 buc - 45 ron
HC-05 Bluetooth Bee V2.0 Master and Slave Module for Compatible Xbee - 1 buc - 40 ron
MQ2 Smoke Gas LPG Butane Hydrogen Gas Sensor Detector Module - 2 buc - 15 ron
UNO R3 ATmega328P CH340 Mini USB Board for Compatible-Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Ethernet Shield ENC28J60 RJ45 Lan Network Webserver - 1 buc - 50 ron
5V Eight 8 Channel Relay Module With optocoupler For PIC AVR DSP ARM - 1 buc - 40 ron
Flame module board (LM393) 3 buc - 12 ron
ESP8266 Serial Esp-01 WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module - 3 buc - 20 ron
ATMEGA16 Minimum System Board ATmega32 + USB ISP USBasp Programmer - 1 buc - 40 ron
USB ISP USBasp Programmer - 1 buc - 20 ron
Jumper Cable Wires 65Pcs - 5 buc - 15 ron
MB-102 Solderless Breadboard Protoboard 830 Points - 1 buc - 20 ron
Voltage panel 99,9 V red - 20 ron
Bluetooth RF Transceiver Module serial RS232 TTL HC-06 - 2 buc - 28 ron
Arduino Nano V3 -1 buc - 35 ron
MB102 Breadboard power suply module 3,3v-5v - 2 buc - 12 ron
Real time clock RTC DS3231 - 5 buc - 12 ron
Preturile sunt pe bucata , numarul de bucati sunt cele disponibile in stoc.
Contact : 0721.380.051 Florin
Livrarea in tara cu Posta Romana = 20 ron
In Bucuresti gratuit in zona Piata Sudului.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de FlorinAUI: 29 August 2015 - 08:28 AM
Postat 10 November 2015 - 04:24 PM
Galerie poze =>> http://postimg.org/gallery/1h0ckyv1g/
ATmega2560-16AU CH340G MEGA 2560 R3 Board + Free USB Cable - 1buc - 100ron
Version ATmega328P UNO R3 CH340T Instead 16U2 - 2 buc - 50 ron
Arduino UNO R3 (original) - 3 buc - 50 ron
Soil Hygrometer - 4buc - 12 ron
GY-273 HMC5883L Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
RTC Module DS1302 - 4buc - 10 ron
RTC Module DS3231 - 5 buc - 12 ron
Blue Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 2 buc - 28 ron
Yellow Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Tastatura 4x4 - 2 buc - 12 ron
4 Relay module - 4 buc - 28 ron
2 Relay module - 4 buc - 16 ron
Infrared Wireless Remote Control Kits for Arduino - 1 buc - 20 ron
DHT 11 temperature sensor - 4 buc - 12 ron
Light sensor - 5 buc - 12 ron
Micro SD TF Card Memory Shield Module - 2 buc - 12 ron
Dupon cable (40buc)(banda) - 2 buc M-M - 3 buc M-T - 12 ron
PIR Motion sensor - 5 buc - 12 ron
Taguri albastre(tip breloc) pentru RFID - 20 buc - 2 ron buc
Carduri RFID - 10 buc - 3 ron buc
433Mhz RF transmitter and receiver kit - 5 buc - 12 ron
Sensor shield v5 - 1 buc - 28 ron
ADXL345 Digital Output Tilt Sensor Accelerometer Module - 1 buc - 12 ron
ADXL345 Analog Output Tilt Sensor Accelerometer Module - 1 buc - 12 ron
RFID - RC552 - 2 buc - 28 ron
NRF24L01 + 2,4Ghz wireless module - 4buc - 12 ron
Raindrop sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Serial interface 1602 LCD - 1 buc - 10 ron
4 Mechanical Relay module shield 9V For Arduino UNO R3 XBEE 315 433MHz RF - 1 buc - 45 ron
HC-05 Bluetooth Bee V2.0 Master and Slave Module for Compatible Xbee - 1 buc - 40 ron
DC 2.1MM power plug 9V battery snap - 5 buc - 5 ron (mufa alimentare de la baterie 9V)
MQ2 Smoke Gas LPG Butane Hydrogen Gas Sensor Detector Module - 2 buc - 15 ron
UNO R3 ATmega328P CH340 Mini USB Board for Compatible-Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Ethernet Shield ENC28J60 RJ45 Lan Network Webserver - 1 buc - 50 ron
Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 - 5 buc - 12 ron
Flame module board (LM393) 2 buc - 12 ron
ESP8266 Serial Esp-01 WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module - 3 buc - 20 ron
ATMEGA16 Minimum System Board ATmega32 + USB ISP USBasp Programmer - 1 buc - 40 ron
USB ISP USBasp Programmer - 1 buc - 20 ron
Jumper Cable Wires 65Pcs - 6 buc - 15 ron
MB-102 Solderless Breadboard Protoboard 830 Points - 6 buc - 20 ron
Voltage panel 99,9 V red - 20 ron
Bluetooth RF Transceiver Module serial RS232 TTL HC-06 - 2 buc - 28 ron
16 Key Membrane Keyboard - 2 buc - 10 ron
Mini ENC28J60 Ethernet LAN Network Module - 2 buc - 20 ron
Knock Sensor Module - 3 buc - 12 ron
Digital Barometric Pressure Sensor - 3 buc - 12 ron
Ethernet Shield W5100 - 1 buc - 40 ron
Acrylic Clear Box for Arduino Uno R3 - 2 buc - 25 ron
Contact : 0721.380.051 Florin
Livrarea in tara cu Posta Romana = 20 ron
In Bucuresti gratuit in zona Piata Sudului.
Postat 13 November 2015 - 12:10 PM
Galerie poze =>> http://postimg.org/gallery/1h0ckyv1g/
Pozele sunt 100% reale , fig nr ..... este asociat cu numarul din lista.
Pretul afisat in lista este per bucata , cantitatea afisata reprezinta stocul actual.
ATmega2560-16AU CH340G MEGA 2560 R3 Board + Free USB Cable - 1 buc - 100ron
Arduino UNO R3 CH340T - 1 buc - 50 ron
Arduino UNO R3 - 2 buc - 50 ron
Arduino UNO Leonardo - 1 buc - 50 ron
Arduino NANO - 1 buc - 30 ron
Soil Hygrometer - 4 buc - 12 ron
GY-273 HMC5883L Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor Digital - 1 buc - 12 ron
GY-61 Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor Analog - 1 buc - 12 ron
RTC Module DS1302 - 4 buc - 10 ron
RTC Module DS3231 - 5 buc - 12 ron
Blue Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 2 buc - 28 ron
Yellow Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Tastatura 4x4 - 2 buc - 12 ron
4 Relay module - 4 buc - 28 ron
2 Relay module - 5 buc - 16 ron
Infrared Wireless Remote Control Kits for Arduino - 1 buc - 20 ron
DHT 11 temperature sensor - 4 buc - 12 ron
Light sensor - 5 buc - 12 ron
Micro SD TF Card Memory Shield Module - 2 buc - 12 ron
Dupon cable (40buc)(banda) - 2 buc M-M - 3 buc M-T - 12 ron
PIR Motion sensor - 5 buc - 12 ron
Taguri albastre(tip breloc) pentru RFID - 20 buc - 2 ron buc
Carduri RFID - 10 buc - 3 ron buc
433Mhz RF transmitter and receiver kit - 5 buc - 12 ron
Sensor shield v5 - 1 buc - 28 ron
ADXL345 Digital Output Tilt Sensor Accelerometer Module - 1 buc - 12 ron
XBee master and slave module - 1 buc - 35 ron
RFID - RC552 - 2 buc - 28 ron
NRF24L01 + 2,4Ghz wireless module - 4 buc - 12 ron
Raindrop sensor - 2 buc - 12 ron
Serial interface 1602 LCD - 1 buc - 10 ron
4 Mechanical Relay module shield 9V For Arduino UNO R3 XBEE 315 433MHz RF - 1 buc - 45 ron
HC-05 Bluetooth Bee V2.0 Master and Slave Module - 1 buc - 30 ron
DC 2.1MM power plug 9V battery snap - 5 buc - 5 ron (mufa alimentare de la baterie 9V)
MQ2 Smoke Gas LPG Butane Hydrogen Gas Sensor Detector Module - 2 buc - 15 ron
UNO R3 ATmega328P CH340 Mini USB Board for Compatible-Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Ethernet Shield ENC28J60 RJ45 Lan Network Webserver - 1 buc - 50 ron
Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 - 5 buc - 12 ron
Flame module board (LM393) 2 buc - 12 ron
ESP8266 Serial Esp-01 WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module - 3 buc - 20 ron
MB-102 Breadboard power module - 2 buc - 12 ron
USB ISP USBasp Programmer - 1 buc - 20 ron
Jumper Cable Wires 65Pcs - 6 buc - 15 ron
MB-102 Solderless Breadboard Protoboard 830 Points - 6 buc - 20 ron
Voltage panel 99,9 V red - 20 ron
16 Key Membrane Keyboard - 2 buc - 10 ron
Mini ENC28J60 Ethernet LAN Network Module - 2 buc - 20 ron
Knock Sensor Module - 3 buc - 12 ron
Digital Barometric Pressure Sensor - 3 buc - 12 ron
Ethernet Shield W5100 - 1 buc - 40 ron
Acrylic Clear Box for Arduino Uno R3 - 2 buc - 25 ron
Laser beam module - 1 buc - 10 ron
Touch button sensor - 1 buc - 10 ron
Contact : 0721.380.051 Florin
Livrarea in tara cu Posta Romana = 20 ron
In Bucuresti gratuit in zona Piata Sudului.
O comanda mai mare de 150 ron transportul este gratuit prin Posta Romana
Postat 19 November 2015 - 03:54 PM
Produse disponibile momentan :
Galerie poze =>> http://postimg.org/gallery/1h0ckyv1g/
Pozele sunt 100% reale , fig nr ..... este asociat cu numarul din lista.
Pretul afisat in lista este per bucata , cantitatea afisata reprezinta stocul actual.
ATmega2560-16AU CH340G MEGA 2560 R3 Board + Free USB Cable - 1 buc - 100ron
Arduino UNO R3 CH340T - 1 buc - 50 ron
Arduino UNO R3 - 2 buc - 50 ron
Arduino UNO Leonardo - 1 buc - 50 ron
Arduino NANO - 1 buc - 30 ron
Soil Hygrometer - 4 buc - 12 ron
GY-273 HMC5883L Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor Digital - 1 buc - 10 ron
GY-61 Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor Analog - 1 buc - 10 ron
RTC Module DS1302 - 4 buc - 8 ron
RTC Module DS3231 - 5 buc - 10 ron
Blue Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 2 buc - 28 ron
Yellow Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Tastatura 4x4 - 2 buc - 12 ron
4 Relay module - 4 buc - 25 ron
2 Relay module - 5 buc - 15 ron
Infrared Wireless Remote Control Kits for Arduino - 1 buc - 20 ron
DHT 11 temperature sensor - 4 buc - 10 ron
Light sensor - 5 buc - 10 ron
Micro SD TF Card Memory Shield Module - 2 buc - 12 ron
Dupon cable (40buc)(banda) - 2 buc M-M - 3 buc M-T - 12 ron
PIR Motion sensor - 5 buc - 10 ron
Taguri albastre(tip breloc) pentru RFID - 20 buc - 2 ron buc
Carduri RFID - 10 buc - 3 ron buc
433Mhz RF transmitter and receiver kit - 5 buc - 10 ron
Sensor shield v5 - 1 buc - 25 ron
ADXL345 Digital Output Tilt Sensor Accelerometer Module - 1 buc - 10 ron
XBee master and slave module - 1 buc - 35 ron
RFID - RC552 - 2 buc - 28 ron
NRF24L01 + 2,4Ghz wireless module - 4 buc - 10 ron
Raindrop sensor - 2 buc - 10 ron
Serial interface 1602 LCD - 1 buc - 10 ron
4 Mechanical Relay module shield 9V For Arduino UNO R3 XBEE 315 433MHz RF - 1 buc - 45 ron
HC-05 Bluetooth Bee V2.0 Master and Slave Module - 1 buc - 30 ron
DC 2.1MM power plug 9V battery snap - 5 buc - 5 ron (mufa alimentare de la baterie 9V)
MQ2 Smoke Gas LPG Butane Hydrogen Gas Sensor Detector Module - 2 buc - 15 ron
UNO R3 ATmega328P CH340 Mini USB Board for Compatible-Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Ethernet Shield ENC28J60 RJ45 Lan Network Webserver - 1 buc - 50 ron
Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 - 5 buc - 10 ron
Flame module board (LM393) 2 buc - 12 ron
ESP8266 Serial Esp-01 WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module - 3 buc - 18 ron
MB-102 Breadboard power module - 2 buc - 12 ron
USB ISP USBasp Programmer - 1 buc - 15 ron
Jumper Cable Wires 65Pcs - 6 buc - 15 ron
MB-102 Solderless Breadboard Protoboard 830 Points - 6 buc - 20 ron
Voltage panel 99,9 V red - 20 ron
16 Key Membrane Keyboard - 2 buc - 10 ron
Mini ENC28J60 Ethernet LAN Network Module - 2 buc - 20 ron
Knock Sensor Module - 3 buc - 12 ron
Digital Barometric Pressure Sensor - 3 buc - 12 ron
Ethernet Shield W5100 - 1 buc - 40 ron
Acrylic Clear Box for Arduino Uno R3 - 2 buc - 25 ron
Laser beam module - 1 buc - 8 ron
Touch button sensor - 1 buc - 8 ron
Contact : 0721.380.051 Florin
Livrarea in tara cu Posta Romana = 15 ron
In Bucuresti gratuit in zona Piata Sudului.
O comanda mai mare de 150 ron transportul este gratuit prin Posta Romana
Postat 24 November 2015 - 05:39 PM
Galerie poze =>> http://postimg.org/gallery/1h0ckyv1g/
Pozele sunt 100% reale , fig nr ..... este asociat cu numarul din lista.
Pretul afisat in lista este per bucata , cantitatea afisata reprezinta stocul actual.
ATmega2560-16AU CH340G MEGA 2560 R3 Board + Free USB Cable - 1 buc - 100ron
Arduino UNO R3 CH340T - 1 buc - 50 ron
Arduino UNO R3 - 2 buc - 50 ron
Arduino UNO Leonardo - 1 buc - 50 ron
Arduino NANO - 1 buc - 30 ron
Soil Hygrometer - 4 buc - 12 ron
GY-273 HMC5883L Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor Digital - 1 buc - 10 ron
GY-61 Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor Analog - 1 buc - 10 ron
RTC Module DS1302 - 4 buc - 8 ron
RTC Module DS3231 - 5 buc - 10 ron
Blue Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 2 buc - 28 ron
Yellow Backlight 1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield For Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Tastatura 4x4 - 2 buc - 12 ron
4 Relay module - 4 buc - 25 ron
2 Relay module - 5 buc - 15 ron
Infrared Wireless Remote Control Kits for Arduino - 1 buc - 20 ron
DHT 11 temperature sensor - 4 buc - 10 ron
Light sensor - 5 buc - 10 ron
Micro SD TF Card Memory Shield Module - 2 buc - 12 ron
Dupon cable (40buc)(banda) - 2 buc M-M - 3 buc M-T - 12 ron
PIR Motion sensor - 5 buc - 10 ron
Taguri albastre(tip breloc) pentru RFID - 20 buc - 2 ron buc
Carduri RFID - 10 buc - 3 ron buc
433Mhz RF transmitter and receiver kit - 5 buc - 10 ron
Sensor shield v5 - 1 buc - 25 ron
ADXL345 Digital Output Tilt Sensor Accelerometer Module - 1 buc - 10 ron
XBee master and slave module - 1 buc - 35 ron
RFID - RC552 - 2 buc - 28 ron
NRF24L01 + 2,4Ghz wireless module - 4 buc - 10 ron
Raindrop sensor - 2 buc - 10 ron
Serial interface 1602 LCD - 1 buc - 10 ron
4 Mechanical Relay module shield 9V For Arduino UNO R3 XBEE 315 433MHz RF - 1 buc - 45 ron
HC-05 Bluetooth Bee V2.0 Master and Slave Module - 1 buc - 30 ron
DC 2.1MM power plug 9V battery snap - 5 buc - 5 ron (mufa alimentare de la baterie 9V)
MQ2 Smoke Gas LPG Butane Hydrogen Gas Sensor Detector Module - 2 buc - 15 ron
UNO R3 ATmega328P CH340 Mini USB Board for Compatible-Arduino - 1 buc - 30 ron
Ethernet Shield ENC28J60 RJ45 Lan Network Webserver - 1 buc - 50 ron
Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 - 5 buc - 10 ron
Flame module board (LM393) 2 buc - 12 ron
ESP8266 Serial Esp-01 WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module - 3 buc - 18 ron
MB-102 Breadboard power module - 2 buc - 12 ron
USB ISP USBasp Programmer - 1 buc - 15 ron
Jumper Cable Wires 65Pcs - 6 buc - 15 ron
MB-102 Solderless Breadboard Protoboard 830 Points - 6 buc - 20 ron
Voltage panel 99,9 V red - 20 ron
16 Key Membrane Keyboard - 2 buc - 10 ron
Mini ENC28J60 Ethernet LAN Network Module - 2 buc - 20 ron
Knock Sensor Module - 3 buc - 12 ron
Digital Barometric Pressure Sensor - 3 buc - 12 ron
Ethernet Shield W5100 - 1 buc - 40 ron
Acrylic Clear Box for Arduino Uno R3 - 2 buc - 25 ron
Laser beam module - 1 buc - 8 ron
Touch button sensor - 1 buc - 8 ron
Contact : 0721.380.051 Florin
Livrarea in tara cu Posta Romana = 15 ron
In Bucuresti gratuit in zona Piata Sudului.
O comanda mai mare de 150 ron transportul este gratuit prin Posta Romana