Se vinde filght controler CC3D cumparat de la hobbyking.
Are cam 10 zboruri, se vinde pentru ca am trecut la pixhawk si nu am ce face cu el
kitul cuprinde: placa cc3d, 2 seturi cabluri GPS/telemetry si un set pentru receiver.
poza este informativa. pentru detalii va astept cu intrebari.
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Vand CC3D flightcontroler
Postat 28 April 2015 - 11:11 AM
Tarot 650 Iron Man extended arms
Sunnysky x4110s 340kv
17x5 CF props
6s turnigy battery 16000 mah
Pixhawk with M8N GPS
Radiolink AT9 - 2W wifi booster
DYS Gimbal with Sony A6000
Original Sunnysky Motors at best price!
Sunnysky x4110s 340kv
17x5 CF props
6s turnigy battery 16000 mah
Pixhawk with M8N GPS
Radiolink AT9 - 2W wifi booster
DYS Gimbal with Sony A6000
Original Sunnysky Motors at best price!
Postat 28 April 2015 - 11:42 AM
Petru Buciu, la 28 April 2015 - 11:11 AM, a spus:
Se vinde filght controler CC3D cumparat de la hobbyking.
Are cam 10 zboruri, se vinde pentru ca am trecut la pixhawk si nu am ce face cu el
kitul cuprinde: placa cc3d, 2 seturi cabluri GPS/telemetry si un set pentru receiver.
poza este informativa. pentru detalii va astept cu intrebari.
Pret 100lei
Are cam 10 zboruri, se vinde pentru ca am trecut la pixhawk si nu am ce face cu el
kitul cuprinde: placa cc3d, 2 seturi cabluri GPS/telemetry si un set pentru receiver.
poza este informativa. pentru detalii va astept cu intrebari.
Pret 100lei
Ai si anexele de vanzare ?
Adrian - YO2BTW
Phoenix 2000 EPO Composite R/C Glider
Tarot 680 Pro NAZA M V2 - GoPro 4 Black
DJI F450 NAZA-M V2 - GoPro 4 Black
Phoenix 2000 EPO Composite R/C Glider
Tarot 680 Pro NAZA M V2 - GoPro 4 Black
DJI F450 NAZA-M V2 - GoPro 4 Black
Postat 28 April 2015 - 12:03 PM
mai exact la ce te referi ca nu inteleg :)
Tarot 650 Iron Man extended arms
Sunnysky x4110s 340kv
17x5 CF props
6s turnigy battery 16000 mah
Pixhawk with M8N GPS
Radiolink AT9 - 2W wifi booster
DYS Gimbal with Sony A6000
Original Sunnysky Motors at best price!
Sunnysky x4110s 340kv
17x5 CF props
6s turnigy battery 16000 mah
Pixhawk with M8N GPS
Radiolink AT9 - 2W wifi booster
DYS Gimbal with Sony A6000
Original Sunnysky Motors at best price!
Postat 28 April 2015 - 12:24 PM
Asta, de la HK, doar a spus omu...
... cu picioarele pe pamant ...
Postat 28 April 2015 - 12:37 PM
da asta e, am atasat-o dar probabil s a postat. mersi de poza oricum.
Tarot 650 Iron Man extended arms
Sunnysky x4110s 340kv
17x5 CF props
6s turnigy battery 16000 mah
Pixhawk with M8N GPS
Radiolink AT9 - 2W wifi booster
DYS Gimbal with Sony A6000
Original Sunnysky Motors at best price!
Sunnysky x4110s 340kv
17x5 CF props
6s turnigy battery 16000 mah
Pixhawk with M8N GPS
Radiolink AT9 - 2W wifi booster
DYS Gimbal with Sony A6000
Original Sunnysky Motors at best price!
Postat 04 May 2015 - 09:37 AM
Vandut, mersi.
Tarot 650 Iron Man extended arms
Sunnysky x4110s 340kv
17x5 CF props
6s turnigy battery 16000 mah
Pixhawk with M8N GPS
Radiolink AT9 - 2W wifi booster
DYS Gimbal with Sony A6000
Original Sunnysky Motors at best price!
Sunnysky x4110s 340kv
17x5 CF props
6s turnigy battery 16000 mah
Pixhawk with M8N GPS
Radiolink AT9 - 2W wifi booster
DYS Gimbal with Sony A6000
Original Sunnysky Motors at best price!
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