Am convenit cu un anume cumparator din UK sa-i trimit un articol,si sa-mi plateasca cu PayPal.Am primit mailul cum ca as fi primit o plata pentru un produs(item payment).In sfarsitul mailului scria ca trebuie sa trimit informatii de tracking pana sa primesc banii in cont.Asa ca m-am dus la posta,am trimis obiectul in cauza,am trimis datele de track la adresa mentionata si am mai primit un mail care zicea ca datele au fost verificate si ca in 2-3 zile imi numar banii.
Trec 2 zile.Trec 3.Trec 5 zile,dau mail la PP ca bai unde-s banii.Imi zic frumos da` stiti ca nu aveti experienta cu vandutul,asteptati 21 de zile ca poate o fi o problema si va insfacam instant banii daca e ceva.
Ieri-azi se fac cele 21 zile.Intreb iara la PP unde-s banii.Acuma s-au trezit ca stiti...noi nu vedem nicio plata facuta in contul mataluta de vreo 3 luni incoace.
Eu nu,ca nu se poate asa ceva,ca am primit mailuri.Le trimit id-ul tranzactiei,le fac si print-screenuri la ce am primit,numa` sa gaseasca cei bani.
Si acuma primesc raspunsul final:
Dear Dalvaru Ciprian,Thank you for contacting PayPal in relation to your recent shipment. I have reviewed your account and regrettably it shows that no transaction has been made into it on the 22nd of October. The transaction ID 1AB27756C7862123D is not a valid PayPal transaction.
I'm sorry to say that the email notification you received advising that you had received a payment was not sent by PayPal. This e-mail was a method for the other party to have you post the goods to them without sending any funds to you.
Please forward any contact information and/or emails from this individual to PayPal so that we may attempt to stop any future fraudulent activity. I understand that you have lost your item on this occasion but hope that the information I am able to provide here will stop this from happening again.
At PayPal, we care about the security of your account and financial information, therefore, we offer Security Tips that allow us to work together to protect your account against fraud. To view PayPal's 'Security Tips', click Security Centre located at the bottom of any PayPal webpage.
Unfortunately, as there has been no transaction through the PayPal site there is nothing that PayPal can do. Under normal circumstances PayPal would hold the questioned funds but as you are already aware, there are no funds to place on hold. I hope that by looking at the information on our Security Centre, you will be better prepared for any such future e-mails that may be sent to you.
Please let us know if you require any further assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Adica cumparatorul m-a facut sa cred ca mi-a trimis banii si sa-i trimit produsul.Si asta am si facut(culmea ca i-am facut pe plac si cu transport de 80lei).Adica eu n-am primit in veci nimic,nu mi-a fost trimis nimic.PayPal nu are nicio vina,ei nu au primit in veci nimic.
Ce am primit eu pe mail erau trimise de cumparator.Pareau asa profi facute ca n-ai fi zis ca-s fake-uri.
Morala:nu trimiteti nimic pana nu va scoateti banii de la ATM.Nu va bazati ca eh lasa ca intra ei in 2 zile.
La mine n-a fost o suma exorbitanta,dar ca orice ban pierdut iti pare rau nu neaparat ca nu-i mai ai ci cat de fraier ai putut sa fii.
Iata si ce m-a vrajit pe mine:
Acuma vad ca in al doilea mail sunt niste greseli de scriere,inacceptabile de la o companie asa mare ca PayPal.Semnele erau...dar cine sa se uite la ele cand stie ca PP are grija si sa aibe omul dupa ce bea apa...
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ciprian97: 12 November 2014 - 08:57 PM