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RPAS CivOps conference Bruxelles 2-3 Dec

#1 Useril este offline   renatoa 

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Postat 10 November 2014 - 11:30 AM

Intre 2-4 dec va avea loc la Bruxelles conferinta RPAS CivOps - Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Civil Operations, unde se vor lua ceva hotarari importante in masura sa ne afecteze hobby-ul, presupun...

Se pare ca tema de dezbatere principala va fi JARUS - Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems

Se stie cine va participa din partea Romaniei ? Si ce propuneri / puncte de vedere vor fi ?

http://rpas-civops.o...hp/registration <= aici se pot face inscrieri
Nu stiu daca e necesara prezenta fizica sau se poate participa si remote online, dar macar se primesc lucrarile conferintei pdf si stim si noi in ce context ne aflam...
... cu picioarele pe pamant ...

#2 Useril este offline   OcsiRC 

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Postat 10 November 2014 - 11:43 AM

Inteleg ca A.R.A. se ocupa de protejarea si reprezentarea intereselor noastre ... probabil cineva din staff ar trebui sa aiba cele mai multe informatii in directia asta ...

#3 Useril este offline   Andrix_y 

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Postat 10 November 2014 - 02:35 PM

Vezi postarearenatoa, la 10 November 2014 - 11:30 AM, a spus:

Intre 2-4 dec va avea loc la Bruxelles conferinta RPAS CivOps - Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Civil Operations, unde se vor lua ceva hotarari importante in masura sa ne afecteze hobby-ul, presupun...

Se pare ca tema de dezbatere principala va fi JARUS - Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems

Se stie cine va participa din partea Romaniei ? Si ce propuneri / puncte de vedere vor fi ?

http://rpas-civops.o...hp/registration <= aici se pot face inscrieri
Nu stiu daca e necesara prezenta fizica sau se poate participa si remote online, dar macar se primesc lucrarile conferintei pdf si stim si noi in ce context ne aflam...


Multumim mult de informare. Vom studia subiectul si o sa va dam un feedback referitor la acest subiect.

O zi buna,
Babos Andras Sandor

Președinte al Asociației Române de Aeromodelism

#4 Useril este offline   Alexandra D. 

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Postat 12 November 2014 - 08:57 PM

Dear Madam/Sir,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Romanian Association of Aeromodelism (Asociația Română de Aeromodelism-ARA) and I would like to know a few details about the conference. We found out late about the conference and we would like to know if the participation has to be strictly personal or if we could attend via an online platform. Secondly, we would like to know if we could receive the documents that are available to the other associations/organizations in terms of what is being discussed (projects for the future/presentations about what is being done in other countries etc.).
It is worth mentioning that we are a non-profit association that desires to represent the interests of all citizens who practice this type of activity, both in front of the Government and in the public eye. The existence of the Association has been proven necessary because of the recent law that restricts unfairly the activity of those who practice aeromodelism as both a hobby and a sport. Therefore, in our struggle for the rights and freedoms that we hope to attain, we consider to be of great help to know what goes on (in a realistic and concrete way) in other countries who have set an example.

Thank you very much for your consideration,

ARA President
Babos Andras Sandor

From : UVS International
To: ARA Club Modelism
Att.: Babos Andras Sandor
Dear Mr Sandor,
I refer to your email of today.
Herewith I would like to introduce UVS International and supply you with information on its activities.
UVS International is a non-profit association registered with the Chamber of Commerce in The Hague, The Netherlands and operates out of offices in Paris, France. It was founded in June 1995.
UVS International represents the manufacturers of civil & military remotely piloted systems (RPS), related sub-systems and critical components and associated equipment, as well as companies supplying services with or for RPS, governmental organizations, research organizations and academia. In this context RPS should be understood as re-useable and expendable remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS), unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) systems, unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) systems, unmanned surface vehicle (USV) systems [the two latter jointly designated unmanned maritime systems (UMS)], as well as non-reusable remotely piloted air, ground & naval target systems.
Note: UVS International currently represents over 1400 companies & organizations.
Geographic Representation
UVS International has corporate, non-corporate and natural person Members in 42 countries on 5 continents: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Rep., Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Moldova Rep., Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russian Fed., Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, Ukraine, USA.
Membership Categories
UVS International has 3 Membership categories:
• Corporate Entities: Manufacturers of RPS, related sub-systems and critical components and associated equipment; companies supplying services with RPS (operators); companies supplying services for RPS & RPS operators; research organizations.
• Non-Corporate Entities: State organizations, academic institutions, partner organizations (national associations);
• Natural Persons: Private persons, journalists & honorary members (the latter on invitation only).
UVS International is widely recognized as an impartial representative of the global remotely piloted systems (RPS) community consisting of manufacturers, operators, companies supplying services for RPS, governmental organizations, research organizations and academia. It represents the interests of its Members on a world-wide basis.

In keeping with the recommendation of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), UVS International has adopted the terms Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) & Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) [Instead of unmanned aircraft/aerial system (UAS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or drone] - Note: The acronyms are invariant.
Promoting International Coordination & Cooperation & Harmonization
UVS International aims to federate the international RPS manufacturers & operators communities with the intent of promoting international cooperation & coordination in all matters that are of interest & importance to the international RPS operators community [e.g. critical issues such as: rules & regulations (incl. design, production, maintenance, pilot, operator approvals), responsibility, liability, insurance, privacy, data protection], and give this community a voice on the global stage.
International & European RPAS Coordination Council
Within the framework of its «Global Access Initiative», UVS International has constituted the International RPAS Coordination Council (IRCC), which currently consists of the national RPAS associations in the following 14 countries: Australia (ACUO), Austria (AAI), Belgium (BeUAS), Botswana (CUAASA), Canada (USC), France (FPDC), Germany (UAV-DACH), Italy (ASSORPAS), Namibia (CUAASA), Netherlands (DARPAS), Norway (UAS Norway), Romania (UVS Romania), South Africa (CUAASA), Spain (AERPAS), UK (ARPAS).
The purpose of the International RPAS Coordination Council is to promote international cooperation, coordination and regulatory harmonization. The national associations in Chile & Poland are scheduled join the IRCC in the near future.
The national associations in Europe are federated in the European RPAS Coordination Council. All national associations that are member of the International RPAS Coordination Council, irrespective of the country, have a representative on the non-executive committee of the Board of Directors of UVS International.
Regulatory Activities
UVS International maintains excellent relations with regulatory authorities on national, regional & global levels and is extremely active in the field of RPAS-related rules & regulations, and was (see * below) or is an active member of:
• International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO) UAS Study Group (UASSG)*;
• ICAO RPAS Panel, which now replaces the ICAO UAS Study Group.
• ICAO Working Group on Civil/Military ATM Coordination;
• European Commission (EC) UAS Panel *;
• European RPAS Steering Group (chaired jointly by the EC Directorate General Enterprise & Industry + Directorate General Mobility & Transport);
• European Aviation Safety Agency’s (EASA) Safety Standards Consultative Committee (SSCC), where it represents the RPAS operator community.
• EUROCAE Working Group 73 on UAS (MTOM >150 kg) (standing advisor) *;
• EUROCAE Working Group 93 on Light RPAS (MTOM <150 kg)
The association coordinates its activities closely with the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) Secretariat ( and hosts their web site.
Reaching Out to the RPAS Operator Community
UVS International federates the international RPAS manufacturer & operator communities with the intent of promoting international cooperation & coordination in all matters that are of interest & importance to the them [e.g. critical issues such as: rules & regulations (incl. design, production, maintenance, pilot, operator approvals), responsibility, liability, insurance, privacy, data protection], and gives this community a voice on the European Union level (European Commission) and global stage (ICAO).
UVS International has decided to actively reach out to the steadily growing RPAS operator community. This decision was motivated by the following points:
• RPAS operators in most countries are not organized in dedicated associations (Australia, France, South Africa & UK are pioneering exceptions);
• The civil RPAS market [commercial; non-commercial (corporate, research, training); governmental non-military] is growing throughout the world;
• The economic viability of a growing number of civil RPAS applications is being evaluated by a significant number of potential RPAS operators.
• The majority of the RPAS currently used for civil operations have a MTOM of well below 150 kg;
• The majority of these RPAS are produced by Small & Medium-sized Enterprises;
• Initial RPAS regulations are now in place in: Australia, Austria, Canada, Czech Rep., Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey, UK.
• Initial regulations are in preparation or about to be published in: Belgium, Brazil, Finland, Malta, Norway, Russia, South Africa, Spain, USA.
• Civil RPAS operations are being facilitated by a growing number of national or regional aviation authorities by granting (experimental or temporary) flight authorizations - e.g. in: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Hong Kong, Latvia, Mexico, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, U.A.E.
• There are currently more than 2000 approved or authorized commercial RPAS operators in Europe;
• RPAS operators will be the drivers of the ever-growing civil RPAS market;
• Currently, very few insurance brokers are really aware of the intricacies of RPAS operations and the related risks; consequently they are not able to correctly advise RPAS operators;
• No country currently has a correctly functioning RPAS accident & incident reporting system;
• There is no centralized database with RPAS operational statistics;
• Currently, most RPAS manufacturers & operators are not fully aware of their legal responsibilities & liabilities;
• The international insurance community is just starting to understand the business potential of the future international commercial RPAS market;
• Illegal RPAS operations, not properly insured RPAS operations & operations by unqualified RPAS operators (in countries without rules & regulations) will become a growing risk for the reputation of entire RPAS community and the perception of it with the press and the general public.
Note: «RPAS Operator» should be understood as a company or organization conducting or planning to conduct aerial operations with RPAS. UVS International is now accredited by EASA as the representative of the RPAS Operators community.
Web Sites
Please note that we have two principal web sites.
- (the association’s web site)
- (the largest generic open information source on remotely piloted systems to be found on the web).
Some of the tabs in the menu bars on these two web sites can only be accessed by registered visitors and/or association members.
Note 1 Registration as a visitor on one of our web sites gives access to the non-restricted sections on both of our web sites.
Note 2 Being registered as a visitor on our web sites does not give you the status of UVS International member.
In order to become a member, the UVS International membership application form (see link below) must be completed & returned.
Note 3 Some of the sections of these web sites are only accessible to members of UVS International.
Note 4 Occasionally, registered visitors will receive email notifications from UVS International on topics of interest to the international remotely piloted systems community.
Note 5 It is suggested that you register yourself as a visitor on one of these two web sites.
Links To Documents
The following links give you access to a number of documents that will supply you with additional information:
• UVS International: Background & Activities – Click HERE- Supplies historical overview & information on recent + current activities.
• UVS International: Executive Summary – Click HERE
• UVS International: Board of Directors – Click HERE- Supplies information on the members of the current Board of Directors
• Who We Are & What We Do – Click HERE
• UVS International Statute – Click HERE
• UVS International Membership Application Form – Click HERE
• Membership Benefits – Click HERE
• European Matters – Click HERE- Supplies insight to the current RPAS regulatory situation in Europe.
RPS-related Document Library & Photo Gallery
Within the context of its Global Access Initiative, UVS International has constituted the world’s largest online Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) related document library, which is only accessible to UVS International members; it can be found under the «Library» tab in the lower menu bar on
This library currently contains 2187 RPAS-related documents in the following categories: a) governmental; B) military; c) regulatory; d) reports; e) studies; f) thesis; g) white papers; h) Access 5; i) model aircraft & related regulations; j) UVS International presentations; k) national RPAS communities; l) UVS News Flash editions; m) Press articles; n) Aviation terminology.
The world’s largest collection of online RPAS-related brochures & product data sheets (1883), and photo galleries (1544 photos) can be found under the «RPAS Info» tab in the lower menu bar on
There are similar sections for Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) Systems & Unmanned Maritime Systems (UMS).
The web site section with brochures & data sheets (425) & photos of products of UVS International members (303) are accessible to all registered visitors.
The web site section with brochures & data sheets (2068) & photos of products (1737) of non-members are only accessible to UVS International members.
RPAS Yearbook – RPAS: The Global Perspective
This annual publication has become the world’s leading reference publication in the field of RPAS.
Please note that the electronic edition of the 2014/2015 RPAS Yearbook – RPAS: The Global Perspective can be viewed in flip book format on (see «Yearbooks» tab) – Click HERE for a direct link to this publication.
Click HERE to access the relevant Media Kit, which supplies information on the advertising possibilities.
Under the auspices of UVS International, and in coordination with the European Commission, two conferences are again organized in 2014:
• RPAS 2014 - Brussels, Belgium - 23-26 June 2014
The Annual International RPAS Regulatory & Policy Form
• RPAS CivOps 2014 - Brussels, Belgium - 2-4 December 2014 -
The Annual International RPAS Operators & Civil Operations Forum
For 2015 we have the following conference programmed:
• RPAS 2015 - Brussels, Belgium - 22-25 June 2015 –
The Annual International RPAS Regulatory & Policy Form

Your organization is herewith invited to consider becoming a member of UVS International.
To become a member, the procedure to follow is as follows:
a) Download the Membership Application Form (Click HERE to obtain a copy)
B) Complete, sign & date it, and then scan this form;
c) Return the scanned copy to me by email or fax;
d) Subsequently, the relevant membership invoice will be issued & sent to you, and access to the restricted sections of our web sites will be granted to you.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
We hope that you will consider becoming a member of our association and look forward to hearing from them.

Cordial regards,
Peter van Blyenburgh
UVS International
Alexandra Diaconescu
Purtător de cuvânt al Asociației Române de Aeromodelism

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