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Motoare benzina 1/8

#1 Useril este offline   godFather89 

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Postat 16 June 2014 - 10:09 AM


Cred ca stiti deja notatile pe benzina 1/8:
HPI Octane (~870$)
Losi LST XXL-2 (apare prin iulie)

Si un review destul de detaliat pentru HPI Octane:

Cateva remarci relevante:


The Savage XL Octane has plenty of torque. It gets that massive truck moving pretty quickly in first gear, even allowing you to wheelie from a standstill. We joked that it probably had enough torque to pull Wrench across the grass when he was hanging onto the rear bumper when I bliped the throttle. That being said, it seemed like we always wanted just a little more. The truck needs to shift into second gear almost instantly as first is just to get you rolling. As it worked it’s way up to speed, you could see the look on the face of whoever was driving wishing it would just – get there – a little – faster. Our average speed measured by radar gun was 36 mph. This isn’t slow by any means, but in a world where similar sized electric and nitro vehicles can hit 50+ we were looking for more. If the top speed was 36 and it got there FAST, that would be ok, but it takes a bit of time to hit that top speed.


The elephant in the room with the Savage XL Octane is the volume. This truck is LOUD! Adam the Intern was quoted as saying it was ‘Obnoxiously loud.’ And he likes to be obnoxious. It’s easily 3 or 4 times louder than our Baja 5B. You might not think this is a problem, but trust us, it was.


After break-in, tuning was feeling more like a nitro engine than a gas vehicle. We brought along our Baja 5B as a ‘control’, it’s been beat into the ground and put away wet for years. It hasn’t been started in over 8 months, still had 1/2 of tank of old fuel in it, and it started FIRST PULL. The Octane hasn’t been this reliable. Sometimes it would start first pull, sometimes I had to intervene and stop Wrench from throwing it across the field by it’s pull string.

Ce parere aveti? Va ajunge vreodata la fel de bun ca nitro (putere/viteza/zgomot/etc.) sau e pur si simplu prea mic motorul pentru stabilitate in 2 timpi?
Sincer, eram destul de entuziasmat de aparitia motoarelor pe benzina 1/8 si ma gandeam chiar sa adaptez unul pe truggy (ca o provocare) dar acum nu mai sunt asa de sigur ca merita.


Aceasta postare a fost editata de godFather89: 16 June 2014 - 10:11 AM


#2 Useril este offline   Titus 91 

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Postat 16 June 2014 - 11:57 AM

Singurul avantaj al unui benzinar este costul redus de exploatare, asta e doar parerea mea, dar oricum, care parte a modelismului e ieftin? Eu nu am sa aleg un Savage Octane deoarece e dublu la pret fata de un X4.6 RTR, restul de bani ii bag in combustibil si am rezolvat problema, sau daca ajung sa am 4.000 de lei de dat pe un automodel acela va fi Baja 5b, parca Savage Octane trebuia sa fie portita ieftina spre un benzinar, parca asa zicea pe undeva HPI, nu prea le-a iesit, garantat e excelent, nu incape indoiala, dar merita fata de un nitro? Depinde de client, ce isi doreste, ce prefera. Cat despre (putere/viteza/zgomot) eu nu cred ca nitro va avea vreodata un rival, nu am automodel pe benzina dar m-am jucat cu unul si nu am fost placut impresionat, "pentru caaa...zgomot". Aceeasi problema la aeromodele, iti trebuie un motor mare si greu sa egalezi un nitro bun.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Titus 91: 16 June 2014 - 12:01 PM

Imagine postata
Cu aripi:
Zivko Edge 540 2m (Seagull models) 50cc, 3D
Graupner Floride 1.4m, 3D
Diamond 2500
Sky Surfer 780
Mini Ultimate 3D
Zagi wing
ATM-1 2.7m
F5J 4m
HK Big Stick Nitro
Multiple captive F2a, F2b, scara, semi-scara
Cu pale:
HK-450 GT
Hubsan quad
Cu roti:
Hpi Baja 5B
Hpi Savage 21
Kyosho Kart 10
Jamara Cocoon (flux)
Pe apa:
FSR-V 7.5cc
FSR mini-e
Velier 2m
Catamaran 81cm

#3 Useril este offline   godFather89 

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  • Interests:automodelism - incepator

Postat 18 June 2014 - 11:37 AM

Da, dar nici Baja nu e asa grozava. Cea mai mare problema fiind dimensiunea. Ai nevoie si de spatiu de stocare mare si de loc de joaca imens.
Un benzinar 1/8 suna numai bine.

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