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Telemetrie NAZA > MinimOSD > Taranis
Postat 03 June 2014 - 01:11 PM
Cu un Teensy 3.1 se poate lua telemetria din Naza si trimite catre Taranis prin Smart Port.
This is the data we send to FrSky, you can change this to have your own set of data ****************************************************** Data transmitted to FrSky Taranis: Cell ( Voltage of Cell=Cells/4. [V] This is my LiPo pack 4S ) Cells ( Voltage from LiPo [V] ) A2 ( Analog voltage from input A0 on Teensy 3.1 ) Alt ( Altitude from baro. [m] ) GAlt ( Altitude from GPS [m]) HDG ( Compass heading [deg]) Rpm ( Throttle when ARMED [%] ) AccX ( AccX m/s ? ) AccY ( AccY m/s ? ) AccZ ( AccZ m/s ? ) VSpd ( Vertical speed [m/s] ) Speed ( Ground speed from GPS, [km/h] ) T1 ( GPS status = ap_sat_visible*10) + ap_fixtype ) T2 ( ARMED=1, DISARMED=0 ) Vfas ( same as Cells ) Longitud Latitud Dist ( Will be calculated by FrSky Taranis as the distance from first received lat/long = Home Position
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