Tarot hexa ...am luat-o si eu cu capu`
Postat 31 January 2014 - 06:01 PM
Daca mai ai intrebari,Baga. iti spun tot.Ai reglaje pe care poti sa le faci in timpul zborului privitor la stabilitate pitch.roll etc,Pe 2 canale ale statiei.
Postat 31 January 2014 - 06:03 PM
Stiu, despre ce am vorbit sambata , insa deocamdata vreau doar sa ma asigur ca se ridica,la interior, si nu la peste 60% din turatie. am un 4s 5000 45c ...vedem cum se comporta si apoi revin.
Postat 31 January 2014 - 06:53 PM
pe att e altceva , sta si el acolo unde tre , doar compesat un pic din manse.ideea e ca nu vrea sub nici o forma sa-mi decoleze sub 50% din stickul de throttle si asta nu-mi place .nu cred ca este din FC pentru ca nu am umblat la nici o setare pe laptop si nici n-am vazut ceva de genul in assistant.
edit : "Many people will increase the power for take-off very slowly, this can cause the concerns with the sides of the copter lifting and looking as if it will flip on take-off. The correct way to lift off is to arm the motors, bring the throttle to 50% in one smooth motion and then continue to about 75% throttle to get clear of the ground. When the copter leaves the ground return the throttle to about 50% or just over and you are now up and flying! "
...thank` god for google.problem solved :))
edit : "Many people will increase the power for take-off very slowly, this can cause the concerns with the sides of the copter lifting and looking as if it will flip on take-off. The correct way to lift off is to arm the motors, bring the throttle to 50% in one smooth motion and then continue to about 75% throttle to get clear of the ground. When the copter leaves the ground return the throttle to about 50% or just over and you are now up and flying! "
...thank` god for google.problem solved :))
Aceasta postare a fost editata de shogi: 31 January 2014 - 06:58 PM
Postat 09 February 2014 - 05:27 PM
azi primu` zbor, 15 minute , cu packul scos la 14,7V , cu 4s nano-tech 6000, a iesit la 2700g complet.
Fisiere atasate
20140209_145349-001.jpg (1.25MB)
Number of downloads: 105
Aceasta postare a fost editata de shogi: 09 February 2014 - 05:55 PM
Postat 11 February 2014 - 07:17 PM
configuratie noua , mutat gimbal spre bot , mutat packuri dedesubt un pic spre spate.
Fisiere atasate
IMAG0656.jpg (974.22K)
Number of downloads: 134 -
IMAG0654.jpg (900.32K)
Number of downloads: 144 -
IMAG0650-001.jpg (1.12MB)
Number of downloads: 121 -
IMAG0644-002.jpg (846.41K)
Number of downloads: 125
Postat 18 March 2014 - 07:10 PM
Colegii, aveti careva un suport de motor in plus pentru fy690s ?