DATE: 24 25 August 2013
LOCATION : Shopping City Sibiu , Romania
Presentation of Event
It is time to get into serious bussines with the second round of the most expected championship in Romania every year. After 4 years of great succes we have started in force in 2013 with RC DRIFT & RC CRAWLING Challenge 2013 in 6-7 of July in the city of Ploiesti, where for the first time we had international drivers attending to the event. Continuing with our brand event, the second round for the championship is being held in the beautiful historical city of SIBIU, Romania, inside a known shopoping city, Sibiu SHOPPING CITY, which held us 3 events until now and where a lot of local spectators join us every time. The 13th event of it’s kind in our country, will reunite competitors from all over the country of Romania and also international contenders are expected to come, to race for the titles of DRIFT KING and King of the Hill. A very disputed championship in Romania which 2012 race brought at the races more than 80 very well trained pilots, this year we are expecting a very big surprise in the number of participants.
With this kind of events we are trying to bring alltogether the fans of RC and also the fans of rc racing and spectators, and most of all trying to present to the large public this kind of special hobby and sport.
The race is open for all 1/10 2wd 4wd drift or touring chassis with our without CS.
No tehnical limitations apply.
The contest will be divided in 2 races in 2 days:
The RC Drift competition is all about racing and drifting in a complex circuit, built specially for this race inside of the Shopping City Sibiu and it will be held in 2 days, first day for training and qualifications (saturday) and second day for the tsuiso battle finals (sunday). In this race we will organise also the well known Best Body & Light System Challenge and also Best Garage Challenge were in the last years more competitors start to compete.
As everybody is used to, from 2012, for the RC DRIFT CLASS, there are mandatory tires to be used as followed:
HPI SUPER DRIFT TIRES (cod 4402) – Because the surface of the track is very shiny and grip is needed
HPI T DRIFT TIRES – Open to use from this race on, due to demands from international drivers
This tires will be also available at the race in limited quantity.
The RC CRAWLING competition is all about racing in a tehnical course, build especially for this kind of events from different materials like dirt,mud,rocks,wood,etc. You will be amazed to see the complexity of this kind of track. Only 1/10 Rock Crawling cars with 2.2″ wheels are allowed. The class is open class so no other limitations apply.
Detailed program of event:
¦10:00 – 11:00 Registration, presentation of pilots, tehnical checks
¦11:00 – 14:00 Training RC DRIFT and CRAWLING
¦14:30 – 20:00 Qualifications for drift and crawling
¦20:00 – 22:00 Demonstrations and DJ WAREN CONCERT
¦10:00 – 11:00 Tehnical checks, Training
¦11:30 – 14:30 RC DRIFT PYRAMID
¦14:30 – 16:30 RC CRAWLING FINALS
¦16:30 – 17:00 PRIZE Awards
¦17:00- 22:00 Free Program for everybody
Note: Trainings for RC Crawling will be made in a special area, it is strictly forbidden to train on the official race track before the race!
Program for registration: Saturday 24 July 10:00-11:00
The registrations will be made in this schedule. To avoid the hassle of registration in the last moment, please be on time for registration.
For international competitors the registration taxes are FREE OF CHARGE.
All the classes will be awarded with big prizes coming from Hpi Racing Romania and partners.
For the second time in Romania, Hpi Racing Romania will be placing 2 Playseat Racing Cockpit Simulators connected to PS3’s for the spectators and also the competitors to play and race on the racing simulators these 2 days.
Along with the races we will be organising a small hobby expo, where some of our friends and companies will prezent the newes additions in their line of products.
As we used everybody, also in this weekend we will be exposing some tuned real cars from the tuning scene in Romania.
For regulations and information about the race please do not hesitate to contact us. The Romanian RC DRIFT Scene is expecting you to race with us.
Information for contact for international participants:
Tel : 0040744779504
E-mail : info @
Ymess: hpiracingro
Versiune in ROMANA
Prezentarea Evenimentului
A sosit vremea sa intram in treburi serioase cu a doua etapa din cadrul celui mai asteptat campionat privat din Romania. Rc Drift & Rc Crawling Challenge continua in forta, a doua etapa pe anul 2013, urmand sa fie organizata la Sibiu, in incinta Shopping City Sibiu. Al 13-lea eveniment de acest gen din Romania, va reuni participanti si fani din toate colturile tarii, pentru a se intrece pentru titlul de Drift King si King of the Hill pe 2013. Un campionat foarte disputat in ultimii ani, anul precedent reusind recordul de participare a peste 80 de participanti la clasele de concurs, anul acesta va asteptam cu noi suprize.
Prin acest gen de evenimente, incercam sa aducem la un loc pasionatii de automodelism din Romania, de asemenea incercam sa prezentam publicului larg acest gen de concursuri si de sporturi de nisa.
Evenimentul va fi impartit in 2 concursuri distincte pe perioada a 2 zile:
Concursul de RC DRIFT consta in parcurgerea unui traseu complex de drift realizat in incinta Shopping City Sibiu si se va desfasura pe 2 etape, antrenamente si calificari (Sambata) si finale (Duminica).In cadrul acestui concurs se va organiza si binecunoscuta proba Best Body & Light Sistem la care pe parcursul anilor au inceput sa se stranga din ce in ce mai multi participanti.
Dupa cum v-am obisnuit incepand cu 2012, pentru clasa RC DRIFT, sunt impuse cauciucuri obligatorii, care sunt dupa cum urmeaza :
HPI SUPER DRIFT TIRES (cod 4402) – in cazul desfasurarii concursului pe suprafete lucioase
HPI T DRIFT TIRES – alegerea acestor cauciucuri a devenit permisa datorita cererii participantilor internationali
Acestea vor fi disponible si inainte de concurs in cadrul standului de piese.
Concursul de RC Crawling ,a 9-a etapa organizata in Romania va consta in parcurgerea unui circuit tehnic, construit special pentru acest gen de competitii,traseu format din multiple suprafete de rulare(pamant,noroi,bolovani,pietris,nisip,butuci de lemn, etc), intr-un timp cat mai scurt contra cronometru.
¦10:00 – 11:00 Înscrieri, prezentare concurenti,verificari tehnice
¦11:00 – 14:00 Antrenamente RC Drift & RC Crawling
¦14:30 – 20:00 Calificari RC Drift & RC Crawling
¦20:00 – 22:00 Demonstratii automodele & Eveniment surpriza
¦10:00 – 11:00 Verificari tehnice,Antrenamente
¦11:30 – 14:30 Piramida RC Drift
¦14:30 – 16:30 Finala RC CRAWLING
¦16:30 – 17:00 Premierea participantilor
¦17:00- 22:00 Program liber si Demonstratii
Nota: Antrenamentele pt. Rc Crawling vor fi efectuate intr-un loc destinat, este STRICT INTERZIS accesul pentru antrenamente pe circuitul de Crawling inainte de inceperea manselor de calificari
Program inscrieri: Sâmbata (24 August) 10:00 – 11:00
Inscrierile se vor efectua in acest interval orar, in locatia concursului. Pentru a evita aglomeratia de ultimul moment, va rugam sa va prezentati din timp pentru inscrieri.
Taxele de concurs se vor achita in momentul inscrierii:
1. Concurs RC DRIFT – 40 RON
2. Concurs Body Contest – 25 RON
3. Concurs RC CRAWLING – 40 RON
4. Concurs Best Garage – Gratuit
Toate clasele de concurs vor fi premiate considerabil cu produse de modelism din partea Hpi Racing Romania si a partenerilor.
In EXCLUSIVITATE pe parcursul zilelor de concurs atmosfera va fi intretinuta de binecunoscutul DJ WAREN ( care va intretine si un recital special de MIX-uri in seara de Sambata,incepand cu ora 20:00. Dj Waren, un cunoscut DJ clujean, a ales sa fie alaturi de Hpi Racing Romania pe parcursul intregului an competitional 2013, pentru a oferi participantilor un plus de adrenalina prin muzica electronica pe care o produce si mixeaza.
Pentru a doua oara in cadrul acestei competitii, Hpi Racing Romania, in calitate de unici importatori si distribuitori Playseat Racing Cockpit Simulators, vor pune la dispozitia publicului larg si de asemenea a participantilor la acest concurs, 2 simulatoare Playseat Racing, dotate cu volane simulator si conectate la console PS3, pentru a putea organiza curse virtuale pe cele mai cunoscute jocuri de racing de pe piata.
Alaturi de competitiile organizate, vom organiza o mini expozitie de modelism, alaturi de noi in acest weekend for fi prezente cateva firme de modelism din Romania, pentru a prezenta si expune ultimele noutati in materie de lansari in modelism.
Datorita precedentului creat si la aceasta etapa vor fi expuse cateva masini de curse/modificate la scara reala, masini surpriza pentru vizitatori.
Cu o saptamana inainte de concurs , toate articolele si accesoriile de drift si de crawling din cadrul magazinului nostru vor fi vandute la preturi promotionale, pentru promovarea imbunatatirii atat vizuale cat si tehnice ale masinilor concurentilor !
Am pregatit multe surprize pentru acest inceput de an competitional 2013,dar nu le dezvaluim, ci va asteptam sa le descoperiti dvs. prin participarea la concurs in calitate de concurent sau spectator.
Dupa cum v-am obisnuit, premiile acordate in cadrul concursurilor organizate de noi vor fi generoase, gratie sponsorilor si colaboratorilor nostri.
Daca doriti sa luati parte la acest eveniment in calitate de sponsor sau partener va rugam sa ne contactati !
Pentru inscrieri sau informatii, va rugam nu ezitati sa ne contactati:
Tel : 0744779504
E-mail : info @
Ymess: hpiracingro
Deja a fost confirmata participarea internationala in numar mai mare la acest eveniment.
Sper ca este timp suficient pentru pregatiri si antrenamente din partea tuturor participantiilor, fiindca dupa cum ati vazut, nivelul a crescut FOARTE tare si creste in continuare. Cei care vor sta acasa cu speranta de a prinde alta si alta etapa vor ramane in urma cu siguranta.
Sa ne auzim cu bine!
Aceasta postare a fost editata de sandrei: 12 August 2013 - 12:02 AM