Modelism - RHC Forum: V A N D - Elicopter TREX 600 E - 1500lei - complet sau doar MECANICA - Modelism - RHC Forum

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V A N D - Elicopter TREX 600 E - 1500lei - complet sau doar MECANICA stare ireprosabila

#1 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 20 May 2013 - 04:14 PM

MECANICA COMPLETA ALIGN orig – doar main gear este HK
pale mari carbon ALIGN si mici plastic
ax curea si rulmenti noi - ansamblu coada nou
Rotor Align complet - Canopie fibra Align


PRET ELECTRONICA si MECANICA – 1500 lei fara receptor si bec ptr ca ESC-ul are BEC inclus :)
Servo Futaba 3x S3152 Digital - au doar 4 zboruri servorile si motorul
Servo Futaba FS 251S Digital
Giroscop Futaba GY401 – 200lei
ESC ALIGN 70A RCE-BL70G cu BEC inclus - cod K 10475ARO – NOU nepus pe model doar lipit conectori alimentare
Motor Turnigy T600 Brushless Outrunner 880kv –6s – ax de 6mm – ptt Trex 600

Daca cineva il vrea complet dureaza 2 zile sa-l termin gata de zbor... :D

am deja 10 si vreau sa raman la 7 elicoptere - sa se bucure si altii...

Fisiere atasate

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 20 May 2013 - 04:16 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#2 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 23 May 2013 - 12:38 PM

PRET SPECIAL - 1300lei fara PALE ALIGN - restul complet de zbor
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 24 May 2013 - 09:58 PM

ELICOPTER TREX 600E - complet de zbor - ii pui RX si zboara
L-am terminat de montat in asa fel incat sa nu fie nici o neintelegere cu privire la configuratia lui.

MECANICA COMPLETA ALIGN orig – doar main gear este HK
pale mari carbon ALIGN si mici plastic - ax curea si rulmenti noi - ansamblu coada nou
Rotorul este Align original complet cu 3 zboruri - Canopie fibra Align gata inscriptionata cu autocolante
Servo Futaba 3x S3152 Digital - au doar 4 zboruri servorile si motorul
Servo Futaba FS 251S Digital - Giroscop Futaba GY401
ESC ALIGN 70A RCE-BL70G cu BEC inclus NOU - fara nici un zbor
Motor Turnigy T600 Brushless Outrunner 880kv –6s – ax de 6mm – cu pinion de 16T

PRET 1 - 1500lei complet
PRET 2 - 1300lei fara pale mari Align

se poate da si RX in 2,4GHz la 100lei daca se ia elicopterul

Tel 0744 167518
pozele sunt de azi... :D

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    Number of downloads: 70

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 24 May 2013 - 09:59 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#4 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 30 May 2013 - 10:18 AM

am inlocuit si main gear-ul cu cel original Align - am schimbat trenul de aterizare cu unul negru un pic mai inalt :D
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#5 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 04 June 2013 - 04:32 PM

REZERVAT 1 saptamana!... :yahoo:
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#6 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 08 June 2013 - 05:42 PM

V A N D U T! :yahoo: - se inchide topicul
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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