Rise of the machines :D ... astora incepe sa le fie frica...
Postat 23 August 2014 - 08:35 AM
Nu vedeti ajungand la asa ceva ? :)
Si reactia unuia care a dus deja batalia asta cu sistemul, la alt nivel:
I am going to give you guys some advice. I want to save you years of heartache. I want to save you from the disappointment that will ultimately come as a result of the FAA action. You see...My name is Steve and I was an FAA USUA (United States Ultralight Association) Flight Instructor. We trained Pilots to fly ultralights in 2 place aircraft which were registered with the USUA and authorized for flight training with the FAA. This demographic was comprised of thousands of pilots, hundreds of Instructors, Hundreds of Companies involved in the Manufacturing of Training Aircraft and many other companies which supported us with parts and components which were required for the maintenance of these aircraft. The F'nAA passed a ruling called Sport Pilot which destroyed Ultralighting in this country. All of the business' all of the infrastructure, all of the Instructors...gone...game over. Did we sue 'em? sure we did. Did we protest...yep! We wrote thousands of letters and had National organizations fighting the rule. The F'nAA DOES NOT CARE. They don't care if they have ruined lives and businesses. They don't care that hundreds of trainers landed on the scrapheaps. They just don't care. We didn't win then and we will not win now...but let me save you some heartache and tell you what we did, collectively...JUST FLY. Keep it smart and JUST FLY. Remember that...JUST FLY. The next time you talk to your buddy about this FAA thing tell them, lets "JUST FLY".
Aceasta postare a fost editata de renatoa: 23 August 2014 - 08:35 AM
Postat 23 August 2014 - 10:51 AM
renatoa, la 23 August 2014 - 08:35 AM, a spus:
Nu vedeti ajungand la asa ceva ? :)
Si reactia unuia care a dus deja batalia asta cu sistemul, la alt nivel:
I am going to give you guys some advice. I want to save you years of heartache. I want to save you from the disappointment that will ultimately come as a result of the FAA action. You see...My name is Steve and I was an FAA USUA (United States Ultralight Association) Flight Instructor. We trained Pilots to fly ultralights in 2 place aircraft which were registered with the USUA and authorized for flight training with the FAA. This demographic was comprised of thousands of pilots, hundreds of Instructors, Hundreds of Companies involved in the Manufacturing of Training Aircraft and many other companies which supported us with parts and components which were required for the maintenance of these aircraft. The F'nAA passed a ruling called Sport Pilot which destroyed Ultralighting in this country. All of the business' all of the infrastructure, all of the Instructors...gone...game over. Did we sue 'em? sure we did. Did we protest...yep! We wrote thousands of letters and had National organizations fighting the rule. The F'nAA DOES NOT CARE. They don't care if they have ruined lives and businesses. They don't care that hundreds of trainers landed on the scrapheaps. They just don't care. We didn't win then and we will not win now...but let me save you some heartache and tell you what we did, collectively...JUST FLY. Keep it smart and JUST FLY. Remember that...JUST FLY. The next time you talk to your buddy about this FAA thing tell them, lets "JUST FLY".
Keep it smart and JUST FLY. Remember that...JUST FLY. The next time you talk to your buddy about this FAA thing tell them, lets "JUST FLY".
Da are cineva impresia ca noi nu mai zburam?
Din cauza mizeriei de ordin?
Ha, Cred ca se inseala amarnic cine crede ca eu sau altii nu mai zburam.
Suntem in acelsi loc cu acelasi echipament si ne distram de minune.
fuk FAA sau alte minti inguste care cred ca noi ii bagam in seama.
Postat 24 August 2014 - 05:57 PM
Parcelat, zonat, pe culori, drone-free areas... pe care evident ca FC va fi asa destept sa le recunoasca si sa refuze sa zboare acolo... ce mai, viitorul suna bine, ma mir cum de nu a aparut inca nici un film pe tema asta, va dati seama cat de neinteresanti suntem :p
Postat 24 August 2014 - 06:44 PM
Postat 26 August 2014 - 08:26 AM
Mi-a placut asta: "Signs posted at building...please help me get downed drone from rooftop"
Postat 26 August 2014 - 12:18 PM
"Once you let the smoke out, it will not work anymore."
Postat 26 August 2014 - 12:20 PM
iata ca vin sa ne viziteze ;)
"Once you let the smoke out, it will not work anymore."
Postat 29 August 2014 - 12:47 AM
-- Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish! --
Postat 31 August 2014 - 12:04 PM
This undated image provided by Google shows a Project Wing drone vehicle during delivery. Google's secretive research laboratory is trying to build a fleet of drones designed to bypass earthbound traffic so packages can be delivered to people more quickly. The ambitious program announced Thursday, August 28, 2014, escalates Google's technological arms race with rival Amazon.com Inc., which also is experimenting with self-flying vehicles to carry merchandise bought by customers of its online store. (Photo by AP Photo/Google)
-- Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish! --
Postat 31 August 2014 - 12:06 PM
Miercuri, 27 august 2014, 18:38 Economie | Telecom
Minidrona Rolling spider
Minidrona Rolling spider
Foto: Orange Romania
Orange a inceput sa vanda doua tipuri de minidrone prin care se pot realiza fotografii si clipuri video in aer liber sau in interior si care pot fi controlate de pe smartphone sau tableta, a anuntat operatorul de telefonie mobila. Acestea pot fi controlate cu ajutorul aplicatiei gratuite FreeFlight 3 pentru dispozitive iOS, Android, Windows 8.1 si Windows Phone 8.1 si sunt disponibile la preturile de 169 euro si respectiv 109 euro.
Minidrona Rolling Spider de la Parrot este o drona zburatoare, care cantareste 55 g, ce se poate deplasa pe sol, pe pereti si chiar pe tavan. Aceasta este echipata cu o camera verticala, pozitionata sub fuselaj, care o ajuta sa se stabilizeze in timpul zborului si sa realizeaze fotografii in aer liber sau in interior, la diverse evenimente sau in vacanta. Imaginile sunt stocate in memoria flash de 1 GB si pot fi ulterior transferate pe computer.
Datorita senzorilor cu care este echipata, minidrona poate detecta daca este aruncata in aer si planeaza, chiar daca motoarele sunt oprite. Ea porneste automat si asteapta comenzile utilizatorului. In acelasi timp, daca una dintre elice intra in contact cu un corp solid, motoarele se opresc, pentru siguranta.
Minidrona Rolling Spider are autonomie de 8 minute si functioneaza cu o baterie reincarcabila Litiu-Polimer de 550 mAh, compatibila si cu cea de-a doua drona Jumping Sumo de la Parrot.
Minidrona Jumping Sumo se poate deplasa cu o viteza maxima de 2 m/s in interiorul sau in afara casei, poate lua viraje in unghi drept si poate realiza intoarceri la 180 grade. Cele doua roti cu care este echipata sunt retractabile, se extind pentru o stabilitate crescuta la viteze mari si se retrag in pozitie compacta in spatii stramte.
Minidrona Jumping Sumo are autonomie de 20 de minute, poate sari pana la 80 cm inaltime si permite programarea unui traseu, care va fi regasit ulterior in miscarile predefinite ale dronei. In plus, aceasta este echipata cu obiectiv superangular care trimite imagini video in direct pe ecranul smartphone-ului sau tabletei pilotului. De asemenea, drona poate realiza fotografii si videoclipuri pe care le poate stoca pe un stick micro-USB conectat in prealabil la ea.
Conform informatiilor operatorului, cele doua minidrone sunt disponibile atat in Orange shop, cat si in magazinul online la pretul de 169 euro pentru Parrot Jumping Sumo, respectiv 109 euro pentru Parrot Rolling Spider.
-- Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish! --
Postat 01 September 2014 - 09:24 PM
Evident ca vamesii considera ca in felul asta le opresc sa ajunga pe mana teroristilor, ca doar sunt prea prosti sa importe componente din china si sa si le faca singuri...
Postat 03 September 2014 - 07:35 PM
renatoa, la 01 September 2014 - 09:24 PM, a spus:
Evident ca vamesii considera ca in felul asta le opresc sa ajunga pe mana teroristilor, ca doar sunt prea prosti sa importe componente din china si sa si le faca singuri...
este mai degraba legat de interdictia de a exporta tehnologie ...
asa cum softare-ul folosit in criptografie (codul in sine ) este considerat 'munitie' de catre SUA
-- Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish! --
Postat 04 September 2014 - 10:57 AM
Aceasta postare a fost editata de renatoa: 04 September 2014 - 10:57 AM
Postat 07 September 2014 - 08:09 PM
Atentie si unde va laudati cu drona... "...became interested in them because it "became aware of" their web sites, or even because someone tipped them off about an article in a community newsletter"
Postat 08 September 2014 - 01:03 PM
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Nanok@: 08 September 2014 - 01:06 PM
-- Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish! --
Postat 17 September 2014 - 05:28 PM
Printre altele... bomboana e la sfarsit:
Altitude: 149 ft (50m)
Operations above 149 feet AGL must comply with CFR Part 101.13 (a) (1) (3) (4) and (B ) Part 101.17 (a) & (B )
Aceasta postare a fost editata de renatoa: 17 September 2014 - 05:30 PM
Postat 17 September 2014 - 07:08 PM
Detinutii din penitenciare se reinventeza. Au o noua metoda ca sa introduca ilegal dupa gratii telefoane, droguri, dar si alte obiecte interzise: se folosesc de drone.
Aceste dispozitive zboara lejer peste zidurile inalte ale inchisorilor. Pana acum, au fost depistate trei, in Ploiesti, Giurgiu, si Miercurea Ciuc. Persoana care teleghideaza drona studiaza intai terenul, pentru a stabili un traseu pana la fereastra celulei. Se asigura ca nu sunt obstacole in aer si isi gaseste un loc ferit. Apoi lanseaza drona.
Camera video de pe drona usureaza manevrarea ei pana la destinatie.
Florin Schiopu, presedintele Federatiei Sindicatelor din Administratia Nationala a Penitenciarelor: "Banuiesc ca acest lucru se intampla noaptea, pentru ca ziua ar fi usor
Gardienii inchisorilor din Ploiesti, Miercurea Ciuc si Giurgiu nu s-au lasat pacaliti. Dispozitivele au fost confiscate si predate anchetatorilor care ii cauta pe proprietari. Toate carau telefoane mobile pentru detinuti.
Afacerea comunicatiilor fara fir ar fi rezolvata daca sisteme de bruiaj ar fi insaltalte in fiecare inchisoare.
Florin Schiopu: "Cei din foisoare stau 12 ore, cei de pe sectii fac un singur supraveghetor la 10, 20 de camere, cu cate 200 de detinuti. Nu cred ca se poate vorbi de sanctiuni atata timp cat nu poti sa asiguri conditii minime de paza."
Pana acum, detinutii apelau la metodele clasice pe care gardienii le cunosteau foarte bine. Obiectele interzise erau ascunse in alimentele pe care le primeau de la rude, in haine sau incaltaminte, sau pur si simplu erau aruncate peste gardul inchisorii.
Haoleo manaceas ...care esti cu interlopi pe ciat aicia ?
-- Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish! --
Postat 17 September 2014 - 07:22 PM
Postat 17 September 2014 - 08:04 PM
-- Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish! --
Postat 25 September 2014 - 11:08 AM
Sincer, trebuie mare curaj sa aprobi asa ceva...
si povestea din spatele realizarii...
Atentie, acest spectacol violeaza in mod flagrant ord.8 :)
Aceasta postare a fost editata de renatoa: 25 September 2014 - 11:08 AM
Postat 25 September 2014 - 09:03 PM
Romania este si ea acolo in zona majoritara portocaliu, care inseamna reglementat de o autoritate, si link-ul trimite la pagina CAA corespunzatoare.
Deci, nu ne putem plange ca suntem... "in randul lumii"...
Postat 26 September 2014 - 09:50 AM
renatoa, la 25 September 2014 - 11:08 AM, a spus:
Sincer, trebuie mare curaj sa aprobi asa ceva...
si povestea din spatele realizarii...
Atentie, acest spectacol violeaza in mod flagrant ord.8 :)
Splendid! Fara cuvinte!
"Once you let the smoke out, it will not work anymore."
Postat 26 September 2014 - 12:40 PM
Foarte "dulci" conditiile... "...requires a Private Pilot's License AND a 3rd Class Medical..."
Postat 26 September 2014 - 01:31 PM
Postat 26 September 2014 - 08:06 PM
Au luat-o unii razna, sau chiar ar fi normal sa li se prevada culoare aeriene dedicate ?
Postat 28 September 2014 - 10:04 AM
renatoa, la 26 September 2014 - 08:06 PM, a spus:
Au luat-o unii razna, sau chiar ar fi normal sa li se prevada culoare aeriene dedicate ?
O propunere care vine din partea NASA ....
-- Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish! --
Postat 30 September 2014 - 12:57 PM
Un Nanok-opter dragut ..
-- Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish! --
Postat 30 September 2014 - 01:07 PM