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Postat 09 May 2012 - 09:37 PM
Am deschis acest topic in vederea feed-back-ului userului UZZY. De exemplu, azi el a trimis un colet unui amic de al meu, care nu are cont pe forum. Daca ar avea, sigur ar face feed-back pozitiv, iar din moment ce nu are, fac eu. Coletul arata super, si in afara de cateva zgarieturi abea observabile, masina e ca noua! Prietenul meu a zis ca merge perfect, si functioneaza in totalitate, asa ca poate recomanda userul Uzzy!! :D
1/8-Hpi Hellfire-SS DONE!
1/10 Hpi Blitz-Racing Beast (Work In Progress)
May contain traces of nitro, human flesh and craziness.
1/10 Hpi Blitz-Racing Beast (Work In Progress)
May contain traces of nitro, human flesh and craziness.
Postat 09 May 2012 - 10:34 PM
Recomand si eu, nota 10 din partea mea!
Masinute de jucarie. Pe bani adevarati.
Postat 10 May 2012 - 05:05 PM
Omul face colete frumoase, o avea firma de impachetat cadouri, glumeam.
O bila alba si din partea mea.
O bila alba si din partea mea.
Fan Nokia.
Postat 02 July 2012 - 06:11 PM
Recomand! am cumparat de la el 2 acumulatori si au venit in stare impecabila! recomand 10+
Traxxas Slash 2WD, 2.4 GhZ
Postat 25 July 2012 - 01:01 PM
promt si de cuvant! Recomand
"Once you are in it you are in it, you have to go all the way to the end because you commit yourself to such a level where there is no compromise. You give everything you have absolutely everything. Sometimes you find even more because you require more if you want to stay ahead and you want to win." Ayrton Senna
HPI RACING CARS: ELECTRIC-miniMT (in progress)
HPI RACING CARS: ELECTRIC-miniMT (in progress)
Postat 19 October 2012 - 07:25 AM
-Associated B7 - buggy 2wd electric
-Associated B74.2 - buggy 4wd electric
-Mugen MTC2 - stock/mod touring electric
-Associated SC6.2 - short course 2wd electric
-Losi SCTE 2.0 - short course 4wd electric
-Mugen MBX5T - truggy nitro
-Mugen MBX6 - buggy nitro
-Kyosho MR03 - 1/28 box stock
-GLR racing - 1/28 mod
-Garbage collection - Crawler performance scale
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
-Associated B7 - buggy 2wd electric
-Associated B74.2 - buggy 4wd electric
-Mugen MTC2 - stock/mod touring electric
-Associated SC6.2 - short course 2wd electric
-Losi SCTE 2.0 - short course 4wd electric
-Mugen MBX5T - truggy nitro
-Mugen MBX6 - buggy nitro
-Kyosho MR03 - 1/28 box stock
-GLR racing - 1/28 mod
-Garbage collection - Crawler performance scale
C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
Postat 22 December 2012 - 09:47 PM
recomand si eu ...foarte serios
team durango dex410 V4
team durango desc410
savage flux
vorza flux
Tel. 0748382727
team durango desc410
savage flux
vorza flux
Tel. 0748382727
Postat 09 January 2013 - 04:06 PM
+ 10 si de la mine. colet bine ambalat. recomand!!
mai fac o baie!
Postat 09 January 2013 - 08:59 PM
te recomanda ma si eu !!!! este de nota 10++
Club Sportiv: C.S.T.A. Bucuresti
Club Hobby: MDT (Militari Durango Team)
Nume: Alexandru
Tel: 0768076023
Club Hobby: MDT (Militari Durango Team)
Nume: Alexandru
Tel: 0768076023
Postat 18 August 2016 - 02:31 PM
Nota 50
Colet impachetat pt drumuri grele, marfa foarte k, preturi bune.
Colet impachetat pt drumuri grele, marfa foarte k, preturi bune.
Why Drink and Drive,When you can Smoke and Fly?
Postat 20 March 2017 - 08:58 AM
Seriozitate maxima... recomand cu încredere.
12CM Records
Freestyle - Armattan Rooster /T-motor f40 pro II - 2400kv motors / Kiss 32A ESC / Kiss V2 FC / Foxeer Pedator / FrSky Taranis x9d+ on TBS Crossfire / TBS Unify Pro V3
DJI Mavic Pro
Freestyle - Armattan Rooster /T-motor f40 pro II - 2400kv motors / Kiss 32A ESC / Kiss V2 FC / Foxeer Pedator / FrSky Taranis x9d+ on TBS Crossfire / TBS Unify Pro V3
DJI Mavic Pro
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