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CUSTOM FRAME ptr Trex 600 E Pentru pasionatii de CAD

#571 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 19 April 2014 - 07:05 PM

Vezi postareatakeoff, la 19 April 2014 - 06:16 PM, a spus:

Greseala de exprimare,eu le numesc ghidaje,intinzatoare ma gandeam la cele gen magnetofon(care intind banda),ceva de genul...
Atasament BansheeBeltTensioner.jpg

Initial am vrui ca unul din ghidaje sa aibe si rol de intinzator - dar am vazut ca se foloseste in general la curele mai late, mai lungi (7mm) si mai rigide decat cea de la 600 care e mai ingusta (5mm) si e f.maleabila, asa ca intinderea curelei se va face din piesa metalica de coada.
Daca nu e deajuns mai vedem...

Protos 700 foloseste chiar si pe ansamblul de coada o rola ce preseaza cureaua pe pinion...

orice observatie e binevanita :D
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#572 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 21 April 2014 - 10:44 PM

Si am montat cu loctite :)
Cureaua merge foaarte usor - am taiat din coada si o sa merga cu pale de 520mm
Trebul de aterizare carbon - inaltat din spate

Florin957 a avut o sugestie sa pun canopie de 550 - incerc maine sa vad daca intra, ptr. ca ar fi mai mica si mai slim...

Saibe negre la piesele importante si argintii la distentiere...
Frame-ul este foarte rigid.

maine pun servourile motorul si restul...

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4362.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4361.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4359.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4363.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4364.JPG

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 21 April 2014 - 10:46 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#573 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 21 April 2014 - 10:57 PM

alte foto - restul maine :D

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4370.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4369.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4368.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4366.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4365.JPG

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#574 Useril este offline   Mishu-Ptm 

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Postat 21 April 2014 - 11:36 PM

Trebuie sa gasesti o curea mai lunga, se vede putin ciudat cu coada asa scurta...
In rest, arata super.
Trex 600 Pro EFL | Trex 500 ESP FBL - Spektrum Dx6
Sprint 2 Sport | Tamco Raider | Speed Passion RS-2 | Turnigy SCT 1/16
My feedback

#575 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 April 2014 - 08:42 AM

Vezi postareaMishu-Ptm, la 21 April 2014 - 11:36 PM, a spus:

Trebuie sa gasesti o curea mai lunga, se vede putin ciudat cu coada asa scurta...
In rest, arata super.

Este doar cu 3 cm mai scurt decat 550 clasic - adica nu o sa mearga cu pale de 540 dar cu 520 da.
Azi verific daca merge canopia de 550 si ce modificari la urechile de prindere ar trebui sa fac ptr ca intr-adevar canopia de 600 pare cam mare ptr el.

Si restul de foto :D

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4371.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4372.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4374.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4377.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4378.JPG

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#576 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 April 2014 - 08:55 AM

si alte foto

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4386.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4379.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4380.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4383.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4384.JPG

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#577 Useril este offline   furios 

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Postat 22 April 2014 - 03:02 PM

Pui role de raptor si curea de goblin 570-770 care are 6mm(intereseazate la pas cum vine ca lungime are) si ii pui boom de trekker

Ps.O poza din lateral cu canopy de 600(sa se vada tot heli) se poate?

Aceasta postare a fost editata de furios: 22 April 2014 - 03:03 PM

T-REX 700X
RAPTOR 90 SE gasser
Save the flybar !!

---------Alexe Gabriel----------

#578 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 April 2014 - 09:26 PM

Imi trebuie curea 672XL (336 dinti) cu latimea de 4,6mm ca sa pot pune coada normala de 600 :) cea de Goblin este prea lata si nu vreau sa modific si pinionul cozii...
KDS 550 merge cu astfel de curea dar latimea de 7mm - asta inseamna ptr ei pinioane mai late si grosim,ea cozii de 25mm nu 21 ca la 600
Exista o sansa sa gasesc o curea undeva la Timisoara - mi-a zis ReD de asta - si poat s-o taie cat vrei tu.

Mie imi trebuie curea subtire si maleabila nu lata si batoasa.

Azi am reusit sa pun si electronica - cu bateria si canopia se echilibreaza perfect

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4391.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4390.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4389.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4388.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4387.JPG

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#579 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 April 2014 - 09:32 PM

alte foto

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4402.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4401.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4400.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4399.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4398.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4397.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4395.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4392.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4393.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4394.JPG

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 22 April 2014 - 09:32 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#580 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 April 2014 - 09:37 PM

Si o comparatie cu Trex 550 - este identic la lungime (cu canopie) dar are coada mai scurta cu 3 cm (chiar daca din foto Trex550 pare mai scurt)
Nu se potriveste canopia de 550 ptr ca eu a trebuit sa mut trenul de aterizare cu 12mm in fata ptr a echilibra modelul cu bateria pe mijloc.

Daca nu gasesc curea mai lunga voi merge cu pale de 520 si de coada de 85 - ca la 550 :D

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4407.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4406.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4405.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4404.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4403.JPG

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#581 Useril este offline   furios 

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Postat 22 April 2014 - 09:58 PM

Bateria de receptie si BEC-ul unde vin montate?
T-REX 700X
RAPTOR 90 SE gasser
Save the flybar !!

---------Alexe Gabriel----------

#582 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 April 2014 - 10:41 PM

Vezi postareafurios, la 22 April 2014 - 09:58 PM, a spus:

Bateria de receptie si BEC-ul unde vin montate?

Pai am pus un YEP de 120A cu voltaj selectabil 5,5v - 7,4v - 8v si BEC de 20A
La V2 am pus ansamblul de plastic de la 600PRO in fata frame-ului pentru a muta centrul de greutate - si acolo era unitatea FBL - Receptor - BEC - baterie BEC - ESC

Acum sunt mai usor...
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#583 Useril este offline   furios 

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Postat 23 April 2014 - 06:06 AM

Mersi,am crezut ca e HV.
T-REX 700X
RAPTOR 90 SE gasser
Save the flybar !!

---------Alexe Gabriel----------

#584 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 23 April 2014 - 09:17 AM

Vezi postareafurios, la 23 April 2014 - 06:06 AM, a spus:

Mersi,am crezut ca e HV.

Servourile sunt Align DS610 iar pe coada un BLS de la Futaba :D
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#585 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 23 April 2014 - 10:11 AM

Poate are cineva niste pale de 520mm surub de 4 preferabil ptr FBL noi sau putin folosite
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#586 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 23 April 2014 - 11:53 AM

Vezi postareafurios, la 22 April 2014 - 03:02 PM, a spus:

Pui role de raptor si curea de goblin 570-770 care are 6mm(intereseazate la pas cum vine ca lungime are) si ii pui boom de trekker

Ps.O poza din lateral cu canopy de 600(sa se vada tot heli) se poate?

Se pare ca am gasit solutia! - Am vorbit azi cu cei de la Rolling - si au curea de 630XL (similara Raptor 50) si o pot taia la 4.6mm cat imi trebuie asa ca va trebui sa tai din coada (alta noua :D diar 1 sau 2cm si nu 11ca acum) deci va merge cu pale de 600 si va avea si proportia corecta...
Va tin la curent :D
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 23 April 2014 - 01:32 PM

Vezi postareaIonel, la 23 April 2014 - 09:17 AM, a spus:

Servourile sunt Align DS610 iar pe coada un BLS de la Futaba :D

Nu la servouri ma refeream ci la ESC.
T-REX 700X
RAPTOR 90 SE gasser
Save the flybar !!

---------Alexe Gabriel----------

#588 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 23 April 2014 - 09:21 PM

Vezi postareafurios, la 23 April 2014 - 01:32 PM, a spus:

Nu la servouri ma refeream ci la ESC.

ESC-ul duce dar servourile NU :D
Azi am dat comanda ptr curea vineri ar trebui sa o am si va spun mai departe cum merge :)
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 23 April 2014 - 09:39 PM

Zici ca vorbim in 2 limbi diferite.
Am crezut ca ESC-ul e HV,deci FARA BEC si daia am intrebat de BEC,iar ce ai acum nu e HV si LV(maxim 6S)insa cu BEC
Ma bucur ca ai rezolvat problema curelei si sper sa nu tai mult din coada,mai bine mai mare decat mai mica,mergea si strech la cat e de mare frameul.Bafta.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de furios: 23 April 2014 - 09:40 PM

T-REX 700X
RAPTOR 90 SE gasser
Save the flybar !!

---------Alexe Gabriel----------

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Postat 23 April 2014 - 09:52 PM

Vezi postareafurios, la 23 April 2014 - 09:39 PM, a spus:

Zici ca vorbim in 2 limbi diferite.
Am crezut ca ESC-ul e HV,deci FARA BEC si daia am intrebat de BEC,iar ce ai acum nu e HV si LV(maxim 6S)insa cu BEC
Ma bucur ca ai rezolvat problema curelei si sper sa nu tai mult din coada,mai bine mai mare decat mai mica,mergea si strech la cat e de mare frameul.Bafta.

asa e “helicopteristica“ :yahoo: dar pana la urma ne prindem ce a vrut sa zica celalalt...
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 25 April 2014 - 09:23 PM

Solutia cu 630XL nu e finala :) - a trebuit sa tai 5cm din coada de 600 - si in final va merge cu pale de 540-550
Oricum este un pas cu 6cm mai mare decat folosind cureaua 592XL (600standard)
Cureaua taiata la 4,4mm este Continental taiata f bine si merge f usor printre pinioane.

Proportia este mai buna acum - suportii de coada de carbon nu i-am taiat inca sunt de la 600

Solutia ideala este cureaua de 686XL - ca la Raptor 50 si ptr pale de 600mm - ce am eu acum este ptr Raptor 30 adica pale de 550mm

Si acum foto

daca nu gasesc curea de 686mm din care sa o tai la latimea de 4,5mm o sa ramana asa cu pale de 540mm - 550mm

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4414.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4413.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4412.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4411.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4425.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4421.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4420.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4419.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4418.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4416.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4415.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4410.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4408.JPG

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 25 April 2014 - 09:23 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 27 April 2014 - 10:08 PM

daca nu gasesc curea mai lunga imi trebuie o tija de actionare servo coada de 600 mm filetata la ambele capete :)
poate are cineva de la alte modele mai vechi... o cumpar bineinteles...

eu am de 650mm dar nu o pot fileta ptr ca filetul nu e de 2mm facut cu filiera ci prin roluire si iese de 2,15 ceva de genul acesta...

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 27 April 2014 - 10:08 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 27 April 2014 - 10:20 PM

sau poate aveti o tija de 600mm cu grosimea de 2mm ce se poate fileta (nu otel super tratat)

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 27 April 2014 - 10:21 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 28 April 2014 - 07:55 PM

nu o sa mai am nevoie de tija filetata de 600mm ptr ca am gasit alta solutie

Dupa ce toata ziua am cautat firme din Romania ce pot sa taie din curea 686XL (cea de Raptor 50) si sa o faca cu latimea de 4,5mm (din 6,4mm) - si nu am gasit (aveam 3buc de taiat) am fost sunat de accesi firma din Timisoara ca au gasit curea de 686XL si o pot taia ei si-am dat comanda de 5buc. :)

Cand ajung acasa ma suna de la o firma din Buc ca pot ei sa-mi taie cele 3 curele de Raptor - asa ca maine o sa am 3 curele - si vineri inca 5

Partea buna este ca NU mai trebuie taiat nimic din coada de 600 - tija de control este cea standard de la 600 Nitro (657mm) - nu mai trebuie sa tai nici din suportii de coada - pale de coada standard si pale de 600mm - si proportia va fi acum super (frame - lungimea generala)

never give up! :D

maine va pun foto
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#595 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 29 April 2014 - 07:12 PM

Si varianta finala - cu coada de 600 originala - netaiata - tija de actionare servo coada cea stock nitro - brate coada standard.
Am gait sa tai cureaua de 686XL si acum proportia canopie coada e cea corecta - cureaua e mai moale decat cea neagra standard si are un sunet placut cand trece printre intinzatoare.

Mai am sa setez unitatea FBL CopterX 3x1000 si apoi primul zbor saptamana viitoare :D

Si acum foto...

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4437.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4454.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4453.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4452.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4451.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4450.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4449.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4447.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4448.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4445.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4443.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4442.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4441.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4439.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4438.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4435.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4431.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_4434.JPG

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 29 April 2014 - 07:12 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 16 August 2014 - 11:37 PM

In cateva zile apare si Trex 600E custom frame versiunea 4 - totul pe curea :D

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 16 August 2014 - 11:38 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#597 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 26 August 2014 - 12:52 PM

Asa arata versiunea 4
o sa facem 2 bucati - una pentru aerofan (tot el s-a ocupat de comandat piesele de HD 500 folosite in acest proiect)

Pinion motor -15T - de la HD 500
Main gear principal - 120T - de la HD 500
Curea antrenare de la HD 500
Main gear secundar 42T de la KDS 550
Curea 686XL de 4,6mm latime comandata special (similara cu Raptor 50 dar mai ingusta)
Role intinzator de la Protos 500 - aluminiu
Motor 510 KV
Toate antrenariile sunt pe curea :)
Suportul rulment 2 (ax) include si suport motor

Pozitie ESC - 2 variante
Pozitie unitate FBL - 2 variante
Se poate pune si unitatea de plastic de la PRO ptr ESC si unitatea FBL

Al treilea rulment de la Align stock (la axul principal)
Al doilea rulment (ptr pinion motor) - Align standard - cu o bucsa de trecere de la 8-10mm
Base plate - HK de aluminiu
Suport coada - de HK aluminiu sau plastic Align (din care se taie)
Ax principal de la Outrage 50
Distantieri frame-uri - Align aluminiu
Distantieri suport 1 si 2 rulmenti - Align (scurtati de la 47mm la 43,5mm)

Headul va fi mai jos decat cel standard - ca la DFC
Lateralele din sticlotextolit de 2mm (de la aerofan :D )
Suport 1 rulment - Suport 2 rulment - si suport role intinzator - de dural
Rulmentii principali - Align standard

Daca va mai vine vre-o idee... astept sugestii...

Este gata ptr dat la CNC - sper sa fie un pret bun

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: Trex 600 CUSTOM V4  RHC.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 26 August 2014 - 02:45 PM

la cat ajunge ca pret frumusetea asta??

#599 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 26 August 2014 - 08:38 PM

Cel mai mult costa pinionul cureaua si maingearul de la HD 500 - aprox 70 euro
O sa va spun cand am si pretul de la CNC

Ce am uitat sa va spun este ca, acest proiect este gandit pentru viteza scazuta in rotor 1100-1500 cu baterii Zippy compact de 5000mAh mai usoare. O sa incerc si Flybar si FBL si o sa vad cum merge mai bine la rotatii reduse...
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 30 August 2014 - 08:14 PM

Mici modificari :)

a fost trimis la CNC - saptamana viitoare il avem gata...

Taiere frame sticlotextolit 2 buc (materialul nostru)
Suport rulment 1 - suport rulment 2 - ansamblu intinzator - 4 inaltatoare - o bucsa - 4 distanieri - material dural CNC

Total - 350lei :D

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: rhc2.jpg

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 30 August 2014 - 08:19 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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