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CUSTOM FRAME ptr Trex 600 E Pentru pasionatii de CAD

#301 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 22 July 2012 - 08:40 PM

Model 75

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: all.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: detail_1.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: DSC01728.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: DSC01729.JPG

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#302 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 23 July 2012 - 10:10 AM

Model 76

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: IMG_7654.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_7655.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_7656.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#303 Useril este offline   REAL DESIGN 

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Postat 23 July 2012 - 11:35 AM

Diversiune pe fata ! .. noi asteptam zborul si primele impresii si cand colo .. arhiva .. asteptam pentru ca avem rabdare .


Da cata rabdare a avut colegul nostru de a strans atata arhiva .. mai multa ca la CNSAS .... ( eu as fi preferat simulatorul
in locul "insectarului" asta cu modele de tot felul ... dar fiecare cu pasiunea lui ).
Warn Warn Warn Warn Warn Warn .. for ever !

#304 Useril este offline   luci25gold 

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Postat 23 July 2012 - 03:28 PM

Vezi postareaREAL DESIGN, la 23 July 2012 - 11:35 AM, a spus:

Diversiune pe fata ! .. noi asteptam zborul si primele impresii si cand colo .. arhiva .. asteptam pentru ca avem rabdare .


Da cata rabdare a avut colegul nostru de a strans atata arhiva .. mai multa ca la CNSAS .... ( eu as fi preferat simulatorul
in locul "insectarului" asta cu modele de tot felul ... dar fiecare cu pasiunea lui ).

daca bate vintul ,ca la Tecuci(de 2 zile bate un vint numai firul lui),atunci inteleg de ce intirzie zborul
Ne traim viata in mare viteza, incercam sa rascumparam timpul,
insa de cele mai multe ori deciziile pe care le luam in pripa nu sunt cele mai bune!

#305 Useril este offline   REAL DESIGN 

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Postat 23 July 2012 - 06:49 PM

Vezi postarealuci25gold, la 23 July 2012 - 03:28 PM, a spus:

daca bate vintul ,ca la Tecuci(de 2 zile bate un vint numai firul lui),atunci inteleg de ce intirzie zborul

Azi a batut rau de tot si in Bucuresti ...dar mai il indarjim si noi pe colegul Ionel asa ca intre forumisti ...
Warn Warn Warn Warn Warn Warn .. for ever !

#306 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 23 July 2012 - 08:00 PM

Daca nu mai bate vantul asa tare, daca nu sunt 39 de grade, daca suntem sanatosi, daca avem bani de motorina :D, daca am chef, daca bateriile sunt incarcate si elicopterul e pregatit de zbor... daca... daca... poate ca miercuri sau joi o sa fac prima proba cu el zburand...

Stiu ca vreti sa il vedeti zburand dar nu uitati ca eu vreau acest lucru mai mult decat voi :)
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#307 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 24 July 2012 - 12:53 PM

Model 77 - Gaui Hurricane 550 EP

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: 100_0347.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 100_0349.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 100_0389.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 100_0413.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#308 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 24 July 2012 - 01:05 PM

77 - 2

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: 100_0417.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 100_0430.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 100_0465.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 100_0539.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#309 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 24 July 2012 - 01:12 PM

77 - 3

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: 901.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: 204770.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: img_0425.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: wpid-IMG_1407-2011-05-4-14-531.jpg

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 24 July 2012 - 01:13 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#310 Useril este offline   takeoff 

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Postat 24 July 2012 - 03:56 PM

Nu ai niste poze cu intinzatoare pt. curea coada?

#311 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 24 July 2012 - 09:30 PM

Uite ce am gasit - poate te ajuta cu o idee buna - intinderea se face ori la unceputul cozii ori la afarsit sau chiar cu amandoua metodele :blink:

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: goblin_011.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_0213.JPG
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_0697.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_0700.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_0703.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_0704.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: Picture 071.jpg

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 24 July 2012 - 09:30 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#312 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 24 July 2012 - 09:54 PM

am mai gasit una

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: Miniature Aircraft Furion 600E (unveiled)3.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#313 Useril este offline   takeoff 

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Postat 25 July 2012 - 01:10 AM

ok,merci mult,imi place metoda de la Kasama.

#314 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 25 July 2012 - 10:03 AM

ma bucur ca pana la urma au fost bune si fotografiile prezentate... ^_^

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 25 July 2012 - 10:04 AM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#315 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 25 July 2012 - 06:14 PM

Am mai gasit ceva...

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: rcpl61012 tail rotor drive and guard.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#316 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 26 July 2012 - 04:10 PM

Am totul pregatit - bateriile incarcate, maine mai pe racoare - (33grade sper) ptr ca ziua va fi 39grade - cred ca voi face primul zbor cu 600 custom 8)
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#317 Useril este offline   luci25gold 

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Postat 26 July 2012 - 04:23 PM

Vezi postareaIonel, la 26 July 2012 - 04:10 PM, a spus:

Am totul pregatit - bateriile incarcate, maine mai pe racoare - (33grade sper) ptr ca ziua va fi 39grade - cred ca voi face primul zbor cu 600 custom 8)

sigur !!!

zboruri nocturne.
miine o sa fie mai cald decit azi!!!
Ne traim viata in mare viteza, incercam sa rascumparam timpul,
insa de cele mai multe ori deciziile pe care le luam in pripa nu sunt cele mai bune!

#318 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 26 July 2012 - 04:55 PM

pentru vremea asta era buna o sala de sport acoperita - cu aeeeeeeeeeer conditionat si sucuri la gheata... 8)
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#319 Useril este offline   luci25gold 

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Postat 26 July 2012 - 05:04 PM

Vezi postareaIonel, la 26 July 2012 - 04:55 PM, a spus:

pentru vremea asta era buna o sala de sport acoperita - cu aeeeeeeeeeer conditionat si sucuri la gheata... 8)

si o bere la rece mergea (doar visuri....)!
Ne traim viata in mare viteza, incercam sa rascumparam timpul,
insa de cele mai multe ori deciziile pe care le luam in pripa nu sunt cele mai bune!

#320 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 26 July 2012 - 05:15 PM

Vezi postarealuci25gold, la 26 July 2012 - 05:04 PM, a spus:

si o bere la rece mergea (doar visuri....)!

numai suc si apa plata cu lamaie... altfel e periculos sa pilotezi heli... 8)

poate doar daca e fara alcool... :p
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#321 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 26 July 2012 - 07:38 PM

Model 78 - Custom Heli

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: rcpl61012 metal from and rotor head.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: rcpl61012 robo package ARF.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: rcpl61012 tail rotor drive and guard.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: rcpl61012close up rotor head.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#322 Useril este offline   luci25gold 

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Postat 27 July 2012 - 03:51 PM

Vezi postareaIonel, la 26 July 2012 - 05:15 PM, a spus:

numai suc si apa plata cu lamaie... altfel e periculos sa pilotezi heli... :)

poate doar daca e fara alcool... :)

doar daca sint helii adevarate ,la modelism mai merge si o bere rece!
Ne traim viata in mare viteza, incercam sa rascumparam timpul,
insa de cele mai multe ori deciziile pe care le luam in pripa nu sunt cele mai bune!

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Postat 27 July 2012 - 07:48 PM

Vezi postarealuci25gold, la 27 July 2012 - 03:51 PM, a spus:

doar daca sint helii adevarate ,la modelism mai merge si o bere rece!

mai ales pe simulator - chiar nu are ce sa se intample rau... :drinks:

N-am reusit sa ies azi... prea cald frate - mai astept, poate maine...
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#324 Useril este offline   luci25gold 

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Postat 27 July 2012 - 08:19 PM

Vezi postareaIonel, la 27 July 2012 - 07:48 PM, a spus:

mai ales pe simulator - chiar nu are ce sa se intample rau... :drinks:

N-am reusit sa ies azi... prea cald frate - mai astept, poate maine...

am si eu un fbl care asteapta sa zboare de cind am venit din concediu (13.07)
dar nu am reusit sa-l testez (prea vint ,prea cald ,prea ca "la tara"vorba reclamei!!!)

Aceasta postare a fost editata de luci25gold: 27 July 2012 - 08:21 PM

Ne traim viata in mare viteza, incercam sa rascumparam timpul,
insa de cele mai multe ori deciziile pe care le luam in pripa nu sunt cele mai bune!

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Postat 27 July 2012 - 09:03 PM

pai ce sa facem daca vara e prea cald si iarna prea frig... ;) noi cand mai zburam frate daca nu mai avem primavara si toamna? :drinks:
TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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Postat 28 July 2012 - 12:19 PM

Model 79 - SJM450

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: DSCF0038-1.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: DSCF0067-1.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: DSCF0072-1.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: DSCF0073-1.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: headbutton.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: IMG_9821.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#327 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 28 July 2012 - 12:28 PM

79 - 2

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: Rotor head.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: SJM215-7.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: sjm325_h1.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: sjm325rx1.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: SJM360TI-4.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#328 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 28 July 2012 - 12:36 PM

79 - 3

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: SJM400-C-Pro_rct.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: sjm500b1.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: sjm500h1.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: sjm500s1.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: SJM_Piranhaedition.jpg

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Ionel: 28 July 2012 - 12:36 PM

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#329 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 29 July 2012 - 07:53 PM

Model 80 - SJM-430

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: DSC01750.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: DSC01751.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: DSC01753.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: DSC01754.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: DSC01755.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: DSC01756.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

#330 Useril este offline   HELIFAN 

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Postat 29 July 2012 - 07:59 PM

80 - 2

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: DSC01758.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: DSC01759.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: DSC01760.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: DSC01761.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: sjm325_1.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: sjm325_3.jpg

TX - Futaba T-10CAP 2,4 Ghz - Radio
Spirit L16 Robbe in fuselaj Agusta 109 | Spirit L16 Robbe - clasa 550 | Taurus 50 electric clasa 600 |
Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.2 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.3 | Trex 600E FBL Custom Frame V.4 |
2buc. Buggy - ANSMANN Master Smacker 1:10 4WD electic
3buc. Truggy - ANSMANN Royal Flash 1:10 4WD electic
TX - RadioLink RC3S 2.4GHz

Proiectele mele:
Trex600E custom frame V1 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__240 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V2 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__480
Trex600E custom frame V3 - http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__570 --- --- --- Trex600E custom frame V4
- http://www.rhcforum....e/page__st__600

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