Din intamplare am dat peste acest topic legat de firmware Altis, topic care s-a dus in discutii privind crash-uri generate de Altis.
Se pare ca Altis a busit cateva planoare scumpe, mufele de servo sunt slabe si daca toata alimentarea trece prin Altis (asa cum se intampla daca ai BEC-ul in ESC) ai sanse sa o patesti.
Solutii sunt, fie BEC separat, fie inlocuit mufele cu unele bune, fie sarit Altis-ul din schema alimentarii RX, avand in vedere cat costa un model de competitie e o chestie serioasa.
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Probleme Altis mufe servo slabe
Postat 04 August 2020 - 06:12 PM
planoarele mele http://www.rhcforum....lanoarele-mele/
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
Postat 28 September 2020 - 10:56 PM
Am vazut cu ochii mei un planor busit ramas fara comenzi. Statie Futaba noua, receptor Futaba, inclin sa cred ca vinovatul este Altis.
De la Joe Wurts direct:
We have found serious issues with the Altis plugs that do not make a reliable connection. If one is really diligent using a magnifying glass and a fine pin, one can modify the wiper on the recepticle plug to increase the wiper force. Look at the Altis "female" plug and compare to a high quality JR plug. The internal pin on the Altis is lacking... We have had several issues before replacing the Altis plugs with high quality plugs (as well as hard wiring the power and ground bypass around the Altis to minimize any risks). Only cost a few planes... After the modifications, everything has worked great. I have run power from the balance plug via the first two cells. Now, just use the ESC BEC.
Altis-ul meu e pe modelul care are BEC separat asa ca nu sunt stresat.
De la Joe Wurts direct:
We have found serious issues with the Altis plugs that do not make a reliable connection. If one is really diligent using a magnifying glass and a fine pin, one can modify the wiper on the recepticle plug to increase the wiper force. Look at the Altis "female" plug and compare to a high quality JR plug. The internal pin on the Altis is lacking... We have had several issues before replacing the Altis plugs with high quality plugs (as well as hard wiring the power and ground bypass around the Altis to minimize any risks). Only cost a few planes... After the modifications, everything has worked great. I have run power from the balance plug via the first two cells. Now, just use the ESC BEC.
Altis-ul meu e pe modelul care are BEC separat asa ca nu sunt stresat.
planoarele mele http://www.rhcforum....lanoarele-mele/
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
elicopterele mele http://www.rhcforum....-mele-stiganas/
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