Modele deosebite Viitoarele noastre proiecte ?
Postat 16 February 2005 - 12:53 AM
Este intr-adevar o alternativa la un motor electric mai de inceput de gama.,cat,6,0,1221
Mi-a placut foarte mult cum arata. Domnu' presedinte va rog sa ne spuneti parerea.
Postat 16 February 2005 - 08:06 AM
Cu rabdare si ciocan.
Postat 17 February 2005 - 09:25 AM
The Rotabuggy was first towed along the runway at high speed behind a 4.5l supercharged Bentley, eventually attaining towed airborne speeds up to 105kph IAS, the Rotabuggy becoming airborne for the first time on 16 November 1943. These trials took place at Sherburn-in-Elmet, near Leeds, where, eventually, the Rotabuggy was towed into the air behind a Whitley. The initial test behind the Whitley allegedly left much to be desired, the "hanging" control column threshing about and the "pilot" having to exert all his strength to maintain control.
The initial problems were progressively ironed out, and the general handling and flying qualities of the Rotabuggy were eventually described officially as "highly satisfactory", but the availability of vechicle-carrying gliders rendered further development unnecessary.
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Number of downloads: 179
Postat 17 February 2005 - 09:26 AM
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Number of downloads: 233
Postat 17 February 2005 - 09:28 AM
Raoul Hafner's wartime work included the design and development of the Rotachute, a man carrying glider with a rotating wing. Towed by an aircraft to he~ghts of some 1220 m (4,000 ft), it could be piloted in any direction after release. This was seen as a stage in the development of a man carrying 'parachute' with a rotating wing that could be carried in an aircraft in a folded state and would deploy automatically when used in an emergency. Other wartime work was concentrated on the development of a Rotabuggy, basically a 'jeep'-type general-purpose military truck with an easily attached/detached rotary wing that would allow such vehicles to be towed and deployed behind enemy lines. A prototype was flown extensively during 1943-44, but did not become operational. In the postwar years, Raoul Hafner's great experience of rotating wings proved valuable to the Bristol and est;and aircraft companies
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Rotabuggy_202.jpg (13.99K)
Number of downloads: 140
Postat 17 February 2005 - 09:35 AM
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Number of downloads: 137
Postat 22 February 2005 - 07:31 AM
xorg, la 12 Dec 2004, 23:43, a spus:
In stea inca nu stiu dar uite unul boxer si diesel pe deasupra :
Este interesant cum regleaza compresia la doi cilindri :) Dar la unul in stea ?
Ar trebui sa aruncati o privire si aici :
Chiar azi ma gandeam daca n-ar fi bun un reductor si la deobicei deja s-au gandit altii :D
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Se poate si asa ?: 22 February 2005 - 06:38 PM
Postat 22 February 2005 - 06:43 PM
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Se poate si asa ?: 22 February 2005 - 06:45 PM
Postat 22 February 2005 - 06:46 PM
Singura problema ar fi cu pornitul. Avem de tras la pala de trei ori cu mai multa forta. Dar si motorul s-ar invarti de trei ori mai repede....
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Se poate si asa ?: 22 February 2005 - 06:48 PM
Postat 22 February 2005 - 07:16 PM
Al doilea motor... e ingenioasa ideea numai ca am impresia ca ar fi imposibil d pornit la pala pt ca dintii curele nu ar rezista fortelor implicate. Cred ca acest motor este pornit pneumatic cumva ... Daca te uiti mai tent la esapamant ai sa observi ca are un fel de racord. Probabil acolo se cupleaza un fel de "ASPIRATOR"
Postat 22 February 2005 - 07:47 PM
Celalalt este ciudat. Sincer nu prea sun lamurit ce-i cu el.
Cureaua cred ca rezista. Doar ca-i mai greu de dat la trei ori :o
Daca aspiri pe esapament pistonul va urca pana astupa fereastra si atat.
Postat 22 February 2005 - 10:37 PM
Aceasta postare a fost editata de MrSpace: 22 February 2005 - 10:37 PM
Postat 22 February 2005 - 11:17 PM
Celalalt...... Pe fotografie scrie " In-Line "
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Se poate si asa ?: 22 February 2005 - 11:18 PM
Postat 23 February 2005 - 01:50 PM
Postat 23 February 2005 - 05:01 PM
Postat 23 February 2005 - 05:12 PM
MRX, la 23 Feb 2005, 13:50, a spus:
Pai de asta stim. Vorbirea era de cel de deasupra lui. Cel pe care scrie " In line " Il mai pun o data ca s-a uitat subiectul :
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Se poate si asa ?: 23 February 2005 - 05:14 PM
Postat 24 February 2005 - 08:14 AM
Cu rabdare si ciocan.
Postat 27 February 2005 - 03:58 PM
motoare rotative cu abur. Bijuterii tehnice. Din 1910 s-au inregistrat peste 2 000 de patente :)
Postat 28 February 2005 - 09:35 AM
Postat 28 February 2005 - 04:23 PM
Si sa revenim in prezent. Planoareeeeeee ..... alte bunatati :
O idee excelenta pentru a decola pe camp.....parea mea :
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Se poate si asa ?: 28 February 2005 - 05:42 PM
Postat 05 March 2005 - 12:35 AM
Ba se poate. De fapt se poate aproape orice cu muuuulta munca.
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Balon1.jpg (99.46K)
Number of downloads: 310
Postat 23 March 2005 - 02:02 AM
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ScanImage20.jpg (63.17K)
Number of downloads: 194
Postat 23 March 2005 - 10:11 AM
Postat 27 March 2005 - 02:48 AM
Postat 28 March 2005 - 05:03 AM
Daca considerati ca ar fi timpul sa incercam si sa proiectam si astfel sa inchidem cercul este un bun inceput.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Se poate si asa ?: 28 March 2005 - 05:06 AM
Postat 31 March 2005 - 03:53 AM si anume
Ultra RC Katana 50
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Se poate si asa ?: 31 March 2005 - 03:56 AM
Postat 17 April 2005 - 11:46 PM
Aeromodel ce poate merge inapoi !!!!! Datorita unei elici cu pas variabil.
Nu am cuvinte......
Postat 20 April 2005 - 05:26 AM
S-a ajuns la cand 5D ?
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Se poate si asa ?: 20 April 2005 - 05:27 AM