lefmir, la Feb 27 2010, 05:02 PM, a spus:
nu cred ca e problema din moment ce avionul pe care vrei sa-l "schemuiesti" nu e 1:1...nu-mi spune tu mie ca aia cu ochii oblici au cerut acordul celor din echipa "blue angels" cand au facut F-18-urile din spuma.
Si in plus...e Romania...tara lu'...stii tu cine :rolleyes:
Nu as baga mana in foc , plus ca nu este nici etic in final.
Uite am gasit si un extras de la conditiile puse de producator .
Order now. Get your own exclusive scheme!
There are many schemes on the market. Many schemes are nice but it is very difficult to fully appeal to everyone. I know I'm not fully satisfied with
what is out there and neither should you be. If you are as bored as me with the current schemes on the market, or just can't find the right one - look no further. We have the solution - No longer must you accept the schemes currently on the market ! It is really fun to be unique and like never before to own a private scheme on an ARF. The scheme will belong to you and you alone ! No one else in the world will have the exact same plane - which is currently very common. Where ever you fly, people will know you by your custom airplane. Don't worry about not having the skills or time to do your own covering - let us do it for you. Get your own unique custom covering scheme from Pilot-RC ! Just send us the photos of your scheme and we'll take it from there.
Important Note:
1. Please confirm your pricate scheme is legal. We will not make the scheme that the copyright does not belong to you.
2. We can only quote after we get the scheme photo. If the color of the covering is less than 4 colors. Usually price is :
$79 for one 30CC and 50CC plane
$95 for one 85CC and 100CC plane
$179 for one 150CC plane
$199 for one 200CC plane
3. we will not build your private scheme for anyone else and we will not put your private scheme on our website except you allow us to do it.
Nu am inteles din text daca producatorul DOAR nu isi asuma raspunderea sau IMI CERE si un document in acest sens si daca DA care ar fi acel document ?
Scuze Calin scriam in acelasi timp !
Aceasta postare a fost editata de REAL DESIGN: 27 February 2010 - 05:14 PM
Warn Warn Warn Warn Warn Warn .. for ever !