Superexpertul e chiar superexpert. DVD-urile produse sub sigla Radio Carbon Art sunt de referinta.
Partea misto e ca diversi piloti profesionisti au zburat in cei 2-3 ani de cand a fost lansat Radianul stoc si au fost foarte multumiti. Banuiesc ca nu si-au pus problema sa il studieze mai atent si era oricum o distractie simpla intre 2 zboruri adevarate. Acum cateva zile intra in scena Paul Naton care isi castiga existenta cu asta - seteaza planoare. Asa ca l-a luat si pe asta la puricat si a gasit pe langa ieftinaciunile din constructie si chestia majora cu ungjiul de incidenta la profundor si CG-ul. Daca omul are dreptate inseamna ca un planor care oricum era foarte bun (cel mai bun din spuma) devine si mai bun, si mai competitiv. Inca 2 citate din posturile lui.
If I get time, I will do a quick video on the mods I made. A very poor flying plane out of the box, the tuning turned the dog into a plane that
flies way better than my old Spirit 2M.
I never said the stock plane won't fly, never said don't buy it. Never said foam is crap. Did I say the box stock Radian felt like a dog? Yes, but remember that's relative to what I know of how a good plane should fly. Out of the box its flyable sure, but it certainly does to handle as well as it should, nor glide as efficiently as it could. Especially as compared to a Gentle Lady, Spirit, or Wanderer, all of which I have built and trained others to fly in the past. Some of the gear, its installation, rigging and flight settings are not what they could be. That's my expert opinion.
De ce oare HorizonHobby a decis sa-l proiecteze asa ? (nu e din greseala, nu e un kit china) - banuiec ca in felul acesta e mai stabil si mai usor de pilotat de catre incepatori. Un planor bine setat e foarte sensibil si destul de instabil.
Ce inseamna asta pentru mine ? Zboruri si mai misto cu Radian, motive in plus sa scriu pe forum cat de tare si grozav e.