Citeva detali despre model:
Product Specifications
Wingspan: 105 in (2667mm)
Overall Length: 98 in (2489mm) with spinner
Wing Area: 2003 sq in (129 sq dm)
Flying Weight: 27–30 lb (12–14 kg)
Engine Size: 100–116cc gas
Radio: 4-channel or more
Servos: 8 servos (or 9 if using two rudder servos instead of 1)
Trim Scheme Colors: White (HANU870), Cub Yellow (HANU884), True Red (HANU866) & Pearl Purple (HANU847)
Spinner Size: 4 ½ in
Hardware Included: Yes
Echiparea aleasa de mine:
Motor: DLE 111
Elice: 3W 27 x 10
Servo 3xHitec HS-7954SH HIGH VOLTAGE pe coada(profundorx2 directiex1) 29kg la 7.4v , 4xHitec HS-5645MG (pe aripi) 12.1kg la 6v.
Receptor AR9100 DSM2 cu 3 sateliti si alimentat de 2 bateri lipo.
Pack: 2x2200mah (pt.receptie) 1x1600mah (pt.aprindere)
Pina acuma asamblare a decurs ca la carte.Mai este putin pina la maiden.
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