tunarul "BISTRITA" 1888
Postat 05 January 2011 - 06:42 PM
Postat 05 January 2011 - 09:00 PM
Buna Mugur,
...o idee buna cu 87 mm. Acum eu iti voi posta cam tot ce gasesc referitor la aceste tunuri...si consider ca te-ar interesa
iepurasul a mai scos una din palarie
source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...y_b61_426-2.jpg
tunul din mijloc jos....e varianta cu pivot
...o idee buna cu 87 mm. Acum eu iti voi posta cam tot ce gasesc referitor la aceste tunuri...si consider ca te-ar interesa
iepurasul a mai scos una din palarie
source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...y_b61_426-2.jpg
tunul din mijloc jos....e varianta cu pivot
Aceasta postare a fost editata de claudiu_ne: 05 January 2011 - 09:01 PM
Postat 30 September 2012 - 05:37 PM
Iata ce am gasit intamplator cautand detalii despre alta nava romaneasca din aceeasi perioada.
Si articolul de la pag 375:
"The Roumanian Government have just augmented their small navy by the addition of three coastguard vessels, built by the
Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company, Black wall, illustrations of which we have pleasure in publishing on page 368.
The vessels are named after three rivers, viz., the Oltul, Siretul, and Bistrita, and are oft he following dimensions :-Length
between perpendiculars, 100ft.; beam, 13ft. 6in.; drought, 6ft.; speed, 11 knots natural draught, and 1 3~ knots moderate
forced draught; indicated power for 11 knots, 160 horses; coal consumption in six hours' tr ial, 1·97lb. per horse per hour; and
with power for 13·215 knots, 2·06 lb. per horae per hour. These vessels carry 1·87 mm. and 2·4 7 mm. Hotchkiss machine
guns, and will prove very useful vessels at the n1out.h of the Danube. They left the Thames in company on August 12th,
and arrived at Galatz on August 31st, coating at Gibraltar and Malta; and after running speed trials for the satisfaction of the
authorities at Galatz, were taken over, not a single hitch occurring throughout, a great satisfaction to all concerned."
Si articolul de la pag 375:
"The Roumanian Government have just augmented their small navy by the addition of three coastguard vessels, built by the
Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company, Black wall, illustrations of which we have pleasure in publishing on page 368.
The vessels are named after three rivers, viz., the Oltul, Siretul, and Bistrita, and are oft he following dimensions :-Length
between perpendiculars, 100ft.; beam, 13ft. 6in.; drought, 6ft.; speed, 11 knots natural draught, and 1 3~ knots moderate
forced draught; indicated power for 11 knots, 160 horses; coal consumption in six hours' tr ial, 1·97lb. per horse per hour; and
with power for 13·215 knots, 2·06 lb. per horae per hour. These vessels carry 1·87 mm. and 2·4 7 mm. Hotchkiss machine
guns, and will prove very useful vessels at the n1out.h of the Danube. They left the Thames in company on August 12th,
and arrived at Galatz on August 31st, coating at Gibraltar and Malta; and after running speed trials for the satisfaction of the
authorities at Galatz, were taken over, not a single hitch occurring throughout, a great satisfaction to all concerned."
Postat 02 October 2012 - 12:01 PM
Foarte interesant, multumesc pentru poze. Se vede tot aranjamentul interior, boilerul scotian, motorul cu dubla expansiune.<br style="font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">Mai lipseste planul de forme pt coaste si ar fi gata de facut un model frumos.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de kno3: 02 October 2012 - 12:03 PM
Postat 14 November 2016 - 01:28 PM
Salut tuturor,azi am intrat pe acest topic si am vazut citeva referiri la yachtul Carolus Primus;din pacate acesta nu a fost construit in 1840 si nici in santierele Simpson&Stricklan;
In realitate a fost construit in 1903, in santierele A&J Inglis Ltd Glasgow(deci improbabil ca cineva care detine propriul santier sa dea o comanda concurentei)yard Pointhouse nr 274
sub numele de Oithona nr oficial 115768 sub steag britanic,cumparat in 1909 de CED Sulina;pentru cei care doresc pot sa pun la dispozitie planurile originale;deasemeni acum citeva zile am pus mina pe o publicatie franceza in care sint prezentate planurile unor salupe torpiloare(torpile scondru) de acelasi tip cu Rindunica(planurile le ofer doritorilor cu conditia sa mai astepte citeva zile pina le scanez).
In realitate a fost construit in 1903, in santierele A&J Inglis Ltd Glasgow(deci improbabil ca cineva care detine propriul santier sa dea o comanda concurentei)yard Pointhouse nr 274
sub numele de Oithona nr oficial 115768 sub steag britanic,cumparat in 1909 de CED Sulina;pentru cei care doresc pot sa pun la dispozitie planurile originale;deasemeni acum citeva zile am pus mina pe o publicatie franceza in care sint prezentate planurile unor salupe torpiloare(torpile scondru) de acelasi tip cu Rindunica(planurile le ofer doritorilor cu conditia sa mai astepte citeva zile pina le scanez).