Dupa cum se vede din titlu, cele doua modele sunt un Yak 54 Graupner si o Extra 300S Huawei.
Datele tehnice date de producatori sunt:
Extra 300S
Construction: painted fiberglass fuselage, covered balsa sheet with foam inside wings.
Wing span: 1750mm (68inch)
Fuselage length: 1490mm
Main wing area: 54dm2
Weight: 2500g (without engine and R/C control devices, all accessories included)
Wing loading: 85g/dm2
Suggested engine: 23cc-40cc gasoline engine
Extra homepage
Yak 54
Wingspan approx. 1620 mm
Overall length excl. spinner approx. 1430 mm
Wing area approx. 49 dm²
Tailplane area approx. 12 dm²
Total surface area approx. 61 dm²
All-up weight according to fittings approx. 3600 g
Fisiere atasate
Yak_54.jpg (9.95K)
Number of downloads: 2373 -
Extra_small.jpg (199.18K)
Number of downloads: 2348