In buletinul informativ de azi prin email Graupner anunta un nou sortiment de baterii disponibile, si anume nanophosphate, la noi cunoscute mai mult ca LiFe sau A123.
Discharge: 30C continuous current and 60C peak current possible.
Discharge up to 2V per cell possible.
The cells are protected by the metal case.
Up to 1000 cycles are possible thanks to the nanotechnology.
(NiMH 50-300 cycles at comparable load)
Fast charge by use of LiFe charging mode:
Fast charge up to 100% full load in 15 min possible
(only with ULTRAMAT 17, ULTRA DUO PLUS 50, also suitable for ULTRAMAT 16)
Charging procedure continuous current/ continuous voltage
(CC/CV) Max. charge voltage 3.6 V/cell LiFe charge mode
The special Lilo-Nanophosphate ® technology is surcharge-proof up to 4,2 V and prevents dangerous thermal runaway typical for LiPo
Balancer connector:
All battery packs with Graupner balancer connector
Gama merge de la o celula singura 3.3V 1100mAh AA size 40gr 12Eur pana la 4cell 2s2p 6.6V 4600mAh 80A 332gr 86Eur
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